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Hello @amWhy I was not much around today. It seems it got a fair bit of attention the question. I do believe that the amount of low-hanging fruit on the site is detrimental to higher hanging fruit being searched for.
@quid Thanks for adding your thoughts. I think what befuddles me most is trying to get rid of low-quality questions which have upvoted answers by very tenacious answerers who fight tooth-and-nail when it comes to the deletion of the low quality question(s) they've answered.
Yes it's a problem. I think it is hard to get by. Many sites have similar issues.
Although having a high volume does change things;
In my mind there is a tipping point when the number of Q is so high that it becomes basically impossible to takes notice of every thread.
3 hours later…
@quid I think it's reached the tipping point. And mods aren't here as regularly as users who try to address those that they can; and they flounder too often when it comes to the actions taken by users who know this site, and are here more regularly, take action, undermining their actions, all the while thinking they know best. When they're here a fraction of the time that those users who show real dedication to the site, with no diamond, no rep for reward, no auto-demanded respect users
are expected to show any user with a diamond. When I see a mod here in the way that Daniel Fischer was here, and Jyrki was here, I'll be the first to defer. But < 1/2 hour per day presence does not any good moderator make.
You used to be more present on this site but have clearly made it clear you have limited your involvement. I can't fault that. Other mods do far less than you do now.
Feel free to delete anything above if it offends, @quid.
It's true that I am very busy with other things. I don't know the exact amount of time I spend on the site. @amWhy I think we are talking about different things here though. What I meant to make is a general remark about site culture. like "village" vs "big city."
@quid "village" vs "big city." I don't get that analogy.
The question is if there are still some that have a gloabal overview and somewhat know everybody and everything.
@quid I think there are some users who are more familiar with other users, and have a greater global overview than do most current mods, just by the sheer fact that they spend more time here than do current mods.
There is value in keeping in touch with the "grass roots" of things, and not thinking, due to specialized knowledge of this bit and that bit due to moderator powers, that a mod has a greater scope of the site than do peon user. Microscopic views of this stain and that stain do not a global picture make.
I think it's a different view. But I definitely agree that some, like you for example, know the type of new questions and users we have at the moment much better than I.
I am not sure if I am out of touch. I'd think not. But then that's almost true by definition. :-)
Sorry once I again I have to leave. See you @amWhy
Take care, @quid.

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