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@DavidPerry Now I feel pretty certain about my answer: bitcoin.stackexchange.com/a/22984/5406
@DavidPerry I have an open spam flag from 21st of February. The respective answer was already deleted, how come my spam flag is still open? (this is the answer in question: bitcoin.stackexchange.com/a/22511/5406)
4 hours later…
I think I have made my second enemy :p
Or at least the second person who will take any comment by me as a personal affront
1 hour later…
Here is another thing that grinds my gear. Here is an answers I put in a couple hours of research and further hours of appeasing insulting comments, and I end up getting one downvote on it. An answer where I post the content of a link and said link I get +10... No wonder most experts have stopped coming here.
The whole thing would be much more bearable if at least there was somebody available regularly to laugh about it all with me. :p
1 hour later…
yay, I was just made mod. :)
Information overflow. o.0
murch: se is one of the most thxless exercises around. spking from 2yr experience.
voting is really unpredictable, random at times & one cant take it too seriously esp in individual cases...
try to spend time on what you enjoy.
its your choice.
@vzn It might sound a bit masochistic, but I do enjoy spending time here. It's just frustrating at times. ;)
lol yes that does sound masochistic
have luv/hate relationship with se also.
there are lots of things to luv/hate...
empty chat rooms bug me2...
@Zaph Welcome. ;)
hang out on tcs.se & its rare that anyone stumbles into the chatroom. talking about a site that is over 3yrs old & many users...
Alright guys, I'll have to close all this or I will not get anything done today. Will be back later. :)
15.7k users. tcs.se.
which answer of yours do you think needs a vote?
2 hours ago, by Murch
Here is another thing that grinds my gear. Here is an answers I put in a couple hours of research and further hours of appeasing insulting comments, and I end up getting one downvote on it. An answer where I post the content of a link and said link I get +10... No wonder most experts have stopped coming here.
cant vote on it if you dont link to it :p
do you think participation is down on bitcoin.se?
23 hours ago, by Murch
@DavidPerry Do you have any idea, why nobody seems to be interested in using Meta? It just outright baffles me. People usually tend to have more opinion than you care to hear about, not here though. ;)
meta can be a distraction from the main topic.
if the mgt is openminded & willing to listen to feedback, meta works. alas that seems somewhat rare. it is often a place just for the mods to pontificate on what they want...
am saying that not having looked thru this meta much yet.
@vzn The one I was talking about since yesterday, however, I feel that my answer only deserves a vote, if you also think it is correct. ;)
I'll post the link if you promise to only upvote it, if you think it is correct. ;)
yeah found it.
even if its not exactly correct have not seen any analysis like this anywhere. it "smells" close =)
those are my criteria for voting =)
plugged the question/site on another se chat room cs.se
the appearance of poisson statistics in bitcoin hashing etc is theoretically interesting
the whole/widespread se practice of downvoting without commenting is controversial
re promotion, have you heard of reddit bitcoin and google+ bitcoin groups?
which reminds me, meant to plug your meta mtgox writeup on google+
thx again for that
2 hours ago, by Murch
yay, I was just made mod. :)
really? congratulations! how did that happen? se mgt action? votes on meta?
Hey, back from dinner.
@vzn Do you mean that you are not sure whether it is correct, or that you have found something that isn't?
@vzn Just about five or six hours ago, it's pro-tempore, not by community election.
@vzn I am of course aware of r/bitcoin, and I am actually in a few Bitcoin groups on G+, but none of the latter are particularly active or useful. Maybe I haven't found the right one on G+ yet.
re the poisson q/a its too technical to check closely.
what is pro-tempore? that means se mgt chose you?
the g+ bitcoin group linked to has ~6.5K subscribers, nothing to sneeze at.
asked the g+ mod to include bitcoin.se on the main pg links/resources
am interested in sci/math/analysis papers on bitcoin. have found a few (linked in a blog) but they are more like macroeconomics analysis.
do you think there is decline in participation here? there is a large # of q's for a beta.
seems healthy. maybe not so much voting. have seen other betas with same issue.
@Murch Woohoo! Congratulations! Welcome to the blue queue of death
@vzn Yep, I was chosen by a CM
@vzn Most definitely a lot of the really active early beta members have moved on. We have a nice total of users, but since a lot of our questions seem to revolve around people losing their funds and similar, I think I see why some experts feel that it is not useful for them.
@DavidPerry Thanks. :)
Just deleted my first question. And I was wondering why David S just closed it and didn't delete it. Can you perhaps shed a light on that?
CM = stackexchange community moderator? employee of stackexchange? just interested in the mod selection process...
its rather opaque at times (eg as just now in your case)
whoa, deletion, seems applicable only in extreme case (eg spam etc)
CM = Community Manager. Before a site graduates, the moderators are chosen by stackexchange employees, after graduation there are elections. Since Bitcoin.SE didn't graduate yet, that is what happened.
@vzn It had five spam flags and eight downvotes, was obvious spam.
yeah ok. have seen a few CMs around over the yrs.
then zap away haha and dont overthink it :)
have seen shog9/harvey around in various metas.
& anna lear etc
youd think the site would have some kind of announcement/notification of a new mod at least. whatever.
its very sophisticated in someways, & not in others.
re your poisson analysis, wouldnt be surprised if this is in a scientific paper somewhere.
actually have you heard of satoshi nakamoto writing a sci paper somewhere? need to find that.
this type of basic analysis might be covered somewhere maybe even in the originating paper(s) of bitcoin.
ah found it. a little embarrased hadnt look it up earlier (it is not mentioned/cited that much it seems)...
@vzn There is the original white-paper: bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf
yeah. just found that.
see some ref to poisson statistics in there. have you read it before?
@vzn As far as I know that is the only work he/she/they published under that name, except the source code of course.
yeah. sounds about right. there is an interesting wikipedia article on "heshethey"
sounds like a crazy scifi story at times. am just waiting for a hollywood movie to come out on that (origins, rise, crashes etc). only half joking here :p
it would make great movie. think its just matter of time actually before incorporated into some plot.
actually thats a question that interests me might ask it.
@Murch you finally moderatin?
@JacobTorba Indeed. :D
Just got home from work a couple hours ago, and now after dinner trying to get a hang of it all.
So much work to do. ;)
@JacobTorba I was wondering what happened to you guys. You and Marek haven't been here in a while.
@vzn I have, but it has been a while.
@vzn Actually, in many ways Bitcoin has overtaken Scifi. ;)
(david) nice blog. browsing it. just bookmarked it
the blog on asic (vs gpu vs cpu) profitability is great
do you see any flaws in the bitcoin architecture that interfere with scaling or could lead to current/future bottlenecks? interested in that...
@vzn As usual, I am going to answer: There is a tag for that:
mh, just looking at that, the tag might be a bit unfocused. ;)
ok. as usual, looking for pro analysis eg articles/papers =)
will poke around some more
@vzn We have less of that than I wish. :(
there is stuff scattered around the web.
its a good site dont downplay it too much :)
@vzn Alright, I will work on that. ;)
The last one I posted seems at least worth a look.
There is also a Master Thesis by ThePiachu that might be of interest. He has a chapter on Scalability bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=88149.0
@vzn thanks, I don't get around to it as often as I'd like
@Murch let me go look at the question, one sec
hmm, I think it cleared the flag when you deleted. Can I get a link to the Q?
@DavidPerry It was this one: bitcoin.stackexchange.com/q/23013/5406
@Murch I dunno but I want to undelete it just so I can downvote it and delete it again lol
he probably just clicked the wrong button, it happens sometimes
or he meant to do both and forgot
I was just wondering, because it seemed such an ideal candidate for my first delete.
No pondering whatsoever.
yeah, that's an excellent first delete
zero value in that Q

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