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Now at 5304 - 4679 voters
Does that mean votes cast, or voters visited, or what?
625 voters
632 now, at least according to the election page.
@robjohn For everyone who casts one or more votes, they are awarded the constituent badge, per election. I'm referring in part to @quid's earlier post, as the start before the election. So it would reflect the number of folks having voted in this 2018 election.
I'm guessing merely one vote on one choice award the constituent badge in the current election, and once earned (upon that first vote), it cannot be earned again, for this current election. I for one, have selected only my first and second choices; so more votes will likely be cast by some of the >632 voters who've already cast votes.
1 hour later…
@MikeMiller Thank you!
5 hours later…
@MartinSleziak The data here are from 2015, but that's the only thing I was able to find: Are most of the SE users American? (And can SE publicise itself more?) So it seems that I underestimated the number of users from Asia and Australia.
3 hours later…
Turns out the number is on the election page anyway. Thus, we can forget about the badge-count arithmetic. [Edit: turns out this is mod only, so while I can forget about it, for others it's still useful if they want to be independent of mods. ]
1053 at the moment.
@quid I do not see it here: math.stackexchange.com/election On which part of that page should I look?
I do not see number of votes on the page for the last election math.stackexchange.com/election/6 either...?
Why should I elect two new moderators while in reality this forum is completely under control of a bunch of super-moderators (and their disciples). Using the 5VS (five votes suffice) feature of the system they make sure that only questions suiting their taste survive.
1 hour later…
@quid I have the same experience as Martin.
If statistics are similar to last elections, we are already with half the ballots having been cast.
@MartinSleziak @AsafKaragila I see it in a box with yellow background right above the first listed candidate.
@MichaelGreinecker I think that's your superpowers speaking.
@AsafKaragila I'll check my privilege.
@MartinSleziak oh, it is a mod only feature.
Sorry I did not realize this; when I am not logged in I do not see it either.
Anyways, this is the current info: 25,897 voters were eligible, 3,286 visited the site during the election, 2,934 visited the election page, and 1,126 voted
@MartinSleziak on the last election site you should see it though, I see it when I am not logged in. It is the line below the cards of the elected mods in the yellow box.
@quid Yes, I see that one.
@MichaelGreinecker for comparison the 2017 number after the election "22,919 voters were eligible, 9,261 visited the site during the election, 4,655 visited the election page, and 2,161 voted"
@MichaelGreinecker Do you also see who are the leading candidates too? :P
@AsafKaragila no we don't see that.
@AsafKaragila Do you mean the preselected candidates?
I see them on my bank account.
Given the badge trickery the only data we actually have in addition is the real time data for "visited the site"
Sorry, I missed the number on the past election page.
@quid It's an interesting statistics.
Hi @ToddTrimble - I see you have already voted too.
The difference between eligible voters from November til now is interesting.
@ChristianBlatter I have difficulty understanding this question. Moderator elections are a main way to influence the direction of the site. While moderators do not usually interfere with the outcome of community moderation, we could. We can overrule basically any decision taken by community moderation (except for up-down votes, which is considered as a personal judgment more than as part of moderation, and this is undone only in cases of clear abuse).
Obviously, it'd not a be healthy state of affairs when mods feel the need to overrule too often.
Further, five votes also suffice to repopen.
@MartinSleziak Hi. Yes I did. With some difficulty for the number three choice.
Let's hope the cooperation between the mods of the two sites will work well. (Although I think that other than migration there are not that many issues when some communication between the moderators of two sites is needed.)
@MartinSleziak With a non-empty intersection between the team, I expect this can be easy.
._. people can have really weird opinions I do say.
@SimplyBeautifulArt What do you want to say with that statement?
It came from my morning read of the comments on the Q&A. That some people are quick to find aggression against people they've probably not interacted with is a weird approach to whatever they're trying to do in my opinion.
Also sad to wake up this morning with a reply stating "I don't care about that. Someone answered the question just fine and I accepted the answer. Not every one is so needy." from a relatively new user.
@SimplyBeautifulArt I think that the user refers to me.
He once downvoted an answer of mine on MathOverflow because I used the word "damn" there.
He explained that he downvoted because I use foul language and this is unprofessional.
When I explained that I don't find "damn" to be foul, and that I would certainly say something like that in a talk, I suggested that they just avoid me in conference.
The response was that they are an applied set theorist, and I am not, so it's unlikely we'll ever meet. It seemed a bit snide, but it's hard to tell.
Just to make things clear, I gave a talk in a conference in April, and I literally started it with "This is a bullshit title", explaining that I had to come up with a title and abstract on short notice and had to make them sound vague.
@AsafKaragila I assumed such, provided your conversation, but as Robert Frost says, we'd rather not be "tarred with the same brush".
@SimplyBeautifulArt Yeah, well. People with shaky arguments rarely bother with details.
@AsafKaragila Isn't an "applied set theorist" just a real mathematician? ducks
@AsafKaragila Doesn't that describe most conference papers?
@MichaelGreinecker said that economist... :P
@XanderHenderson Sure. But mine was particularly vague.
"Oh, I have to give a talk... I don't know what I am going to talk about... uh... Insert Vague Title Here!"
@XanderHenderson Oh, I knew what I was going to talk about. But not the details or the structure of the talk.
@XanderHenderson I made a first draft of the talk to match the abstract and title. But I decided it sucked, and made a whole other version of the talk.
It's better if we have real mathematician as moderator not a third year computer engineer like NICK...
Just my personal opinion
I wonder if this site would be any better if people had the option to "ignore" other people, so instead of seeing comments, posts, etc., it'd just say something like "You have blocked this user." (And maybe an option to see it if you clicked it)
@SimplyBeautifulArt While I agree, this is unbecoming for a moderator (or someone who wants to be a moderator) to ignore users on a software level.
Even if they are sometimes... ehh... not great conversation partners.
ofc, but I'm sure there are plenty of others that might want such a feature
@SimplyBeautifulArt It's really not that simple. Ignoring a problem won't always make it go away.
Well. This is becoming a challenge of self-restraint at this point.
Yeah, I understand. Oh well...
@AsafKaragila :P
ignorance is bliss? :-)
@SimplyBeautifulArt Whose bliss?
Not ours
@SimplyBeautifulArt Just making sure that we're on the same page on that script... :P
@quid No, a Rick and Morty reference...
No clue what that is about, but thanks anyway.
@quid The phisophoser thing.
Sorry. Just I meant to clarify, I mean I don't know "Rick and Morty"
@quid Really?
Have you been living inside a box with only SE and email on your internet?
@AsafKaragila yes, really! on the other hand I am well capable of clicking the arrow... :-)
@quid I don't know... I mean, you don't know what Rick and Morty is...
@AsafKaragila not quite, but I mostly don't watch TV anymore since almost a decade. At one point I thought "Orange is the new black" was the series about the ad agency everyone was talking about...
@quid Well, that's not a valid excuse!
@AsafKaragila well, maybe, I'll plug that hole in my education.
@quid Yeah. Although if you're not well versed in pop culture and nerd culture, you're going to miss a lot of the jokes. It can still be enjoyable, though.
@quid: While I appreciate moderators not intervening too much on election related threads, is there a point where someone wearing a diamond can step in and end this nonsense?
I don't think it's worth talking to that user anymore.
One shouldn't ignore users but some things are a waste of time.
@MikeMiller Yeah, I don't either. But he made a direct accusation. And my experience is that sometimes it's easier to deal with a problem directly, at least for a little while, than to ignore it and let it ferment and fester.
Agreed. It seems you have now defused the accusation (which was ridiculous and I am glad you clarified the details).
It becomes clear very quickly they just want to start something from nothing.
@MikeMiller Nice save on that making hay idiom. :P
I don't remember what words mean.
@AsafKaragila I removed some comments. (There was no flag though.)
@quid Yeah, I didn't flag anything.
I think you deleted the right amount.
1 hour later…
Does diamond trumps the 150 points limit? Specifically, can a diamond user with less than 150 points vote? What about SE-wide diamond users?
@AsafKaragila can you even become a moderator with 150 points? :-)
oh, diamond ≥ moderator
So like Shog9 you mean
@SimplyBeautifulArt Yeah.
@SimplyBeautifulArt For example.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Or if a moderator started giving out 500 points bounties every day until they got down to like... 30 points.
How much rep do you need to become a mod
@TheMaskedRebel To nominate yourself on this site you need 1000 points.
@AsafKaragila What if someone nominates you
@TheMaskedRebel It's only informal. Nobody can be forced to be a moderator. You can "recommend someone to try and run", but that's all you can do.
@TheMaskedRebel (and rephrasing @AsafKaragila a little) The only way to be officially nominated is to nominate yourself.
@XanderHenderson Right. (And don't forget to ping @SimplyBeautifulArt just for good measure.)
On beta sites moderators are appointed. There they might have less points at the start.
Thanks for the information. Bye
@AsafKaragila It appears you need 125 points to downvote, however, shog9 has the critic badge, which is awarded for downvoting, and they only have 101 rep points.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Yes, in general diamonds trump all other restrictions.
@SimplyBeautifulArt But moderators cannot see deleted comments on election pages either.
oic, by vote you meant the election. Doh!
@AsafKaragila Oh, shoot. Sorry that I forgot to ping you, @SimplyBeautifulArt
I'll ping you now.
Just for good measure, I'll ping you too, @SimplyBeautifulArt :P
$\Large \color{red}{\heartsuit} $
Is it a translation invariant measure, @amWhy?
The only good measure is a translation invariant measure!
@AsafKaragila Indeed it is! :P
@GraceNote @Shog9 If either of you wish to sate our curiosity, can you guys/gals vote in this election?
@SimplyBeautifulArt Thanks a lot for pinging them.
._. can u also put in a note to the devs to make the ping sound nicer @GraceNote @Shog9
@SimplyBeautifulArt You know you can turn that off, right?
but then I won't hear the pings ;-;
There is probably a greasemonkey script that can change it
@SimplyBeautifulArt But do you hear dead people?
@AsafKaragila I used to, but that was when I was working as an archaeologist.
On even then, only when we dropped something, and the dead person would kind of clatter.
@SimplyBeautifulArt What?
@quid: This time there were flags.
@AsafKaragila I removed the comments.
@quid I think the last comment, referring to GC, whose comment I take it was deleted, ought to be deleted too, and it makes no sense now.
Thanks for the heads up @amWhy let me check.
Crimminy... will this election ever end? It just keeps going...
@XanderHenderson The election will lasted over 5 weeks by next week Wednesday.
^^^ typo... The election will have lasted over 5 weeks by next week Wednesday.
@amWhy I think you wanted to put the "have" in italics, no?
@AsafKaragila Yup, a typo to clarify a former typo. Corrected in time!!
You're lucky, @Asaf When (err ... if) you are elected as a mod, you'll have the privilege that Jyrki misses most: being able to edit comments beyond the grace period for "regular" users!
@SimplyBeautifulArt only if we get 150 rep on the site
@SimplyBeautifulArt what's wrong with it?
I strongly dislike (being abused by) the sound, and I still want a sound notification.
sounds kinda "ping-ish" to me
Unlike @SimplyBeautifulArt, I like that sound.
like... someone plucking a bass
@Shog9 Ha! I knew it!
or maybe a rubber band
a rubber band wrapped around a cigar box
ah, the joys of youth
and of an uncle with a disturbingly large collection of cigar boxes
Why not a robbers band?
Like in Robin Hood.
plucking a robbers' band sounds unwise
“If you bothered to read my question, you’d know it’s not a duplicate.”
oof, why do these examples feel real :-)
@SimplyBeautifulArt Are you reeling?
@SimplyBeautifulArt It's been available in various stages of development (including links for feedback and all). It's been in the making, and I believe it was mentioned in a post on meta (or in some chat rooms). Looks like they've finalized the "Code of Conduct", meaning, instead of referring to "Be nice", one can refer to the Code of Conduct, which I believe is intended to expand on the "be nice" policy.
._. also can we not have the ping sound on edits
Oh. Good. So I don't have to be nice anymore! :D
@SimplyBeautifulArt Obviously not.
@amWhy I see the "Be nice" link has already been redirected.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Ahhh, yes, I see.
@Shog9: By the way, I should probably refrain from making the usual election results announcement, due to my involvement. So if any of the CMs were thinking "We don't need to make announcement on math.SE, Asaf will do it", it's not going to be me this time.
@AsafKaragila usually the thought process is, "gotta have this ready in 3 seconds or Asaf will snipe it"
Good to know we have a bit of breathing room ;-)
@Shog9 MSE simply cannot tolerate a delay beyond Asaf's record last year, in the previous election. Start practicing!!
@Shog9 Well. To be fair, last year I made a small bash script that helped me achieve that record time.
I suspect that if I won't be home when the ball drops (which is fine, since I am not on active duty), I will at least rig it to send me the results by email as soon as possible.
twiddles thumbs
@TheSimpliFire btw, mind my asking what part of the world you're from?
@SimplyBeautifulArt UK
The statement that I dont understand the site, and the way you answered my first question saying "first, this is not a homework site.." that was like you are lecturing to me or talking down to me. Its OK, I can take it, but it is not a good attitude for a moderator. We need less authority in a new moderator the current ones (quid) have too much. — Rene Schipperus 1 min ago
I'd tend to let that stand. If you want it delete, flag it.
@quid: Sigh. Sorry.
many sighs
@SimplyBeautifulArt Don't forget the many pings too.
@AsafKaragila no problem. It's not clear to me what is that upsetting to that user. I'll give it one more try.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Ping!
;-; help, please save me
@SimplyBeautifulArt Save you from what?
@SimplyBeautifulArt Oh, I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave.
This comment is to inform the general reader that the moderator quid is censoring this discussion. — Rene Schipperus 1 min ago
@quid hmm........
@quid "Do [feel] free..."
Somehow I feel disturbed by the "HaHa"
Maybe let's try collectively to leave him alone, hoping it will seem less severe in some time.
okay boss :)
1 hour later…
How many moderators are being elected?
Nevermind, I found it on the side. 2.

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