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Q: Can I slack off and get a PhD?

Richard BroylerI am not a genius but I am a good test taker and a very practical person. I went through undergraduate school without studying much (skipping classes, doing homework, reading the books and doing some exercises the day before the test) with a 3.6 GPA in Computer Engineering from a decent school (C...

Nope. You don't get a PhD by cramming, test scores, or just getting by. You have to do research. Ask yourself why you want a PhD and if you need it.
I don't understand the question in the title and can't locate another question in the body.
The literal question in the title is not answerable; we don't really know what you are capable of.
slack [definition needed] - My definition of slacking, i.e. not listening to lecture for an entire semester, does not mean I didn't do the actual minimum amount of work for that course.
This is actually a great question. I've met a lot of people who say they worked hard and struggled in their undergrad, and I absolutely can't understand it, as my experience was much like the OP describes. Why shouldn't you wonder if the same can apply for a PhD?
If the work you'd do during your PhD doesn't excite you, the research you'd do as a professor probably won't excite you either. Have you considered becoming a college lecturer or instructor instead?
I disagree with @RobP. If teaching doesn't excite you, you shouldn't be a college lecturer or instructor, either!
@JeffE: sadly, most people aren't excited by their job. I think undermotivated teachers make terribly bad work, and should be disuaded from teaching. But the OP asks about possibility, not ethics.
@JeffE - No, no, I agree with you 100%. If teaching doesn't excite someone, college lecturer or instructor is probably a bad choice. Well known during my PhD as the "slacking paper".
Slacking off through your Ph.D. is going to limit your employment options as a college professor.
Can you slack your way through a PhD? Absolutely! Can you get a tenure track professor job this way? Very very unlikely. So I think if you want to be a professor you are asking the wrong question. The academic job market is tough and meeting bare minimum requirements of the job is very far from sufficient.
@Daniel Welcome to China then. Would you please explain this?
As one (purely anecdotal) data point, our PhD granting department routinely gets between 200 and 400 applications for each academic job opening that we advertise. The people who slacked off during their PhD are not at the front of the queue for these jobs.
Actually I tried to google "slack off" but all the standard dictionaries I tried failed on that one.
You should really be looking into being an entrepreneur. I've known some seriously slack entrepreneurs who seemed to spend their time "networking" (playing golf with "prospective clients"), "researching" (taking their former colleagues out to lunch), and "designing" (sitting on their butt in a big leather chair, daydreaming). I think this sounds like it's right up your alley. Best of luck!
I'm confused about why this has upvotes.

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