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Anyway, @quid. It seems if I comment against something, it gets upvoted; If I comment in support of another's answer, or I answer, it gets downvoted. Hence I don't think I can be useful to this site any further. There are clearly at least six users tracking my every move on this site. Perhaps I should play reversed psychology and support what I'm against, and criticize what I'm for, because I think that would get better results from all my contrarians.
@amWhy some of the phenomena you describe are real but this is perhaps a bit of a fatalistic view.
hey people!
i believe its late in the night for you
@quid Oh, great, another criticism!
4th of july's coming up soon! 🥳🎉 hope @amWhy , @quid and every other us citizen are really enjoying their time!!
1 hour later…
@amWhy ,it was 2;30 AM
@amWhy ,please have second thoughts on the implications of it :-)
@amWhy you.are.not.leaving. imagine how many good answers we'll lose in the time to come! Sometimes it's essential to ignore a few people for the greater good for this site and what we learn from it! You honestly shouldn't let a couple downvotes ruin your day. And for any rude comments, @quid can take care of them for you.
(no I'm not a Grindelwald fan ,btw)
@amWhy, look how wonderful comment was made by sai kartik, maybe you should think about mod elections
@Arjun true that. @amWhy and @quid would make a great team!
4 hours later…
@amWhy sorry if I did not phrase this well. The intent of this comment was a different one. More like "but the glass is also half-full"
4 hours later…
@quid No problem, @quid. But I'd say the "glass is only 20% full" at this point in time.
@amWhy alright, but then don't complain to be called a fatalist :-)
@amWhy are you seriously considering quitting MSE?
This is ultimately your decision and we all should respect it; whether we agree or disagree
I advise you to check this thread out:
In my humble opinion, there is so much good in this site than there is bad
The thread I linked contains amazing answers and motives to contribute to this site.. let alone the quality you bring to this site
I hope you will reconsider your decision on this matter :)
@quid You can't begin to understand what life is like for me on this site. Call me whatever you want to call me, but stop blaming my perception all the time.
@amWhy I don't blame you. I meant to cheer you up. But I don't manage to hit the right tone today it seems. :(
@quid I'm sorry. I appreciate everyone's efforts to cheer me up. I am not angry with you, @quid.
@OmarS I don't think this is the first time @amWhy is considering to quit.. she'll understand the value of this site and hopefully regret planning to quit in the first place ! :)
@sai-kartik Let me be clear that I have no current "plan" to quit. But I sometimes consider seriously whether I should. No worries, everyone. I appreciate my chat relationships, but on main and meta, it seems best for me to remain invisible.
@amWhy take your time.. when you remember Taylor swift saying "..and the haters gonna hate, hate, hate.." you can come back online on main and meta :)
@amWhy Forgive me if it looks like a lot easier said than done...
@amWhy, if something is right, you do it even if the odds are not in your favour,
it might sound stupid but this works for me'
5 hours later…
@Arjun I agree, and it does not sound stupid. But I doubt my participation on this site is right, anymore. Because I don't think the direction this site has taken is right, anymore.
The mods have become a "police force" responsible for protecting "criminals" far more than the "law abiding citizens" of this site. So that law abiding citizens are always in danger due to criminal acts against them. That's not the sort of "society" I want to invest myself in.
@amWhy , btw, is this site controlled by any other firm or non profit organisation?
i mean who owns it?
@Arjun An organization that is not concerned with doing what is right, only what makes the network more popular and hence, profitable.
@amWhy , apart from quid, i don't think i have ever been able to communicate with any other mod
@Arjun @quid is without question the best mod ever elected to moderate this site. quid is the image and the exemplar of what mods should do.
@amWhy , which in itself is a from of bussiness
@amWhy , i haven't seen any mod ever online except quid and robjohn(presence dosen't make it any better tho)
It really isn't this site's mods that are the problem. But to remain mods, they must abide by SE codes, and have limitations of what they can do. About 20% of the mods on this site try to make a difference, but for the most part, their hands are tied.
Ironically, @quid just left this room! Maybe I've given him more credit than is due.
@amWhy , can't we boycott the site for this cause and give more powers to mods
@amWhy , here he comes
welcome my captain O captain, @quid
@Arjun There are too many users who would remain to gain as much reputation as possible, in the absence of users who try to hold them accountable for asking and answering mostly only good questions, which is made very clear, everywhere on this site, if someone sincerely wants to ask a good question, and answer a good question.
@quid Hello!
@amWhy what's up?
@amWhy , your information about the users dazzles me
@quid Not much.
@amWhy that's not always bad.
@quid, let me guess, are you very happy RN?
@Arjun sorry I am confused. I am very happy?
@quid , i need some sleep, see my typing
i edited the question
@Arjun Is RN "right now"?
@amWhy , yes
That I am very happy would be an overstatement. But I am reasonably happy.
@quid , good night to an Reasonably happy guy and also to @amWhy
@Arjun good night
@Arjun Good night!
1 hour later…
@quid NOW, I will be leaving this site.
@amWhy that would be a pity.
@quid I think that's what you've been working for all along, @quid.
Suspended because of a comment here? Despite what the OP said to me, who is not suspended? I am tired of the highly selective and arbitrary enforcement on this site of the Code of Conduct.
@amWhy I understand that you are upset. I would prefer not to get into a heated exchange You know that this is not what I have been working for. To say it just makes us both feel bad. Well, maybe it makes you feel better briefly, but not in the long run.
@amWhy it was not about this at least not mostly. It was about no one specific thing.
@quid No, it doesn't make me feel better to say it. But sometimes truth has to be stated. Of course, you don't want me to upset others. So Everyone else, everything is aokay :-) :-) Don't rock the boat, right, @quid?
@quid It was "just because?" Of course it was. So you and Co. can make all the trouble makers on this site happy!! As I said earlier, you're all here to make SE a success, and if keeping hoards of abusers on this site means sacrificing me regularly, you all oblige.
@amWhy indeed I do not want you to up-set others. Generally we do not want users to up-set each other.
That's really the heart of the matter.
@quid But you don't give a damn if hoards of users upset me. They can keep me in a cellar, abuse me, but if it's only me they abuse, that's okay. But if I make a few frown, if it's more than one, that's not okay. I don't think you get how idiotic your reasoning, and the reasoning you are obliged to support, is. I know you have your hands tied, @quid. But Im sick of being your sacrificial lamb. Bye, @quid.
Or maybe I need to start flagging 100 x the number of flags I currently raise, and scream to CM's every day to get the results others seem to get. Nothing mods to is transparent. And I'm sick of mods babying abusers of this site. Again, bye @quid, and most of all, Bye SE.
As usual we do not give details but if you think you are the only one that got into trouble with the mods over varied recent event it would be incorrect. @amWhy
@quid I highly doubt that. Anyway, go and celebrate with those who celebrate my absence from the site. Enjoy yourself!
@amWhy :-(
Calum is still up and running, and that's a travesty, given the way he treated half a dozen users yesterday.
@quid Don't pout, your their hero. Certainly you know that ;-|, so enjoy whatever bribes they promised to you. wink wink
Or, did you mean by me not being the only one, did you also suspend Xander for suggesting Calum post a CW post, too? @quid
Anyway, I'm done here, @quid. I am sick of being targeted by both users and mods alike.
@quid "I had at least two helpful flags yesterday for rude and abusive treatment. I was diagnosed with PTSD today, because of that torment. I want something done to those I flagged, because they have injured me. " Is that what your team needs to hear, rants from users in flags, to make your team feel obliged to do something? Or do you just all relish in making me your example all the time? You minimized what I suffer, and maximize the complaints of others against me. I am sick of it.
@amWhy indeed it is helpful to raise more flags, such as "unfriendly" flags.
We do not need to hear rants, but we need to be called to problematic situations. It is arguably true that some users get away with things because other do not raise the flags.
This is unfortunate. Please do raise flags.
@amWhy PING
@quid Hahahaha. How'd you manage that?
@amWhy I keep my promises.
@quid Indeed, but I thought when you said, "if you wait a little bit" that you meant "if you wait a week"!
In any case, I'm grateful, @quid!
@quid PONG
@amWhy that'd been a bit cynical.
I don't do such things.
I hope it stays. Maybe the software changed.
@quid Thanks!
@amWhy in the worst case there is always SO chat.
Anyway, I hope there will be no more issue.
@amWhy PENG
@quid PUNG
@quid Worst of all is a Pang
@amWhy never knew that was a word
@quid You cause me serious pangs! :P
No, just joking ;D
@quid You learn something everyday!
@amWhy indeed
@quid In less than two weeks (barely less than two weeks) I'll be able to use meta.se again. Though I will have to tread carefully, I know.
@amWhy that's good.
@quid Just another option for chat! I didn't participate all that much there, but it will be good, when searching there, to be able to upvote (or downvote) posts again. Strange culture there, though, in the chats. If people think this site's meta is off-putting to new users, they should check out MSE and its chatrooms. ooii!
@amWhy yes that's really the kernel of SE and gets lots of complaints. It can be bit inhospitable;
@quid Indeed.
What struck me most about the site, though, were the names of its chatrooms. No rhyme or reason to most of them, unless you were "in the know."
@amWhy yeah like "quid quips" ;D
@quid Hah! ;D
@quid FYI I think this post has merit on me.se's meta. Don't know if you've seen it yet. Hence it's just an FYI.
@amWhy yes I know it.
@quid Okay. Just wanted to be sure you "knew it"!
These days it's possible I miss it.
@quid Hey, just saw something funny in review - there are two accounts with name "Gerry Myerson" (one: math.stackexchange.com/users/785985/gerry-myerson two: math.stackexchange.com/users/8269/gerry-myerson) and this seems weird to me. I didn't know how to flag this, so this is me trying to let you know informally.
They might even be the same person, judging from the interests and tags.
@KReiser yes thanks we are aware.

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