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4:58 AM
@chytrik I always say that we should trust no one
Including yourself
It's why most of my coins are timelocked
5:22 AM
@RaghavSood thats one way to lower your time preference!
Can't panic sell if you can't move your coins
Can't be hacked if no one can move your coins
I wonder what the longest timelock currently in operation is. How deep into the future has someone committed?
We obviously can't know the answer now, but maybe one day that'll be a claim to fame.. "Yea? Well I was crazy enough to CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY my coins for a whole decade worth of blocks! I am the ultimate HODLER!"
5:38 AM
I have some ETH locked for 10+ years
5:51 AM
Ha! Well there you go, hold on tight to those keys!
Does eth use a similar construction as checkseqverify?
6:03 AM
Nope, it's a solidity contract
Based on block timestamp
I still need to figure out how to properly lock up Grin
6:19 AM
How's the grin code running?
Pretty stable so far, but I need more time to work on it
Ah, nice. School still keeping you busy?
I was wondering about the core code though, not that I'm uninterested in your project
I was talking about the core code too :D
How can I build reliable services on Grin if I don't understand the Grin code?>
Been working my way through it
Mostly busy between school and work, more work than school
Although, I do have exams coming up next month, so that might tip the scales
6:38 AM
ha, touché
I've been trying to grasp schnorr signatures recently, mostly since we were doing a Zilliqa mainnet migration at work
I think it would be a great upgrade to BTC
Zilliqa, never heard of that.
It's a Sinapore based project, they are moving from an ERC20 token to their own mainnet
Have their own take on sharding and smart contracts
The team is pleasant to work with, if nothing else
So as an exchange, how do you deal with sharding in terms of double spend risk?
It seems dangerous
Hmm... this is on their website: "Zilliqa’s miner rewards are based on each miners’ contributions of valid signatures, resulting in more evenly distributed rewards compared to existing winner takes all models."
It seems to me that this is just obfuscating the energy expenditure. Won't a rational miner just constantly compute their own valid transactions in order to get a bigger piece of the reward?
1 hour later…
7:55 AM
@chytrik The node handles the sharding for you, so we don't need to worry about per shard finality
@chytrik I believe the way it is structured means that you are incentivized to just computer for the highest fee transactions, doesn't really matter who the originator of them is
But I need to read up some more
8:37 AM
But if the network state is sharded, how is your confidence in the finality of a payment affected?
If your node doesn't track all shards, how do you know some coins aren't already spent in some other bit of the network?
9:04 AM
@chytrik There are tracking blocks which consolidate shards - it's sort of like a diamond structure

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