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999,813 questions at the moment - it is getting closer. And this is already after the weekly cull (RemoveAbandonedClosed).
4 hours later…
70 more to go
But to a statistician you still can't be certain that it will be today :)
1 hour later…
Only 15 now :)
1,000,000 reached between 15:56 and 15:59 UTC
@amWhy And now, there is nothing to stop my whole prediction from coming true.
1 hour later…
Go Packers!
@AlexanderGruber :P
The winner of my guessing game is Alexander Gruber
Congratulations @AlexanderGruber As a prize I'll put a 500 points bounty on a question of your choice.
@AlexanderGruber You speak prematurely, my friend.
Second prize goes to amWhy (who initially even had it exactly right but then was kind enough to decide to let Alex win ;-)).
Congratulations @amWhy, the prize is a 250 points bounty.
Third prize goes to @AloizioMacedo, a 100 points bounty.
To avoid any risk of somebody finding issues with these bounties, preferably the bounties will be on questions in which you aren't involved.
room topic changed to whatever, quid: Musings and chat about math, SE and more. All welcome. (no tags)
whatever, quid!
@amWhy :-)
2 hours later…
@AlexanderGruber $\ddot\frown$
If I would have trusted my Packer Game Day prediction, they would have Won!! :P I'm in the middle of a phone call to Aaron Rodgers explaining the loss, along with the influence of your black magic.
@AlexanderGruber Congrats!!
A: History of Math.StackExchange

wolfiesAccording to my screenshot, the 1 millionth question was just posted today by Firat Celebi Sadly, like those counts of who is the millionth person to walk over a bridge, I don't think there is actually any definitive answer to such a puzzle: does one include questions that were deleted, or re...

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