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bam. high rank rathalos down.
Which is also an urgent quest.
so 8 star village unlocked!
At least I assume it was.
Maybe the game will decide to be a huge jerk and throw me another urgent quest.
No new monsters though :(
Oh, sounds like I will finally get to fight Brachyidos when the captain returns.
DEspite that though, 8-star will be farmed a lot. Has a bunch of monsters and ores I need to upgrade my weapons.
I can start replacing some fo my low rank gunner armor now too.
Oh my. He B. Gigginox bowgun is pretty fantastic.
still a work in progress
@fbueckert There must be a time limit or mission limit, rather.
Because I broke Ceadeus' horn the first time I fought him and repelled him.
I ignored him after that first time and went on further in the village quests.
Just went on a hunt again and his horn is back.
3 hours later…
Heh. First Offline HR Rathian, and I get a Ruby.
And the tail carve gave me a Plate.
Should I do a hunt before bed?
@OrigamiRobot I did.
Did a freehunt. Killed Rathian, Rathalos, Qurupeco, Royal Ludroth, and Great Jaggi. Almost 3K resources.
I need to free hunt more
I just got Kayamba
7 hours later…
I did a hunt before bed as well. I killed a HR Barioth. Was fun.
I need to get better at dodging. The quest to get Kayamba took way too long.
@OrigamiRobot You really do.
I get greedy :(
I also need to remember to bring potions...
High Rank will beat that out of you
I am so bad at this game.
If you get greedy in high rank you'll die.
I already die.
You just need to be less greedy, and remember to bring potions.
And I need to remember to use Demon Mode
1 min ago, by OrigamiRobot
I am so bad at this game.
1 hour later…
Well, got my Ceadeus armor. Only took a half dozen quests to do so.
@OrigamiRobot It's tough with the Dual Swords since you don't get many opportunities to cancel into dodges.
@StrixVaria I also panic and dodge into attacks sometimes.
@OrigamiRobot Everyone does that.
I dodged straight into an Agnaktor beam yesterday.
I need to kill HR Agnaktors
Also, do HR armors give the same skills?
@OrigamiRobot Mostly, yes.
There are some differences, though.
Agnaktor armor is awesome
What for? Fire Atk and Razor Sharp?
Yes, and no downside.
Other than the -20 water resist.
Which is the type of monster you'll be mostly fighting with fire.
I meant as far as skills go.
Negative skills are easy enough to gem out.
I know, but I don't need to. Instead, I can gem up Fire Attack.
I try to pay attention to not only elemental attack skills, but also the monster type I'm going to use it against. Be as prepared as possible.
I have my Thunder Attack+1 and Negate Poison armor set, with as much fire resistance as I can get.
It's my anti-Rathian/Rathalos set.
@fbueckert Why not Dragon?
@OrigamiRobot Dragon Attack+1 is much harder to get than Thunder.
Still, they are a lot weaker to dragon than to thunder.
And using the Armor Set Planner, I don't think that skill's even available until 7-star offline.
It might be better to just use dragon without it.
And Dragon elemental weapons are very hard to come by.
I have one from my SnS Rustshard, but I got really lucky on that.
I have GS :(
I like to tailor my armor sets and skills to the specific monster I'm fighting.
My HR Gigginox armor needs Fire Attack, Earplugs, and Cold Cancel, if I can swing it.
I know, but I only have so many options right now.
Hence why I'm generalizing.
Focus on elemental weakness, and resistances, if possible.
Everything else is gravy.
I know all that.
The only water monster I've fought is a Royal Ludroth.
And therein lies the beauty of Monster Hunter; so many different viable playstyles.
I love to play it safe, and be very careful.
@OrigamiRobot Gobul much?
Does he even do any water attacks?
Also, Gobul's armor is fantastic for Ceadeus; Olympic Swimmer is a huge deal.
@OrigamiRobot Water inhale.
I never get hit by that.
I'm gonna now that I said that.
@OrigamiRobot Just what I was thinking.
I now need some Rathian Spike+ to craft the Rathian Helm S. Then my HR...Water Attack armor is done.
I need to fight Gigginox
I think it's Water Attack. Sounds right.
Poison swords
@OrigamiRobot @TrentHawkins and I went through three or four of those yesterday.
For exactly that thing.
I needed three more Claws for Thunder Atk gems. He needed four for the swords.
He got four before I got three.
1 hour later…
@fbueckert So are you boycotting The Bridge or something?
@Sterno No, not particularly. Just realized I was taking the site far too seriously.
@fbueckert Life gets a lot better when you just view The Bridge as a source of entertainment.
Thus, me missing @gnomeslice!
@Sterno I agree. I have to stay away a while, though, so that I don't fall back into old habits.
@fbueckert I figured that's why you weren't showing your head in there.
Hence why I didn't want Bridge stuff in here.
Nothing against you guys, just trying to regulate my blood pressure.
mhm I figured
I've been wanting to monster hunter it up, but I find myself intimidated by my starting inventory
there were like 8 types of weapons in there or something
You get a weapon of every type to start off with.
That way you can experiment with all of the weapons to see which one you like most.
My favorite weapons are the ones that make enemies expire.
@Sterno They all do that.
You'll have to be more specific.
@fbueckert with style
@Sterno Gunlances have pointy bits and explosions. That enough style for you?
I do like explosions.
Then there you go! Use gunlances!
I can knock down most monsters with one WyvernFire now. Stuff breaks when I stab it.
Apparently, you're supposed to be able to join game rooms that your friends are in automatically. Anyone know how to do that?
Or does password protecting the room invalidate that functionality?
whoops, wrong chat, sorry
I took Energy Drinks with me on my freehunt last night. I found that you lose stamina much faster using those, than if you just used steaks. So you go through a lot more supplies.
I don't even bring steaks.
I just use the Rations they give you.
You should. You don't get Rations for freehunts, or harvest tours.
And Rations only last so long, in a long fight.
I barely even use the rations.
And I don't need stamina on Harvest Tours.
You can sometimes run into large monsters on Harvest Tours. You'll be wanting to be prepared for that eventuality.
I'll just leave the area. I don't go on Harvest Tours much anyway.
They seem pointless.
Heh. Wait until you need Hercudromes.
Do they only spawn in Harvest Tours?
Or Bathycite ore, or any other high rank non-monster material.
@OrigamiRobot Nope. They spawn on monster hunts as well.
So why would you do a harvest Tour?
It's considered bad form to be mining or anything while others are fighting monsters online.
Offline, it's fine.
You can just go on a hunt and harvest them there.
It just takes you longer.
What takes you longer?
@OrigamiRobot Getting the materials.
If the only thing you need is the ores or bugs then going on hunts for carves you don't need will take longer to get ores and bugs than just doing a harvest tour.
I'd rather just go hunt and harvest along the way.
When wont I need to hunt something?
there will be times.
Depending on what you need for an armor/weapon you might not be able to get it in a specific area.
there are also rare items which can be difficult to get, and you might still need one or two of them to finish a set.
Just seems like a waste to not hunt a monster while I'm out.
Especially when random monsters can show up.
To each their own.
I'd rather be able to plan for a definite encounter than be surprised by something I'm not geared for.
You just run away, or throw a dung bomb.
I also like to think I'm tricking the game into thinking I want carves so it will give me the harvests I need.
Since I've been catching bugs on the way to monsters, I have 20 Killer Beetles.
It took 8 Harvest Tours to get 3 when I needed them.
I had to go through about a half dozen harvest tours to get the Hercudromes I needed. Damn, those things are rare in LR.
I have 1 so far.
You thought Carpenterbugs were bad?
Hercudromes have less than half the chance in LR.
And they only spawn from a single node in the Volcano.
I got mine in the jungle on HR
That works, too. Much better chance of getting them there.
I need Adrenaline and Survivor.
Makes me do more damage when I get hit and/or die.
I'm pretty sure that choosing a skill that requires you die to be effective is not an optimal choice.
You're looking at it the wrong way.
I'm choosing a skill that makes my inevitable death worthwhile.
Also, only one of those skills require death
The other is just Health < 40%
@StrixVaria Yeah, but @OrigamiRobot dies a lot, so it'll give him a bonus all the time.
In that case, you might want to look at Gloves Off.
After taking enough damage within a certain amount of time, you gain big increases in stats.
I think it's 180 damage within 5 minutes.
Affinity is increased by 30% and Stamina consumption is decreased by 50%
@OrigamiRobot Fight a Pink Rathian and then tell me that dying is a viable strategy.
I have nightmares about that fight.
@StrixVaria It's not a strategy. I'm making the most of what's already going to happen.
Spirit also increases stats when a monster is enraged.
Attack power is increased by 10 and Affinity by 10% when in the same area as an enraged monster.
> After suffering 180 points of damage within 5 minutes, Affinity is increased by 50% and Stamina consumption is decreased by 75%.
Latent Power +2
Yeah, I was just describing the first rank.
I think you encounter it for the first time on Zinogre armor.
8 Combinations that give all 3 skills
Fury would also be a good option for you: Above 40% health, Guts is active (if the next attack would kill you, reduces you to 1 HP instead). Below 40% health, Adrenaline +2 is activated.
These are all high level skills that combine several of the low level ones.
At which point, you are generally good enough to not need Adrenaline, which is actually kinda funny.
@StrixVaria We should fight one of those tonight.
Once I get the last of my HR Water Attack set, it's on to my Ice Attack set.
I need to start doing some more HR farming.
I need to get several armor sets for my bowguns.
@Wipqozn Ugh.
I want to solo Rathalos first.
Or Fire Attack. Either way, armor set upgrades incoming!
I was planning on doing that last night, but then I overate at the Chinese buffet and had to just recover.
I might try and get my High rank Thunder Atk set. It'll be Ingot armor again, just the HR version.
I think I just need ores, so it should be easy to make.
Might move on to rathalos farming after that in order to make my fire atk set.
@Wipqozn I designed a Thunder Atk and Negate Poison set specifically for anti-dragon combat.
@Wipqozn Doesn't Zinogre give Thunder Atk?
@fbueckert I'm not that concerned with negate poison. When I'm gunning I don't have much problem avoiding their poison attacks. The Rathian one is really only a problem if you're a blademaster.
Baleful Giggnox also gives Thunder Atk, iirc.
@Wipqozn You've decided to be purely gunner, then?
@Yawus Yes, but It's other skill is Reload Speed +1. Iron Ingot reduces recoiul.
I'll probably make both, and see which I prefer.
@fbueckert No, but I don't make quite as many armors as you do.
I usually don't match it on a monster-per-monster basis.
I usually match the armor to the weapon.
@Wipqozn Ah, yes. I like being super prepared.
Although I have mostly been playing just Bowgun and Hunting Horn.
Bow is ridiculous.
I love the Hunting Horn. It's my favourite blademaster weapon.
...even if it doesn't involve blades
@Yawus It does. Stamina Thief is appealing as well.
As of now I just plan to shoot for Iron Ingot.
I've been using the Bone set S for my Hunting Horn. It has a nice skill set.
Oh, hey. Pink Rathian is just as weak to Thunder as Rathian.
I may murder her tonight, then.
You should. I need to do that quest online.
@StrixVaria and I tried to do it online, and things were going well but then quickly went downhill when she went into the smallest area possible.
@Wipqozn Ouch. Where's the online quest held at?
Although they started off super terrible, since @StrixVaria spawned under the Pink Rathian.
@fbueckert Misty Peaks.
There's a very narrow area she'll go to. It's a difficult spot to fight her.
IT's also not that long.
@Wipqozn "Welcome to High Rank! Hope you came prepared, because heeeeeeere's the monster!"
@fbueckert Pretty much.
I spawned on that high ledge in Area 7 of the Deserted Island for the HR Rathian offline quest. Forgot to check to see if there's anything up there.
Also, if I ever fight another Gigginox, I want freaking Earplugs. He/she/it yells so much.
@fbueckert the HR version is even worse.
err, I meant the subspecies is even worse.
Baleful Gigginox is a roaring machine.
Even more requirement for Earplugs, then.
Indeed sir.
Nothing like going, "Oh. Yelling again? Fine. Eat WyvernFire."
@fbueckert I was not prepared.
@StrixVaria Did you learn your lesson?
When we fight them online I'll probably bring a HH with hearing protection. I don't think any of my horns with Hearing give me a proper element, though. It will balance out with the fact we'll all be attacking gigginox all day long with the 1000 roars he does.
I might retire my Dual Swords and stick to SnS.
@fbueckert Yeah, don't spawn under a Pink Rathian :P
@fbueckert The lesson I learned was "farm up High Rank armor before fighting Pink Rathian again".
@StrixVaria Good, I can have the DS all to myself.
@StrixVaria What do you think I've been doing the last couple of days? :P
I haven't finished low rank offline yet, so I've been focusing on that.
It's slow, though, because I want all the things.
Tonight I will attempt my first solo Rathalos, and I might do it with bow.
@Wipqozn Sounds like the Desire Sensor noted the desire for Pink Rathian, and decided to do a complete 180, and throw him headlong at his desire.
I'm not a huge fan of standing under the Rathalos.
I am. Upswing + Charge shot = knock dragon out of sky.
I regularly try to hit Gigginox with that, when the bastard's on the roof.
I have no idea if I ever do hit him, though.
@fbueckert The trick to hitting Gigginox on the roof is to be a gunner.
@Wipqozn Or use a fire gunlance with Long shots, I bet.
@fbueckert Nah man, Gunner all the way
I wonder if I can WyvernFire perfectly vertically...
"Hi, Gigginox! See this blue flame? It's asking you to come down off the roof. Pretty please? No? Alright. You asked for it."
Oh, good. The Flamethrower line of Gunlances do have Long shells.
Just two Volvi Carapaces, and I can upgrade it to the Flamethrower+.
I need HR stuff to upgrade any of my current weapons.
Need to fight Gigginox to get a poison weapon.
Blast, EBgames would not let me return the Circle Pad Pro, "because the box was opened"... So, Kijiji it is.
@TrentHawkins ...That's stupid.
That's why Gamestop is the worst.
@fbueckert I agree, and I told them as much. And due to city bylaws, you cannot trade-in accessories/systems for games (but, oddly, you can now trade games for accessories/systems)
@TrentHawkins Refund. Period. You bought it only a couple days ago.
@fbueckert I had two sales clerks, and the manager tell me 'no' in 5 different ways.
I tried to return a game I got as a gift one time. It was sealed with a GameStop sticker on the cover. They made me open it and trade it in instead of giving me a refund.
@TrentHawkins Looks like EB just lost our business.
@fbueckert If i didn't have to pry the box open to open it in the first place, I'd try re-glueing the box shut and trying a different store. The lid, howver, looks hacked to shit.
@TrentHawkins And, "Wrong product, and nothing on box says it wouldn't work with my device" did anything? Just, "Nope, got your money, screw you."?
@fbueckert pretty much.
4 mins ago, by fbueckert
@TrentHawkins Looks like EB just lost our business.
I am so happy for you two!
@fbueckert While I don't necessarily disagree, this does limit us to Futureshop, bestbuy, and walmart.
@TrentHawkins And I boycotted Walmart several years ago.
So Futureshop/Best Buy it is!
Do/Did you have Blockbuster up there?
@OrigamiRobot There might still be a couple kicking around.
Won't be very many, though.
@OrigamiRobot the three locations I knew of that used to exist no longer do.
Game Rush is long dead, but they used to be the best.
Better deals than EB and they would match any used price +10% off
I'm so sad they didn't have the momentum to stay.
PnP games does deal in new games, but they aren't exactly in convenient locations relative to us.
@TrentHawkins And they're worse than EB about used games.
Blockbuster lost because overall they had a terrible selection.
They tried to get in the game too late.
But the BB near my house did not have that problem because our EB was worse than usual.
I wish rentals were still a thing.
They even had used PSX games.
Not that I'd rent games anymore, but they made awesome places to find and play rare games.
@OrigamiRobot I stopped doing business with blockbuster the day they stopped renting out N64 games.
@fbueckert You can (or could) rent from EB. Buy used and return within 10 days.
@OrigamiRobot That's not a rental.
That's gaming the system.
And doesn't really apply to finding rare games.
Once at Blockbuster, I got a used game on release day for $35 as opposed to $50 new.
@fbueckert They deserve it.
@OrigamiRobot I concur.
But I buy my games new, usually. Or off of Kijiji.
Especially for those super-rare SNES RPGs nowadays.
Or PSX or PS2 games. I've got so many good classics in my collection (that I'll never get around to playing).
I did not take care of my games back then :(
I miss my PSX games.
I'm still hoping to find a black label copy of Xenogears, one of these days.
Tomba! 1 & 2 T_T
@OrigamiRobot Those were good games.
Oooh, Super Adventure Island 1 & 2.
Those were also awesome games.
@fbueckert They'd cost about $100 to replace :(
@OrigamiRobot Try finding a copy of Tactics Ogre for PSX.
It was not cheap.
Megaman Legends 1 & 2
Ogre Battle, in box.
I do have Steel Battalion though. I'm happy about that.
I wanted that game ever since I read about it in XBOX Magazine
@OrigamiRobot Can't say I've heard of that one.
My tastes ran to strategy and RPGs. And mechs. Let's not forget the mechs.
@fbueckert This is the mech game.
@OrigamiRobot Oh, was that the XBox game with the massive amount of buttons and controls?
Ah, that'd be why I haven't played it.
No Microsoft console system in this house.
Boycott or just circumstantial?
Not a fan.
There are plenty of good Xbox games.
Panzer Dragoon Orta
What games are available that aren't for PS2/3?
Keep in mind my preferences.
@OrigamiRobot no this is:
That is an arcade game.
@Krazer That's the Gundam arcade game.
Also: I really want one.
Like, really, REALLY want one.
I want to build an arcade style cabinet for steel battalion
@fbueckert it's too awesome for the west
@Krazer I should've tried playing it when I was in Japan.
Not that I would've understood anything that was happening.
@fbueckert oh. where did you play it? Ikebukuro?
@fbueckert Mech Assault games were really fun.
@Krazer I didn't actually play it.
I think I saw it in Asakusa.
I think that's right. It's been 2 and a half years since I went.
Murakumo was fun, but it was also kinda flight sim rail shooter
Did you see the Initial D arcade?:
@Krazer I don't think I saw those.
@fbueckert I think it was called "Initial D Stage 4 Limited" or something and features life-sized cars in front of three massive 90" HD screens
@Krazer I spent most of my time in arcades playing the table flipping game.
I recall that it was harder than it looked
Whoa, new people in the MH3U room!
I should kill stuff.
hm, once I can get the Nargacuga armor I think I'll swap out my Bone armor for that.
And just gem it to get Maestro.
I'll need 5 strange beaks for that though.
Which should hopefully be easy enough. I should be able to down LR peco really quickly after all.
@Wipqozn You should fight Crimson Pecos with me instead.
If you can still get them from him.
@StrixVaria It looks like I can.
@StrixVaria I think those have Wonderful Beaks.
@fbueckert Breaking the beak still has a chance of giving you a strange beak.
@Wipqozn True.
Not as good as Peco, though.
No sir, but I'm still up for some crimson peco killing.
If I don't have enough s. breaks frmo helping strix it won't take long to kill some LR pecos to get beaks.
@StrixVaria: So I'd be up for hunting some pecos. I'll want to alternate between c. peco and another HR monster though.
Holy crap.
LAva nuggets sell for 1500 resources.
Of which I currently have 35. Could convert to 52,000 resources.
I think I need some LAva nuggets for crafting though.
I should figure out exactly how many I'll need and sell any surplus ones.
10 for high rank stuff. Probably need a few more for G-Rank, but I'lll have more by then. time to make a fuckton of resources!
I also now know how I plan to farm resources from now on.
37,500 resources for 25 lava nuggets. nice.
That was a good free hunt. Captured a peco and a lagi.
Dang. I only got one rare item. 2-star one.
Still, got 1300 resources for the kills.
Sidenote: Gigginox is a dick, with all his roaring.
I concur.

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