Also came up with a cool bisection variant.
Previously I mentioned the idea of using the geometric mean in a numbering system similar to scientific notation which scales exponentially.
The big downside to it in a practical setting, most solutions tend to have an order of magnitude around zero. It's not every day that reaching $|x|\approx10^{\pm100}$ isn't just asymptotic behavior.
And so I came up with the idea of "log-log-scaling" things to accelerate convergence to smaller values while retaining both asymptotically optimal convergence (arithmetic mean) and fast convergence to the right order of magnitude (geometric mean).
The formula for $x,y>1$ is $\exp(\sqrt{ \ln(x)\ln(y)})$.
For example, with $x=10^{10}$ and $y=10^{1000}$, we have:
$AM(x,y)\approx 5\times10^{999}$
I think I've also tried exponential searching in the past but in terms of the rate at which it converges to the right order of magnitude, it's only guaranteed to be about as the arithmetic mean, except it starts from the smaller side.
So such methods are not as good as far as I've seen.
In the context of double precision, my "log mean" tends to converge on an interval of roughly $(2,2^{1024})$
[cont.] in only say 4 or 5 iterations to the right order of magnitude, which is very satisfactory.