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I am wondering can someone please help with this question: math.stackexchange.com/questions/4258887/…
I am trying to combine set-builder notation with existential and universal quantifiers
2 messages moved from Basic Mathematics
Why do you move my question to trash?
Very helpful
2 messages moved from Basic Mathematics
how did you determine my question is "spam"?
1 message moved from Basic Mathematics
My question is about how to combine set-builder notation with existential and universal quantifiers. Not spam. You can just say you are not welcome here. But don't label my question as spam. Thank you!
1 message moved from Basic Mathematics
It is spam because you have been spamming question after question on that utterly useless 'set', while simultaneously refusing to learn what you need in order to understand what you want. The chat-room "Basic Mathematics" is for learning basic mathematics. Everything else is off-topic. And don't think I cannot remember what you did in the past.

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