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The chatroom description tags, I think that it would be nice to be able to add and
The idea of adding these tags featured them but making working links due that many of our users are new or they aren't regular SE chat users.
By the way, today is the proposed due date for giving feedback about
A: Does Web Apps Stack Exchange Require Research?

SpencerGAs demonstrated by the community, including research in a question is not required for question asking on Web Apps. While it can certainly be helpful to include your research in a question, it's not strictly necessary for a good question to be asked. A lack of present research does not cause a qu...

To people flagging messages arguing what is stated in the above answer, please be patient to the official termination of the time to give feedback / ask for clarifications.
I'm sorry for not responding to all the @ mentions here and in the comments.
3 hours later…
@Rubén that's probably a classic unsolvable problem of categorization. SE stepped into this like jumping on fresh concrete. It wouldn't be a surprise is some sort of back merge will happen in the future. Tag system solves this with better flexibility.
@halt9k It's not simple because each community has its own culture and rules.
@Rubén strict categorization is impossible – this emerges everywhere, including file system tree when you must have one root folder. It's really about tag flexibiliy
@halt9k Sites are not only categories.
@Rubén I honesty don't want to distract that much about one question, but the last edit and duplicate is misleading, I edited again to try to clarify webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/172537/…
Is it really needed the "alternative question" ? I found it that that make the question "need more focus".
Only one question per post please.
@Rubén sites are like top folders – a question can't have both. It's unavoidable that some questions have 50% SU and 50% web and same thing happens consistently.
@Rubén yes, alternative is important, it's just more educated way to ask same
@Rubén from the start of this discussion, I was trying to emphasise searchability of only working solution I know currently which is adding some REST in request, which I posted (and one other is digged in first duplicate)
I don't understand the alternate question that way.
For me, there are two different questions on the same post.
@Rubén but people do understand since Safari question exists
@Rubén you mean phrase "Is worldwide Google search (NCR) still available?" right?
@halt9k That claim doesn't work to support the question reopening request.
"Is worldwide Google search (Google NCR) still available?" - does this look better for you?
Only one question per post please.
NCR and no local spam is same question - if that's what you mean
Google is not redirecting users to country domains since 2017.
www.google.com/ncr works? It doesn't throw an error, so it works.
@Rubén it is not principal what Google does: I clearly see that some ways to search give local spam and others (very rare) do not
@Rubén of course it's not! I wouldn't go far digging the actual solution and posting it if it worked currently
@Rubén but it worked previously and that't why became famous abbreviation
As I told you several messages ago, forgot about NCR
NCR was taken by the public from a Google feature that no longer exists.
It doesn't exist, not because Google unplug it.
It not longer exist because it changed completely the way that it works.
The question looks as a problem X Y
It's asking how to use NCR
@Rubén alright, if you still ask this, I guess just let's consider discussion closed. Modders have a lot of problems, may it's too much to ask to dive in one specific subject that much.
Instead of clearly describing what it the problem to be solved.
One of the problems of mnay questions is that use obsolete sources instead of looking at the current state of the tool
NCR is nonsensical as no longer there are country redirects.
@Rubén Consider closed. I can't imagine solving such questions in packs - getting just this one right without dupe mess is not easy for me. Thanks for your work anyway – without any salt. It's really tough to clean up questions.
Questions, as main site posts, can't have too many back and forth interactions
The platform doesn't help to handle that.
@Rubén exactly, imperfections are very visible... Still the best site on the internet! And a lot of great people
The other day I mentioned "querent journey"
I might have to develop that concept but the idea to have some sort of "meta question"
and connect to it whatever be needed.
Sometimes it will be Stack Overflow and sister site posts
but not everything fits as main site posts
chatroom have also limitations

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