I took Energy Drinks with me on my freehunt last night. I found that you lose stamina much faster using those, than if you just used steaks. So you go through a lot more supplies.
If the only thing you need is the ores or bugs then going on hunts for carves you don't need will take longer to get ores and bugs than just doing a harvest tour.
Fury would also be a good option for you: Above 40% health, Guts is active (if the next attack would kill you, reduces you to 1 HP instead). Below 40% health, Adrenaline +2 is activated.
@fbueckert I'm not that concerned with negate poison. When I'm gunning I don't have much problem avoiding their poison attacks. The Rathian one is really only a problem if you're a blademaster.
When we fight them online I'll probably bring a HH with hearing protection. I don't think any of my horns with Hearing give me a proper element, though. It will balance out with the fact we'll all be attacking gigginox all day long with the 1000 roars he does.
@fbueckert I agree, and I told them as much. And due to city bylaws, you cannot trade-in accessories/systems for games (but, oddly, you can now trade games for accessories/systems)
I tried to return a game I got as a gift one time. It was sealed with a GameStop sticker on the cover. They made me open it and trade it in instead of giving me a refund.
@fbueckert If i didn't have to pry the box open to open it in the first place, I'd try re-glueing the box shut and trying a different store. The lid, howver, looks hacked to shit.