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I am asking to have my account deleted
@amWhy I really respect you, I am very appreciate of all your work in this site
@XanderHenderson I am glad you are on this site, if either you or @amWhy want to get in touch with me shoot me an email
1 message moved to trash
@ZacharySelk oi say bye to me tho
@ZacharySelk I am sorry about your frustration; I still felt compelled to remove the message as it contained profane language.
In any case, we wish you farewell in all good things. @ZacharySelk
@ZacharySelk I am quite sorry to see you go. I was really excited about your candidacy.
Wait, did I just wish them to leave all good things behind!?
(I can definitely grammar)
grammar be hard. :(
uh, pretty sure I meant "farewell and good luck in all good things" or something like that
@SimplyBeautifulArt You say that I will stand for a more moderate position, but I think you mean I will stand for a moderator position. I know, grammar is hard and all. In any event, here in 'Merika, we don't just stand around, we run for elections!
(Ugh... terrible pun, I am going to go hide in shame, now.)
Can I also compliment you on being one of the few candidates to read the instructions and actually adding a link to your answers to the questionnaire question? I've had to edit in the last two myself. :\
(or is that complement?)
(well, assume whichever is correct)
Oof instructions
Who reads the boring text called "instructions" anyways?
I would like to pick your mind a little regarding a couple of your answers. Is there any chance that you might drop in on the election chat? — Xander Henderson 11 hours ago
@XanderHenderson are you Dr. Frankenstein?
4 hours later…
What the ...
From leading contender to rage quitting... what did I miss?
2 hours later…
Seconding Asaf's question. What the hell just happened to Zach?
My best wishes.
@user7530 I think I added my comment under The SimpliFire's nomination after The Count posted that message about "needless literal word games". And I agree that it wasn't a very important issue, but it puzzled me for a second, so I thought it would be best to use the correct terminology.
Initially I also wanted to ask why TheSimpliFire's profile indicated a lot less review tasks, but then I realised that my profile didn't match the number of reviews I've performed. I guess the profile doesn't take deleted posts into account - which is a bit pointless for Close vote or Low Quality Posts reviews...
@ArnaudD. Yes I realised that as well. Note also that the 'reviews' button does not include edits...
Did y’all ever figure out what happened with Zach? He was getting some pointed questions from the “will do your homework for you for 10 e-points” crowd, but I didn’t see anything too rude or aggressive...
That's normal : editing posts is not done through a review queue (except if you choose to edit a Low Quality Post, or a Suggested Edit, but I think those are counted in the "reviews").
Incidentally, I've forgotten to add for the record that I've now (before posting here in fact) removed the comment mentionned above as it was obsolete after TheSimpliFire edited their nomination post.
3 hours later…
@XanderHenderson Did you want to ask me something?
@TheSimpliFire Yes. Your answer to question (6) (about problem statement questions) made me realize that there is a nuance which was obvious to me, but which I did not convey very well in the question.
Your answer is "I am on neither side. I think that for PSQs, there should only be closure/deletion if the asker of a low-quality question does not respond/act to comments encouraging them to provide their efforts."
I see closure as a way of informing a user that their question is of low-quality, and that they should do something about, to be followed by deletion only later, if the user user fails to respond.
Thus an ideal process would be (poor question) -> (closure) -> (improvement) -> (reopening).
Hence there should be time between closure and deletion during which the asker can respond to comments.
Because this nuance was lost in the question, your answer looks like you would not be in favor of closure until after the asker failed to respond to comments asking for improvement.
Is that a correct reading? or did my poor phrasing of the question lead to an answer that doesn't really reflect your point of view?
You are mostly correct. I usually allow 2/3 minutes for them to reply, then I close if there is either no reply, or if they reply with something along the lines of 'I can't be bothered' or 'I don't know'. If they give their attempt in the comments then I would incorporate that into their post.
If closure happened immediately and the OP decides to write a better question, then more time (than 2/3 minutes) would be needed to get 5 reopen votes.
@TheSimpliFire 2-3 minutes can be an extremely short amount of time, most people are not checking their notifications constantly, or they could be busy with a number of other tasks, such as reading the answers they have received.
@AndrésE.Caicedo: You don't have the site yet. How about you run for moderator? :)
Err, the above should have been "hate", not "have".
@AsafKaragila You know, if you ran as a mod, you'd be able to edit your comment with "have" to "hate", with no time-limit for editing! ;-)
@amWhy True. I should run, get elected, fix a few typos, and then quit. :D
"If elected, I will do my best to fix all the typos I have made in comments over the years, and then quit."
@JyrkiLahtonen for all I know there was nothing overly specific. IIRC, there was a string of hostile comments on the nomination, though. Yet, I cannot see it anymore either.
@quid What's the point of being a moderator, then???
@AsafKaragila well, I can see most other deleted stuff...
@quid Yeah, but now that I found out that you can't see deleted nominations, it really makes me question if the whole thing is worth it.
@amWhy Armed with the above knowledge, I must decline your kind offer.
This is unfortunate.
How many moderators will be elected?
@MikeMiller 100,000,000,000 of them.
@MikeMiller two will be elected.
@MikeMiller two.
@MikeMiller Who do you believe, me or those two anonymous people?
@AsafKaragila Darn, we'll run out of all humans, and will have to elect birds, and/or mammals, perhaps even a few fish!
@amWhy I was thinking bacteria. Or stars. I would like to have a star moderator.
@SimplyBeautifulArt: How old are you?
Why not a viral modertor?
18 (jeez when can we change the ping sound!?)
@quid They lack the backbone that is DNA.
@SimplyBeautifulArt No. We can't.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Also, are you starting college soon?
@AsafKaragila maybe a viril modearator then.
It is unfortunately no longer clear to me that there are 2 obviously good candidates. I wasn't trying to think. I do enough of that at my day job.
@quid Maybe a virtual moderator?
@MikeMiller I agree with that, unfortunately.
@SimplyBeautifulArt What and where?
@AsafKaragila @CarlMummert would likely be a good candidate, too.
>.> private info
@SimplyBeautifulArt No offense, but I still have doubts whether or not you're too young for this job.
No offense taken :-)
@SimplyBeautifulArt See, now, that's not gonna work for me. I want to know my moderators, at least in broad strokes if not personally.
@amWhy I agree with that. I doubt he'd run.
In case it's not clear, pings don't work arbitrarily in chat.
@quid What about pigs?
(that they sound annoying)
The user needs to have been in the room in the past two weeks.
@quid Yes, I know. Just thought it couldn't hurt.
@AsafKaragila I live and will be living in Florida and plan on studying computer science (and math on the side).
@SimplyBeautifulArt Are you Alexander Gruber?
@SimplyBeautifulArt Huh. So Florida has more than one person living there???
I believe so
@SimplyBeautifulArt Maybe you're just psychotic, and there's nobody else.
@SimplyBeautifulArt well we see through the plan now
2 days ago, by Alexander Gruber
Ima have to run next MESE election just to stay competitive
That is also a likely possibility :-)
I worry about the Florida Faction.
@AsafKaragila I would vote for you. :-)
@MikeMiller Is it along the same lines of worry that Jack D. Ripper was worried about fluoridation?
I think if Asaf became moderator he would no longer have time to work on his puns.
@AsafKaragila I must admit that the idea of "having the site" sounds quite intriguing. Does one need to be a moderator to have it?
sighs in relief that the pings have stopped
@SimplyBeautifulArt Did they, though?
@MikeMiller You underestimate me. Sir.
@AndrésE.Caicedo The only good thing about me being a moderator is maybe someone will finally push that whole "please remove WMs accounts globally" agenda towards other sites outside the MO/MSE sphere.
@AsafKaragila Anyway, seriously, I have no time at the moment.
@AndrésE.Caicedo Right. I should know that.
@AndrésE.Caicedo You keep skipping on conferences. :\
@AsafKaragila Well, the leg...
I imagine you both have no time?
@AndrésE.Caicedo Yeah, Andreas came with his limp... :P
So what's your excuse @Mike?
@MikeMiller Yes, that's why I'm making all these puns here. Because I have no time.
@AsafKaragila But that was before his actual surgery!
@AndrésE.Caicedo Okay, good point. But he is supposed to be in Amsterdam in three weeks...
@AsafKaragila Haha! That sounds crazy. I cannot imagine it. Hopefully he'll reconsider.
@quid I don't do review tasks as a non-moderator already. Also I am too grumpy a person. Also, I need to write a paper and then get a job.
Since so many people are curious about Zach and I've been following the election page quite closely and the situation was public at the time, I think I am not overstepping in saying that prior to his withdrawal, what happened was further development of the situation/discussion that initially began some time ago (I would say it didn't escalate, but that is up to interpretation). It could be that something happened elsewhere, but at that page nothing significantly new happened.
@AndrésE.Caicedo I'll let you know.
This was still in regards to the so-called schism?
@TheSimpliFire: How old are you? What do you do in your daily life?
@AsafKaragila I should probably ask him. We are supposed to Skype at some point anyway.
@AndrésE.Caicedo Oh. Then you let me know.
Maybe he could be a moderator?
@AsafKaragila I'm still at school :)
@TheSimpliFire School being...?
@TheSimpliFire So... high school?
@MikeMiller Yes.
:o another young'in
@quid With all my appreciation to Andreas, and my absolute love of him as a person and a mathematician, I don't think he would make the best moderator, nor I think he would want to be one.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Are you at secondary as well?
@AloizioMacedo Thank you.
I just finished secondary school
Who in the world calls it "secondary"?
@SimplyBeautifulArt That's quite incredible... the level of stuff you answer...
Hm... second world countries? :-)
@SimplyBeautifulArt Like Florida?
I was under the impression Florida was a -4th world country
@AndrésE.Caicedo 'We are supposed to Skype at some point anyway.' Really? :)
@SimplyBeautifulArt Is that why you don't like being pinged? :P
@TheSimpliFire Your confusion is confusing me.
@TheSimpliFire You as well
@SimplyBeautifulArt ^%#()}---==@>><<-```
@SimplyBeautifulArt When you figure this out, let me know.
@quid How much time would you say you spend on moderation per day?
@MikeMiller No more than 24 hours, I bet.
(On average, anyway.)
Oh, that's a good upper bound.
yesterday, by quid
@SimplyBeautifulArt that's hard to answer like this. But I'd say most will typically not spend more than 15-30 minutes a day on moderating. It's certainly possible to do still less without come over as too inactive. But then, it is likely not a good idea to start the task if one is not prepared to spend that amount of time.
yesterday, by amWhy
@quid But you also do "not strictly mod things" like read posts, read comments, interacting on chat, etc, all things that inform you how to use your 10-15 minutes of strictly mod-things most efficiently, and without that outside time on this site, spending only 10-15 minutes on the site per day would be insufficient to act as a more fully informed moderator.
yesterday, by quid
@amWhy yes. What I meant to convey is that being a moderator in itself does not make it necessary to spent each day an "enormous" amount of time moderating. Of course, somebody that is not pretty active on the site over all, would not make for a good moderator. (Likely they won't be elected either.)
These are useful, thank you.
@MikeMiller Are you planning to run for a moderator?
Probably not. And I probably wouldn't win. And that would probably be best for getting work done. But I am vaguely thinking about it.
@MikeMiller hard to tell, as I do not track or manage my time; but the comments linked already may help to understand my impression.
@MikeMiller Keep thinking about it :-)
My impression is I have a small but manageable amount of time to decide I want nothing to do with you people.
@AsafKaragila In much of the US, primary school is approximately K-6 (elementary school), and secondary school is grades 7-12 (middle and high school). This jargon is particularly common among the folk that work in these institutions.
@MikeMiller Define "you people"...
You know. The set theorists.
For example, I am a certified secondary mathematics instructor in the state of Nevada (or, at least, I was---my cert may have expired by this point in time), which means that I am qualified to teach mathematics in a single subject classroom.
@XanderHenderson Thanks. I wish US people would remember that a large portion of the users do not live in the US, and as much as I am aware of pop culture and American slang, and I am a rare exception, there's a lot missing.
@MikeMiller I will ask Assaf to repay you a kindness for this.
@AsafKaragila I'm not from the US :)
@TheSimpliFire Florida. Whatever.
I was wondering about asking if you saw him in Vienna.
Not Florida either ....
@MikeMiller I haven't seen him in person for about a year, I don't think. But we did talk on Skype a few weeks ago.
I flew from LAX to Munich and had a layover in Warsaw. Miraculously, he flew from Israel to Venice and had a layover in Warsaw, and we saw each other a week or two ago in an airport. I had the worst borscht.
The As(s)af cabal.
@MikeMiller There are many Assaf's in set theory. There is only one Asaf.
@AsafKaragila The problem is not so much slang as the fact that "secondary education" comes from a professional argot (which Google says is a synonym of "slang," but my linguistics instructors always defined to be the specialized language or jargon of a particular group).
I wouldn't, in general, expect most Americans to be familiar with the terms "primary" and "secondary" education.
I think as a student I never heard the term secondary education
(Though they might surprise me, I suppose).
@XanderHenderson Or it might not surprise you. Who knows.
@MikeMiller And that's because of your American background, or did you also grow up in Florida?
@MikeMiller I guess you can be a good candidate. And likely I would vote for you if you run for it.
@AsafKaragila but secondary school that's precisely an international term. By contrast high-school is rather US specific. For all I know no one goes to high-school in the UK.
I have spent about 90-95% of my life in California. I travel, but not for long.
I didn't intend to, it's just how it worked out.
@quid They go to grammar school, or something, no?
Yes, I think that's one option, not sure. Not high school in any case. :-)
@quid In Scotland they go to "Aye, school".
(That was awful. I know. :P)
@SimplyBeautifulArt Are you trying to get pinged?
@SimplyBeautifulArt Why do you think that you're mature enough to be a moderator, by the way?
@TheSimpliFire: Same question as above.
There is actually an option to turn off the sound.
@MikeMiller Don't tell him. You'll spoil the fun!
@MikeMiller yes, but that defeats the purpose of getting notified .-.
Well, it still shows (n) MSE Chat in the icon bar.
@SimplyBeautifulArt There's also a pop-up thingiemabob.
Hm... what makes one mature anyways
@SimplyBeautifulArt Not being chlidish in comments, perhaps...
@SimplyBeautifulArt Well. The ability to identify problems in oneself, as the ability to correct for those problems.
So being self critical, whether or not that criticism originated from an external source. And the ability to create machinations for yourself that help you compensate for those pitfalls when things call for that.
@TheSimpliFire I disagree with that, obviously.
Only if you think yourself mature, right?
@MikeMiller What do you mean?
I parsed "I disagree with that" as being because you say things like "Aye, school." :p
@AsafKaragila Hm, well I can't say myself whether or not I am mature or not. In any case, judging oneself honestly is hard; I can only respond with a clearly biased opinion.
@MikeMiller Ah, I see what you mean. I think I am mature. I just don't like showing that side all too often. When the situation calls, however, sure.
@SimplyBeautifulArt Well. Therein lies the rub.
When I was 18, I felt that I'm mature, and nobody is giving me credit for that.
In retrospect, I was clearly not mature enough for some of the challenges I was trying to take on.
But at the time, I felt that I am.
So yeah, if you, underaged children, feel mature enough to become moderators...
I was just picking on you.
I like your definition.
Don't patronise us :P
I would like to believe that sometimes it's not whether or not you are ready, but simply that you're willing to try. Of course, that doesn't always cut it, but you need a starting line anyways.
And aren't all children underaged?
@TheSimpliFire Yes. And also all of them are coming from a position where they have to prove something to the world for them to be considered mature.
@SimplyBeautifulArt That's true. But maybe try a simpler task first. Maybe peace in the middle east, you know?
@TheSimpliFire I'm a patron of this site. I can patronize anyone if I choose to do so.
(Well, patron in the sense that I'm a regular customer.)
@AsafKaragila who know how immature you'll consider your current self in a decade!
@AsafKaragila Not before I make Florida great again!
@quid I know. :P
@SimplyBeautifulArt What do you mean "again"?
shoot, I've been caught
@quid Luckily the limiting value of this iteration procedure is easy to calculate.
@MikeMiller And the value is of course 4.
Like all values, really.
This reminds me of the limiting argument that $\pi = 4$ starting from a square
@MikeMiller Well. The value of \pi is in fact 4. It does not equal 4, though.
@Nick Where are you? haven't seen you here much since your announcement, and posting of your answers to questions. How old are you?
Interesting. Are we talking about ontological value?
@AsafKaragila ...where \=4/pi
@JyrkiLahtonen: You put us in this mess of elections. How about running?
I'm pretty sure $\pi=\sqrt{10}$
@SimplyBeautifulArt Nonsense. That's an irrational number.
Oh right, those don't exist.
@Asaf I don't think that would be logical. It would be better for the site if we could convince Arthur to come back. If the war breaks out ...
@JyrkiLahtonen Well. If I get Arthur to join the race, will you also join the race?

 This is the Realm of Simply Beautiful

Room for totally bored people to hang. Open discussions.
@TheSimpliFire If you want to talk some other stuff
@JyrkiLahtonen Now I just need a few million euros to bribe Arthur. Could you lend me some money?
@SimplyBeautifulArt Like how you recently realized that your voice is becoming deeper? :|
No, but I did recently realize I was growing hair on the sides of my face
Hair? You young ones always flaunting.
Oh, missed the on your face part :-)
@JyrkiLahtonen Hilarious :D !!
@JyrkiLahtonen He was throwing it in your face. :P
What to do about a candidate that has never visited this chat, and has yet to post answers to the candidate questionnaire (not that they have to, but... to get elected...), and has already alluded to not running below their candidacy announcement? There is really little way for users to contact this user and vet them.
Haha new xkcd
@amWhy In past years CMs sometimes intervened when it seemed that candidates are dishonest.
@amWhy Given that it seems the user Von Neumann has intent to withdraw (but perhaps not technical skill enough to do it), it would be nice if a CM removed them from the list.
@SimplyBeautifulArt I only realized relatively recently that writing the standard basis for $\Bbb R^3$ as $\langle i, j, k\rangle$ is precisely because we are identifying the real 3-space with imaginary quaternions.
@MikeMiller I agree. Especially if they've demonstrated the lack the technical skill and/or wherewithal to do so themselves.
@SimplyBeautifulArt That XKCD is a good one. I need to check whether the crowd at the ExplainXKCD site knows the difference between algebraic geometry and geometric algebra :-)
@JyrkiLahtonen I'm not sure that I know the difference. For me they are equally mysterious... as do all objects that involve algebra or geometry.
@JyrkiLahtonen Currently the ExplainXKCD is empty. Fitting to a comic which is a few minutes old.
Geometric algebra is synonymous with Clifford algebra, so imagine a big red dog with a furrowed brow.
@MikeMiller I only know about Clifford the Dog from a John Oliver joke. I have no idea how the dog actually looks like.
@AsafKaragila You've been deprived, then, @AsafKaragila !
It was the only way I could think to make 'Clifford' funny, unfortunately.
Oh, I missed that it was fresh out of Randall's pen.
The primary descriptors are 'big' and 'red'.
Me too. I mean deprived. I missed Mike's joke completely.
@JyrkiLahtonen Yes. Long gone are the days when every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8:00 in the morning there would be a new comic.
Take a peek:
@JyrkiLahtonen Yeah, I checked for a new one about an hour or so ago, and there was nothing new.
@amWhy ...it's in a book...
@SimplyBeautifulArt So you're saying that it never made it to Florida? :D
Thanks @amWhy
honestly who's idea was it to make pings sound this ugly
Clifford the Big Red Dog. If Clifford made it to Wikipedia, it must be important, no? :|
@SimplyBeautifulArt Don't look at me. I had absolutely nothing to do with that.
/me winks so hard his eye goes below its Schwarzschild radius.
Sigh, I long for the days of chats being modeled after IRC...
@AsafKaragila why?
@amWhy The h-cobordism theorem has a wikipedia article, but since when has that mattered?
@quid Because IRC is awesome.
Oh my. Clifford's the same age as me.
I overused IRC until I got a chromebook, at which point I no longer had an easy-to-use IRC client and moved on with my life.
Speaking of moving on, I should do work today.
@AsafKaragila why?
@quid Because I said so, dammit. Also, it predates the web, which is a pretty awesome thing on its own as far as internet protocols go.
@MikeMiller Didn't you see my poker face? :|
@amWhy Is that a face you make when being hit with a hot poker?
If looked to me like an insistent or frustrated face.
I am fond of .-. which I think is this guy ._. standing on the ceiling.
@AsafKaragila No, more like a straight-face one can never replicate after being hit by a hot poker. Kind of a "neither here nor there"; I was sort of trying to say, hey, Wikipedia, for what it's worth, can fill in some details.
@AsafKaragila why?
@quid Quantum mechanics.
@MikeMiller that's just dinnerbone's face.
@AsafKaragila I don't think so. You are no good at this game. :-)
@quid Why?
(inb4 no-one gets the minecraft reference)
@amWhy If the hot poker his you in the face, you just might have a permanent :| face. Just saying.
@AsafKaragila hahahaha!
@AsafKaragila it's a question of maturity.
ASCII faces have been around much longer than this era of streamers...
@quid Why?
@AsafKaragila it's a question of maturity.
@quid Why?
@AsafKaragila see above.
@quid Yes, but why?
Oh, no, where getting into an infinite loop now, @quid, @AsafKaragila !!!
@amWhy Well. I know one or two things about infinite things. I'd say don't worry. But then the obvious question is "why"...
I still don't know how you could possibly have time for research with all these thrilling side discussions :O
@MikeMiller Neither do I. And yet...
@MikeMiller Also, if you ever run into one of the good folks that were students in Jerusalem at the same time as I was, ask them what I did most of my time as a student.
It's not as exciting as the echo game.
@AsafKaragila eating pickles?
@quid No...
Roaming the hallways, intervening in conversations, making jokes about stuff, and having busy office hours. And of course, always having a window of SE open. :P
@AsafKaragila did this change now that you are a PostDoc?
@quid Little bit. I don't teach, for one, so no office hours.
spoopy, my badge score is 6-6-6
@AsafKaragila I anticipated that.
Wow. I'm reading the comment from 2012 where I said I would never run for moderator. It's been a long long time.
@quid Of course. My fellowship prevents me from teaching, unfortunately. I'd have been happy teaching a set theory course somewhere around here (something that I could have arranged had the conditions allowed me to do so).
I think I will not run for moderator this cycle. The near future is too busy / chaotic / unclear for me, and I already find myself too easily distracted. But I appreciated the kind words. :)
@MikeMiller What kind of words?
I liked when you cheered on IRC, for one.
Nevermind... I'm stupid.
We need a reluctant Philosopher-King/Queen to grudgingly run as a mod candidate.
@amWhy I got the grudgingly part covered.
And the reluctance.
@AsafKaragila And you've got the experience and record to qualify as a reluctant super-qualified MSE candidate .... who grudgingly acknowledges the need to fill a potential void! Aaaaannnndddd Rises to the occasion!
@AsafKaragila But please don't take the above as any effort to pressure you! :P
@amWhy If you think that you can pressure me into something, you're mighty wrong... :P
@AsafKaragila True.... What was I thinking! :P
@amWhy That you can convince me to join the race?
@AsafKaragila Not so much... Just saying..... I could use the same argument to harass @JyrkiLahtonen too! But in the end, I do respect your decision and Jyrki's decision ... Just wanting the best for the site, at least as I see it. But "you can't always get what you want."
@amWhy But if you try, sometimes, you just might get what you need.
@AsafKaragila What a(n extremely positive) turn of events! If this helps anything in making you more comfortable with the situation, I am very pleased to see your nomination.
@AloizioMacedo Well. I'm still not pleased about it.
I've been toying with that idea since Zach dropped out, more and more seriously with each iteration.
Good luck anyways? I guess?
We'll see.
@AsafKaragila Awesome!!!
Now the question is whether or not I should do the usual announcement thread, since I clearly have a horse in this race now.
That horse is looking pretty good, @Asaf. Now it's just a matter of answering some questions, and "your horse in the race" no doubt has some excellent answers to share.
@amWhy Yes, if ya'll quit bothering me with chat pings, I can finish typing out my answers already.
I am quite happy to see this.
@MikeMiller Are you watching Better Call Saul season 4?
Because I would be quite happy to see that too.
I'd have to watch past episode 3 or so of Season 1.
Wouldn't it be a real dick move if I decide to withdraw my candidacy, like one minute before the end of the nomination period? :P
And after this long extension!
@AsafKaragila then my first task as moderator will be to suspend you until the next election >:P
Advice rings true, @Asaf "...But if you try, sometimes, you just might get what you need." Indeed!
@AsafKaragila Thanks for running!
and now, @AsafKaragila, I promise not to ping you an more, so that you can write your answers.
oh, shoot... sorry, @AsafKaragila
@XanderHenderson I've finished writing them.
I am reading them now...
@SimplyBeautifulArt First and last?
"My interest started to fade" I sympathize with this...
I come back on and off but it is tiresome to see mostly bad questions, even when I restrict my searches very aggressively. I don't have the energy to fight it but feel a little guilty about that.
I imagine a lot of the older users feel this way
I tend to agree that 'PSQ' is the wrong guideline. I have answered good problem statement questions when there is not much more to say than the problem statement. But I feel that there is a glut of 'bad' questions. I won't try to define this - I guess that's what led to the PSQ idea being so used.
Perhaps this room is an inappropriate place to have that discussion, but eh, I felt it in my gut.
@MikeMiller Might I suggest some pepto?
An interesting idea.
@Asaf Nice to see you throw your hat in the ring. Best of luck.
00:00 - 19:0021:00 - 23:00

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