@RedwolfPrograms If the botNotes variable is global, it's the duty of the bots to make sure their key names don't clash, correct?
Also, it might be worth specifying that bots shouldn't read or write to other bots' keys (unless you want to allow that, but that would probably get messy quickly).
@Sundar The key is part of the information you add, not the name of your bot. It will automatically check which bot used the function, and it will be assigned to that key for that bot. Three bots could have "state" as a key without any problems at all.
@RedwolfPrograms makes sense. I'm a bit new to this site, is there a standard loophole for "homicide" answers to KotH challenges? The "suicide" answer trend was not appreciated, but I figure it would still be allowed to make a bot mostly for killing since that's the official objective
@BetaDecay I think i realized that halfway into asking but then decided I'd put it up anyways. The point is still clear - the objective should be met, therefore your code isn't a loophole.
No, see my comment above. I just didn't consider what the suicide rule meant, it's an evasion of the KotH objective and therefore a loophole (you just die because it is funny, so you aren't playing along).
@RedwolfPrograms what happens to the array of bot locations when a bot dies? Will the array just become shorter? Or will the dead bot's information remain there but have negative coins (or some other indicator to show that it's dead)?