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11 hours later…
@Xander My link to a post a few comments up was answered by a user I earlier flagged who, in all my reviewing this past week, has had more answers to PSQ/low-quality questions, than any other answerer. Two flags in all today, but their answer history says it all.
^^^^ @Xander Guess who the answerer is, in relation to my last comment to you above.
Enough said on my part, Xander.
3 messages moved from CURED
Q: Getting JSON response from Instagram stories API Python

CodeWithAwaisI got this API request when open a story on Instagram https://i.instagram.com/api/v1/feed/reels_media/?reel_ids=28465898840&reel_ids=24898283344&reel_ids=43075539583 But, the issue is that when you open the same link even in the browser, it gives this response back {"message":"useragent mismatch","...

1 hour later…
@Xander Is the above okay to post here, or would it be better served in the mod's office? Also, I speaking only to the most recent reopen/undelete request thread.
1 message moved from CURED
3 hours later…
How does a user who created an account on Physics.SE two days ago ever here about math.se, let alone land in CURED, @aFo23 ? I guess this chatroom must be very famous!!
Congrats, @aFo23 on you very first day in SE chatrooms!
1 hour later…
2 messages moved from CURED

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