Care for some speculation on sandraandwoo.com/scarlet/comic/a-sky-full-of-stars-027 and sandraandwoo.com/scarlet/comic/a-sky-full-of-stars-028 ? These are the first two strips where we see black hair boy, and it seems he hasn't met Scarlet before either, yet he is listed in sandraandwoo.com/scarlet/characters as the boyfriend of 9 year old Scarlet.
His mom invites Scarlet quickly, which is suspicious to me. Do you think the mom will be a villain in this story, and she just got a good lead on how she can achieve her villainous goals? That's my first guess, though of course innocent explanations are possible too, as in she's inviting Scarlet mostly for the boy's sake, or Scarlet genuinely managed to charm her too.
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