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1 message moved from The Nineteenth Byte
6 hours later…
in Winter Bash 2021, Dec 17 at 18:25, by Wolgwang
@Slate Helping hands: Post three positively scored comments under a users' first post and the OP edits the question after the comments?
in Winter Bash 2021, Dec 17 at 18:27, by Slate
@Wolgwang Believe it or not, that's actually a bit too restrictive. You're very, very close, but the hat has been awarded in cases that haven't gone as far as you've listed.
in Winter Bash 2021, 2 days ago, by Wolgwang
@Slate Slow trickle for getting an upvote on a post on four separate days [in a row] without a downvote on the post.
in Winter Bash 2021, 12 hours ago, by Slate
@Wolgwang Very close.
in Winter Bash 2021, 1 hour ago, by Wolgwang
@Slate Two burried pennies: One burried penny+ the question gets an upvote ?
in Winter Bash 2021, 57 mins ago, by Slate
Wolgwang guessed that Two Buried Pennies is One Buried Penny plus the post gets upvoted. That guess is missing a tiny stipulation (not "new post"), but is actually ridiculously close. Also, "One Buried Penny" doesn't seem to have been identified, yet, so identifying Two Buried Pennies first is extremely funny to me.
in Winter Bash 2021, 2 mins ago, by U12-F̉͋̅̾̇orward
@Slate Matryoshka, ask a question that get's 5 or more answers, and question score > 3
in Winter Bash 2021, 26 secs ago, by U12-F̉͋̅̾̇orward
@Slate So it's close?
in Winter Bash 2021, 1 min ago, by Slate
@U12-F̉͋̅̾̇orward Dial in the question score.
13 hours later…
!!/run K_99999999999
@grandBagel Did you forget to put backticks around your code (`code`)? Remember to escape any backticks in your code (to type `hi`, enter `\`hi\``).
!!/run K_999
!!/run K_99999999999
@grandBagel 999
@math 99999999999
!!/run K_999 W 999
@grandBagel ⟨ 999 ⟩
!!/run K 99999999999999999
@math ⟨ ⟩
it crashed?
[@grandBagel: 59948805]
⟨ 1 | 3 | 7 | 9 | 11 | 13 | 21 | 27 | 33 | 37 | 39 | 63 | 77 | 91 | 99 | 101 | 111 | 117 | 143 | 189 | 231 | 259 | 273 | 297 | 303 | 333 | 351 | 407 | 429 | 481 | 693 | 707 | 777 | 819 | 909 | 999 | 1001 | 1111 | 1221 | 1287 | 1313 | 1443 | 2079 | 2121 | 2331 | 2457 | 2727 | 2849 | 3003 | 3333 | 3367 | 3663 | 3737 | 3861 | 3939 | 4329 | 5291 | 6363 | 6993 | 7777 | 8547 | 9009 | 9191 | 9901 | 9999 | 10101 | 10989 | 11211 | 11817 | 12987 | 14443 | 15873 | 19089 | 23331 | 25641 | 26159 | 27027 | 27573 | 29703 | 29997 | 30303 | 33633 | 35451 | 37037 | 41107 | 43329 | 476
[@AaroneousMiller: 59948816]
⟨ 1 | 3 | 9 | 41 | 123 | 271 | 369 | 813 | 2439 | 11111 | 21401 | 25601 | 33333 | 64203 | 76803 | 99999 | 192609 | 230409 | 877441 | 1049641 | 2632323 | 3148923 | 5799671 | 6937871 | 7896969 | 9446769 | 17399013 | 20813613 | 52197039 | 62440839 | 237786511 | 284452711 | 547887001 | 713359533 | 853358133 | 1643661003 | 2140078599 | 2560074399 | 4930983009 | 22463367041 | 67390101123 | 148477377271 | 182521213001 | 202170303369 | 445432131813 | 547563639003 | 1336296395439 | 1642690917009 | 6087572468111 | 7483369733041 | 18262717404333 | 22450109199123 | 49463248
!!/flowey quote
@grandBagel Let's destroy everything in this wretched world. Everyone, everything in these worthless memories... Let's turn 'em all to dust.
@grandBagel hello to you too!
@grandBagel o/
20 messages moved from Vyxal
1 message moved from Stack Apps
2 hours later…
@emanresuA Hi
@hyper-neutrino hi
@pxeger hi
@grandBagel request acess
@RedwolfPrograms hi
@cairdcoinheringaahing hi
7 messages moved from 1K rep users only
2 hours later…
1 message moved from the zshoo

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