@amWhy seeing @AlexanderGruber work, even if I find 10 times more time than I originally thought I will need my results won't be as good! Alex, you are extremely good at this!
@AlexanderGruber This would be a great image to post for askers who've been banned from asking! Show a "before" (with question mark), and "after" (erased question mark). That says it all!!
@AlexanderGruber @amWhy if ME ever adding an option for 2 pfp that switch from when you are online to where you are offline this one will be the perfect one for you
@AlexanderGruber Very nice. I'm donning the black trim, but have downloaded both. It always takes time for changes in identicons to transfer across to chat. Thanks a ton!! I've already got my hats for the Winter bash!!