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00:00 - 19:0021:00 - 23:00

@Shog9 has joined us!!
@Shog9 as you can see from here, it's been a very ummmm, ummmm, active 24 hours wrt the mod election, 2018 front!
mmm, yes
Asaf has joined the fray
that seems portentous
Strange comment you just got, @Asaf. I don't understand the perceived value of the declaration 'I don't like candidacy X' without reasons. Who could one convince?
@MikeMiller I think the follow up was even stranger.
@Shog9 How you been?
on vacation until yesterday; digging out from the backlog now
@Shog9 Ah, well. That's always fun... :|
glad to see y'all haven't burned the site down just yet
It's not like we didn't try...
I would only attempt that while the moderators aren't looking.
@Shog9 Oh long is a backlog of a CM, by the way?
Did you mean "How long is a backlog of a CM ...." @AsafKaragila ? Perhaps you'll have to hire me as your editor when you win the election! :P
@amWhy It's been a long day, ya' know? :P
@AsafKaragila hehe! :P
Else, I'm sure the answer is something like "Oh so long!"
@amWhy I'm sure, but is it like one day worth of work, or two or three? And I guess that also depends on the length of the vacation... One week? Two weeks? Six months?
@AsafKaragila True, true.
@MikeMiller @AsafKaragila I certainly cannot speak for what they meant, but it is questionable your motives for joining the election. Are you really running for moderator? Or are you running for other things?
@SimplyBeautifulArt I'm sorry, can you clarify this?
If you want to accuse me of something, can you please do it in a clear way?
I'm not accusing you of anything. I just want the assurance that you really plan on becoming moderator. Your nomination post feels uncertain.
@SimplyBeautifulArt When I was 18, perhaps even a bit after that, I was still in an attention seeking phase. Nowadays, quite the opposite usually.
@SimplyBeautifulArt What has MikeMiller to do with this anyway? And wrt your question to Asaf, you announced your candidacy less than 24 hours prior. Can we ask you about your sincerity, given your absence from this site, pretty much since after the last election?
@amWhy the ping was for context on what I was talking about.
As per my absence, it wasn't really an absence. I still did things like read meta and kept up with my favorite tags, but not much more.
@SimplyBeautifulArt An absence of nearly 10 months, not just the summer months, as you refer to in your statement.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Makes it seems like you really just want to be a moderator for the status of being a moderator... :P
(See how easy it is to recast things into a negative light?)
my gosh, the election is getting interesting
@AlexanderGruber And then some!!
@SimplyBeautifulArt: (The point here being that if you think that I'm an honest person, then you should accept that this candidacy is an honest one. If you think that I am a person who thinks a lot before doing something, then you should also feel that this is a well-thought move. If you don't think so, then you can just not vote for me... :))
@amWhy Has it been so long? My rep tab seems to suggest I was somewhat active in January, though I can't really say.
@AsafKaragila Maybe, who knows. My response to "Why do you want to be a moderator?" certainly isn't strong or specific hm?
@SimplyBeautifulArt Judging by your comments, you've been on and off since late December, with usage intervals of about a week or so, but not very intense usage when it comes to comments.
@AsafKaragila well... I have 160 open tabs on one machine, 150 on another, 43 on my phone, and a nice pile of unread emails. BUT! I've finally caught up on pings here on SE, so that's a start.
>insert any phdcomic about piles of unread emails here
@Shog9 My CPU just heated to 80C just by hearing about all those open tabs...
@SimplyBeautifulArt Doesn't work. He's neither a student nor a professor... :P
rip, I tried
I assume... he's a programmer for stackexchange? :-)
@SimplyBeautifulArt Probably not an insane egoist. If you believe a word he's saying.
I just realized that nobody used # in the header of their Q&A answer except me...
Actually I did (until the last update)
I also believe Zach did
Zach did not.
maybe I was imagining things
But yeah, you had ###, for some reason I was under the impression that everyone had just #.
I think it's because the answers are so long, you don't see them at the same time. So it's easy to impose things from your mind.
@AsafKaragila Someone did, but unfortunately it's been edited. My bad!
@amWhy Yeah, well, it's fine. Let's just leave it at that.
Between ### and boldface there's not much difference.
I have to admit, there are some really odd comments on some of the nominations.
@AsafKaragila I think the comment you linked was deleted, the link redirects to nowhere now. Or am I overseeing something?
@AloizioMacedo Hmm. Apparently it got deleted.
@AsafKaragila argh, there I cannot see it...
@quid Huh. So even moderators cannot see deleted comments on nomination pages?
By the way, I did not see the comment either. Anything relevant?
@AsafKaragila no; I don't think I can.
@quid Jesus. Why even bother to run for moderator... :-P
@AloizioMacedo Someone claimed that all candidates are practically the same and it's "not real politics"...
@AsafKaragila well, you cannot say that I did not warn you:
@quid Do I look like George Washington to you?
A little...
@XanderHenderson Really? Do you even know how I look like?
@AsafKaragila just a circus to keep MSE in line, everybody knows 'luminati runs the world
Not a clue, @AsafKaragila
But I assume that you have two eyes, a couple of hands, an a belly button
@XanderHenderson So that was just a Baysian guess?
So, you have a lot in common with George Washington
@AsafKaragila Oh, absolutely
@XanderHenderson My teeth are all self-grown, though.
Well, that is a subtle difference.
Well. So far, anyway.
But no one will notice if you don't smile.
@AlexanderGruber I thought that the answer to "who runs the world" was "girls"...
@XanderHenderson mods never smile :-|
@XanderHenderson I'm in the UK. Nobody is allowed to smile anyway.
Ah, well, that settles it.
Especially not foreigners with decent looking teeth.
@AsafKaragila That comment is still there, under Von Neumann's nomination. It seems the page has some difficulties handling comments that must be seen after "expansion", but this is mostly conjecture based on the source code not showing the comment on the main page.
Given that I know next to nothing about these things, I am probably wrong though.
@AloizioMacedo Huh. You're right. That's really weird. I was sure it was gone!
The comment ID is precisely the one in your link, so there is something weird indeed.
@AloizioMacedo Maybe I'm just tired...
Understandable, you probably typed the answers to the entire questionnaire today, right?
@AloizioMacedo Yeah, also that.
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