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@amWhy you say that as I write this... (well I'm kinda late, but whatever.)
(replying to your latest comment about humiliation on the Q&A page)
To be fair, one could search through a user's comments to try and find such examples, but boy is a pain to search through :/
@SimplyBeautifulArt what are you searching for?
Hello, SimplyBeautifulArt! I am not targeting you alone; I'm asking this of all candidates. I find the best moderators are those with a sense of humility; sometimes this may be expressed through self-deprecating humor, and/or when they are able to own up to mistakes, and apologize, if needed. (We all make mistakes, even moderators.) Could you share a situation on this site when you knew you were mistaken, and acknowledged it? — amWhy 3 hours ago
I gave up cuz searching for generic things through comments is a pain
Ah. I cannot help with that either.
Maybe I could go through your answers and point out some shortcomings ;D
@SimplyBeautifulArt Wait... what did I do?
@XanderHenderson haha...
Don't worry, we're just interrogating you for future reference :-)
o... kay...
slowly backs away while maintaining eye contact
says something about .../user/current/... still amusing
read the link more carefully
Imma go hide in a corner now
ignore me
5 hours later…
@SimplyBeautifulArt If you can think of specific word to search, then SEDE can be a useful tool for searching in comments: data.stackexchange.com/mathoverflow/query/662697/… or data.stackexchange.com/math/query/556789/… or
But this is probably not exactly your situation.
@AsafKaragila I was surprised to find out that Andrés E. Caicedo was a candidate in MO election: mathoverflow.net/election/1 (Considering that he explicitly said that he prefers to avoid meta - which is hard to do if somebody is a mod. But maybe this is just Mathematics Meta, usually there's not much going on on Meta.MO.)
@MartinSleziak That was one of the reasons I suggested him to run (half jokingly, on this chat)...
We'll see. But that would be probably too many set-theorists among candidates.
Although I have to admit that I would not be able to say what is area of interest for each of the current moderators.
@MartinSleziak (1) There is no such thing as too much set theory. :)
@MartinSleziak (2) Of course he declined.
Isn't that saying actually about linear algebra?
@AsafKaragila In this election, nothing can be taken for granted.
@MartinSleziak That seems like an overdramatization of the truth...
> As Benedict Gross said in one of his lectures, “You can never learn too much linear algebra."
From Quora: quora.com/…
@MartinSleziak I'd argue pretty much the opposite... :P
@AsafKaragila I can think of at least one candidate that explicitly said they do not want to be a mod.
@MartinSleziak Simply Beautiful Art? I think they ran last time too...
There is one candidate from Brazil, one candidate from India. Which parts of the world are geographically underrepresented among the current moderators? (Although I would not consider this the most important issue when deciding who to vote for.)
As far as I can tell, mods are mostly in Europe in Americas - nobody in the Asian timezones. (OTOH we have probably more regular users from these parts of the world, too.)
7 hours later…
@MartinSleziak xD what makes you say that?
@MartinSleziak I am not sure this is quite true in a historical sense. There are more than thousand questions on the current meta, and one would need to add the 1500 plus threads on the old meta. That's about a third of our meta, while they only have a tenth of the questions on main.
Election starts today!! (Or so I hope :P)
Yes, in something like three hours;
three and a half.
@quid Indeed!
If things didn't change we can trace how many vote in near real time.
@quid Creepy!
@XanderHenderson not only how many, but even who.
And who for!
whom for?
for whom?
for who?
Should be "And for whom!" ...
But we should make the "whom" plural, so how about "And for whoms!" :P
I guess it's clear anyway, but we only know who voted.
Not what their vote was/is.
oh right :-)
@SimplyBeautifulArt My question was not about any candidates sense of humiliation, but demonstration of humility: The quality of being humble, and of recognizing not just one's mathematical strengths or weaknesses, but one's interpersonal strengths and weaknesses. In any case, you're the only one who didn't answer the same question below answers to the questionnaire.
@SimplyBeautifulArt I didn't make myself entirely clear about "mistakes", so your answer is fine. Mainly, I'm thinking it might only help you to say what you wrote here, as an answer, in the comment thread before your answers to the questionnaire. But not a make or break issue, for me!! :P
I'll look into it. Thanks for the clarifications @amWhy
I'm not sure how many votes I'm going to cast this election.
@AsafKaragila have you lost oversight over all the socks? ;-)
@quid Yeah. That's why I'm running for mod, so I can find them!
Did you look in the top drawer?
Oh, smart. I need to buy new socks ever few weeks.
But if I was moderator...
I keep all of my right socks in the top drawer, and the left socks in the drawer just below that.
@XanderHenderson :P
@Surb I'll also say, though I've been very active on meta recently, there are still many things in it that I am not familiar with. No doubt, I am one of the newest to this site out of all of the candidates, and my meta activity mostly began only a few months ago. — Simply Beautiful Art Oct 10 '17 at 17:18
Not entirely sure, but I think this is an example of being humble? @amWhy
@XanderHenderson Lord Russell is displeased by your choice.
@SimplyBeautifulArt good enough for me!
@AsafKaragila Should I be keeping the left socks in the top drawer and the right socks below?
@amWhy \o/ wipes off sweat
@SimplyBeautifulArt Hot and humid day down in Florida, today? :P
Before this moment, I had the unconscious belief that all people fell into two categories: those who didn't sort their socks, and those who matched the pairs together. Now I know better.
@amWhy :P That's most of the summer
4 minutes and counting...
1 hour left.
@SimplyBeautifulArt I don't sort my socks, but I do put the left socks in one drawer, and the right socks in another.
That way, I can just reach into each drawer, pull out a sock at random for each foot, and get on with my day.
@XanderHenderson Please tell me that your left shoe looks just like your right shoe...
@XanderHenderson like a black and white polka-dot left sock, and a neon-pink right sock?
@SimplyBeautifulArt !!%^@#$$!@@@...>>==-)
@AsafKaragila Uh... no?
@XanderHenderson Well, then. Lord Russell is very displeased by your way of handling the socks and shoes situation.
Wow. It's crazy.
I'm running for moderator.
Maybe I should withdraw from the race, now that there's less than 50 minutes left.
Someone help me find a fair coin and flip it.
(I'm too lazy to leave the couch.)
@AsafKaragila I just flipped a fair coin. It landed edge on.
@XanderHenderson Hmm. Let's ask the computer if I should stay in the race...
well drat
@SimplyBeautifulArt Is that a differential form?
inb4 RNG says we should all quit
@AsafKaragila yes, of course
@SimplyBeautifulArt But I thought that x marks the spot, and so you're differentiating with respect to "the spot". What would that give you? Tectonic information?
@SimplyBeautifulArt What's inb4?
inb4 = in before
@SimplyBeautifulArt In before what?
before RNG says we should all quit
@SimplyBeautifulArt RNG?
random number generator (i.e. computer simulated coin flipping)
@SimplyBeautifulArt Okay, yes, I know. But I'm asking, where do you get that RNG? I thought that the universe was all determined, once you have access to the entirety of quantum information.
Precisely why everyone quitting from their nominations must be an act of fate.
@AsafKaragila I'm certainly not joining.
I'm also certainly not writing right now, so what difference does it really make?
maybe we'll force @JyrkiLahtonen to re-run
@SimplyBeautifulArt When I was a sophomore, in calculus 3 the professor let us turn in a home exam/paper instead of sitting through an exam. And he said that if all the papers come back exactly the same, he will just assume it's a statistical anomaly.
@SimplyBeautifulArt I wrote a thesis about forcing!
xD I suppose you can't have too much set theory eh?
@AsafKaragila But how did you force yourself to write?
Maybe I need to read the thesis to find out.
@MikeMiller Correction: it forced him
@AsafKaragila Not according to Lord Russell.
@MikeMiller Easy!
I can't tell if you're about to tell me the answer, or if that is the answer.
@amWhy He was a phisophoser, not a physicist...
"phisophoser" <- typo or what?
@quid no, just another reason to become moderator
More like "philoso-POSER", amirite?
@XanderHenderson urrite
We're closing in on the home stretch, folks. I just decided I'll run as a moderator. Give me 15 minutes to post my announcement!
@amWhy I expect BIG thinking from you.
I thought I'd test out how well the CMs have learned from the 2012 MSE election!
@MikeMiller he did not have much choice.
I am joking, folks! I've no plans to run. Perhaps, given 2012, it is too dark a humor, as to not be funny.
@amWhy that's a pity, but the "...Not." already gave it away. :-)
@Simply I won't run this time. I'm no longer moderate. Besides, if all the rumors are to be believed, I will never have to run again. I can just ask for the diamond back. At least that's what some mods from other sites said :-) But, we need other people to lead the formation of a big compromise. Or the war, if it comes to that.
oof here we go
It's on.
So five candidates it is. Unless, somebody is still typing their nomination (IIRC the system allows a grace period for that).
@quid This is a really good joke. I was impressed.
No last-second nominations, it seems
Say, does anybody have the link to how the election voting stuff works?
Oh nvm
A point to know is that one can change the votes at any point in time. Thus, one can vote away quickly. No need to wait around until the last minute.
@quid Excellent point, @quid.
Can you remove a vote as easily as you have cast it? May I vote for fewer than 3 candidates and have my votes counted?
Yes and yes.
It is not clear to me how to reduce the number of people you have voted for once you have voted for them.
Regarding the rest, one selects up to three candidates. The order is of crucial importance, but it basically always makes sense to make all three choices. It's not that a vote for the first choice counts any less when one has other votes.
Ah, vote for your 1st choice as your 2nd or 3rd choice.
(Changing votes is very easy, as is retracting votes)
@MikeMiller No, vote for your first choice as your first selection, second as second, and you can hold off voting on any third choice if you are uncertain, or else select a third choice and you can change that later.
@amWhy You misunderstand, I think. If one has voted for 3 and would like to reduce that to 2, you have to figure out the mechanism to do so. (Vote for one of the top 2 as 'third' to remove your 3rd vote.)
@amWhy The question was how to retract a vote, which you can do by changing the ranking of someone.
Alrighty, I've been corrected.
I do not think I understand STV. But that's ok.
@MikeMiller it's not really crucial to know the details, what's key is that you have one vote, which is given to your first choice. This vote (or part thereof) is then transferred to your second choice once your first choice is either elected or eliminated.
ok, I was hesitant to believe your claim that you should almost always vote for 3 people, thinking it would be something akin to a Borda count.
So, vote as if you have one vote, for the 1st. Then, do the same considering all candidates but the 1st one for the 2nd. And likewise for the third.
Can that be stickied?
Some more details are here:
Q: Do I have to cast three votes in the election?

Asaf KaragilaWe are given three votes to cast in the moderator election. What happens if one casts only one or two votes? And how does such behavior plays within the STV system used?

@MikeMiller I hesitated a bit to pin my own message, but it's done.
I get that. But I hope it will be helpful to others.
how are the 1st, 2nd, 3rd choice votes tallied to pick a winner? what is the algorithm? (there are multiple ways to do Ranked-Choice Voting, not all equivalent.)

is it Instant Runoff Voting? or is it a Condorcet-compliant method? (let's hope it's neither Borda nor Bucklin.)
Meek STV; just read the links above
1 hour later…
So, how many people voted so far?
@AsafKaragila net count: -93
Negative? Hm, people sure are removing their votes!
@amWhy By my count there were like 9-10 pages of new Constituent badges. So... that many.
@AsafKaragila Clever aren't we? :P
@amWhy Wouldn't be here if we weren't...
@AsafKaragila Does here mean MSE, or this chatroom?
I have some easy counterexamples to the first.
So... 93 people have voted?
@AsafKaragila I think you should be careful. Mentioning Russell three times channels GC.
At my count, 517 badges have been awarded for this election.
@TannerSwett No, I was joking, when I wrote that (minus) 93 people voted. In truth, your count is accurate, at this point.
@MichaelGreinecker (I'm to blame for one such mentioning) :(
@amWhy None of us is perfect. I for one never answered a question in terms of the Principia Mathematicae...
On checking, I was wrong.
@AsafKaragila HINT: "Awarded 4679 times" was the status of the constituent badge before this election, it is now "Awarded 5228 times." Can you take it from here? ;D
@quid I'm not a number theorist, sorry.
@quid If the stats are going to be similar to the last elections, then about a third of voters have already cast their ballots.
@quid So... uh... $4679 + 5228 = 9907$. Over nine thousand people have voted!?
@AloizioMacedo I didn't realize you were getting into symplectic topology. I was already glad to vote for you before I realized I was supporting the spread of our little discipline.
Oh... wait... maybe I should have multiplied?
@XanderHenderson Because... SCIENCE!
On the other hand maybe "electing math.SE moderators" is not the best way to spread a discipline.
OTOH you should definitely vote for me for the (big-numbers) tag *wink*
Sorry I can't be part of the club, fellas!
@MikeMiller Well... I am trying to, at least. To be honest, I am essentially getting into that stage where I am overwhelmed with, to quote you, the "heavy lifting to set [it] up". It is a little hard to feel comfortable, but I am starting to appreciate the whole context of the area.
The very beginning was pretty rough, but I am glad I chose to go through this way : ).
@AsafKaragila There I thought it was about determining the cardinality of a complement of a subset, given the cardinality of the set and the subset. Can you do that?!
@quid Only if the set is infinite... :P
@AloizioMacedo Feel free to talk to me about it at any time, in Math.SE chat or via email.
@robjohn "the mean square": Glad to see you here!

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