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@StrixVaria The only high rank mats you need for the rhenoplos s armor is Rheneo parts, and 2 carbilite ores.
@Wipqozn Rheno+ parts?
I need to spend some time in solo just to finish up the last bits of some stuff.
@StrixVaria Yes, although they aren't called +. Just a different name.
Like getting 1 Killer Beetle, a few Rhenoplos, a few mundane things to make another full set I was looking at.
1 hour later…
Anybody playing anymore tonight?
I'm about to do an offline Barroth hunt, but that's it.
I need a high rank claw.
Just doing that then going to bed.
2 hours later…
Did you keep killing it or did it keep killing you?
The latter.
Ah. Are you having the most trouble underwater or on land?
I had zero trouble on the quest to kill it.
The problem was no Cha-Cha
Try packing combination ingredients and a combo book or two.
I find that a stack of Honey helps a lot, especially in high rank quests.
What armor are you using against Lagi?
@Yawus I don't even know what that means.
Potion + Honey = Mega Potion. So, bring a stack of Honey with your Potions and Mega Potions so that when you run out of Mega Potions, you can make more on the fly.
Combo books increase your success rate with combinations so you don't waste any Potions or Honey.
2 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
The problem was no Cha-Cha
Yes, I'm assuming the problem would be that Cha-Cha couldn't heal you because he wasn't there.
And I'm giving you tips on getting better heals yourself.
No, the problem was that Cha-Cha wasn't there to distract him.
Then, try Flash Bombs. They stun monsters for a short time, generally keeping them in one place.
They also have a tendency to make monsters spam one attack, but I think that's only Rathalos and Rathians.
Also, try Grains + Fish with the far-right cooking option.
That will get you Felyne Defender which has a good chance of greatly decreasing the damage you take when hit.
I just couldn't set the trap without being interrupted.
In that case, wait until he heads to Area 10. Then set a trap a moderate distance away and lure him into it.
I just want to unlock Agnaktor in offline
Hmm... you don't have to capture Lagiacrus to advance.
You can do the Powderstone Delivery quest.
That unlocks Duramboros.
@Yawus I tried that and had no idea how to do it.
It doesn't matter now, I captured the Lagi.
Ah, go to the top of the volcano and there's a gather spot in between the two mining spots.
Oh okay.
I got that part.
It always broke.
You have to carry the powderstone down to your red delivery box without falling a great height or being hit by monsters.
Look for the Felyne Lander food skill.
I understand the goal.
It just broke while I was walking.
That lets you fall a long distance without damaging held items.
Did you run out of stamina?
I'm guessing you weren't hit by any monsters or anything...
Maybe I was hit by some steam or something, but I don't think so.
The point is, fuck that noise.
In any case, I believe that Volvidon is easier than Nibelsnarf. But that's just my opinion.
6 hours later…
@OrigamiRobot Yay! Wasn't that quest the best ever?
@Yawus They're both pretty easy.
@OrigamiRobot You could always fight the Agnaktor online without other people around.
1 hour later…
@Yawus The biggest problem was probably it was in the flooded forest. That place is terrible for lagi. It's too small.
2 hours later…
Heavens to betsy.
Baleful Gigginox took me just under 40 minutes to kill.
He's basically a normal Gigginox but all his attacks just paralyze you instead of poisoning you.
@StrixVaria Unfun
@OrigamiRobot How is that different than unlocking the Agnaktor in offline mode and fighting it by yourself anyway?
According to @Wipqozn, monsters have more health in online mode.
I thought the health scaled with the number of players.
It's silly if it doesn't scale.
Not unless they changed it since the previous games.
I have time for a hunt or two before I go play Magic. Anyone wanna join?
Give me 2 minutes though.
I have plans today, but just need to finalize them. So need to make a phone call.
oging onlie now
going online now
I'll make the room.
I shall aim for free play 3 / lobby 3
@OrigamiRobot The room is made.
Monster Killing can now commence.
Also, figure out exactly what items you need Mister Robot, since we may need to capture instead of kill.
Fins and Shells
WE need to cap him then.
So bring along traps good sir, as well as tranqs.
1 hour later…
@Wipqozn You are a badass. I sent you on a Rathalos hunt and forgot to give you any help. Your chance was E. You still got it done.
Dammit, I forgot to grab something to eat before going on Free Hunt again.
@fbueckert should probably give @Brant write access when he's around.
@Wipqozn Done and done.
@Wipqozn Poison bombs were a good idea for ant stomachs. Now I just need bnahabra stuff.
@StrixVaria Poison bomb them too.
IT's a little more tricky to do, but it still works.
They're harder to hit with them.
Just bring along the mats to make 10 more of them on the quest itself.
Still farming up some more poison mushrooms.
I only had 1, so it's taking a little bit.
I'm also out of shroom germs and not sure how to get more :/
ARgosy Captain is one way.
Ugh that guy.
I need to do some free hunts so I can get some of his rare trades.
I need to finish upgrading my fishing boats.
This Agnaktor armor is sexy
Fire Attack and Razor Sharp
I mad some gems and got Fire +2
That's what I did with my Gunner version of the Agnaktor armor.
Does the blade master version have a skirt as well?
No, I don't think
After I get this ice bow I'm going to go wreck the Diablos in single player.
Good idea.
Ice + Range + Diablos = Cakewalk
I like SnS more than DS now that I've used them both a decent amount.
The shield and slightly increased mobility of the SnS lets your stay on top of monsters almost the entire battle.
Being able to use items with a shield out is also a nice bonus
The combo is significantly shorter, but that's ok.
Also certain A attacks deal exhaust damage or something I think. I know I knocked out a Rhenoplos doing that once.
I didn't like SnS when I used it.
I am terrible at remembering to use the shield.
I never use the shield, which could probably stand to be improved.
I still have to try out longsword, hammer, and hunting horn.
I think they give you a +10 Auto-Guard charm in the beginning.
@Yawus Yes, I do use this.
I never manually block, though.
SnS relies heavily on knowing the monster and their attacks.
And not using your full combo all the time.
It's usually better to dodge than to block.
Usually. But sometimes the hitboxes are just too big.
What is the difference between A and X
If you can't dodge then blocking is obviously the way to go.
Or they have you cornered, which never ends well.
The one thing I have trouble with regarding blocking is that you have to be facing the attack.
@OrigamiRobot They start different attacks depending on the weapon and how far you are into your combo.
Andit's better to block some attacks so you can stay on top of the monster, aka use blocking offensively.
I usually block and then it hits me in the side and I get wrecked anyway.
@OrigamiRobot: X-attacks are usually stronger, but a bit slower. The reverse is true for A attacks.
SnS is very good against zerg-rush monsters like Nargacuga.
@Wipqozn That's what I thought. A all day.
@Wipqozn Actually, it's completely different for SnS.
Your rapid-fire combo involves X, X, X, X, A, A, X or something like that.
Yeah, but that's a mixture.
I'm talking about the pure X or pure A combos.
But it's mostly X. A is actually the slow overhead attack.
Like I said though, usually, but no always.
I use the A attack a lot with the hunting horn. It lets me get in a lot more attacks than if I only used X.
I think X is the slow attack only on Hammer and Hunting Horn.
My standard HH combo is X+A, X, X+A, X, et cetera
I didn't even know you could mix them.
X is fast attack on Switch Axe and Dual Swords, if I recall correctly.
The super pound is really good, but I only like the follow-up to reposition myself.
And it's the vertical unsheathe on Great Sword and Long Sword.
@Yawus No, it's slower on DS
Switch Axe is slower wit the X button.
You get more attacks off on DS using X than using A because the X combo is longer.
The X attack (overhead) in Axe Mode is the single strongest attack for the switch axe.
Then again, Switch Axe is generally kinda slow in Axe Mode so you can't really tell the difference between fast and slow attacks.
I don't know that it's important to classify attacks, so long as you know all the attacks and their applications for the weapon you are using.
I think that the only big thing you need to remember when it comes to attacking is your biggest combo/highest damage dealer.
So you can deal a lot of damage when the monster's vulnerable.
Like when you dodge Narga's tail slam, his tail gets stuck for a couple of seconds, which you can use to wail on him.
Or if you dodge Duramboros' spin tackle thing.
@StrixVaria Basically this.
The overhead swing fo the Switch Axe is good for hit and run attacks. In fact hit and run is where Axe Mode really shines.
Sword Mode is great when you have time to actually get off several attacks.
Okay, I need to head off. Happy Hunting.
Breaking parts is also where Axe Mode shines. Its range means you can hit almost any monster part.
The overhead swing and uppercut combo is really good for cutting tails.
If you need HR Peco parts, that offline survival mission is perfect for that; you need to kill at at least two to leave the mission early, and you can get at least five.
Just be careful; he loves to summon Deviljho.
Side note: If you have Narga armor, the Sword Form of Switch Axe is really good for hit-and-run because of the fast upslash coming out of a roll.
Then again, if you have Narga armor, every weapon becomes good at hit-and-run.
2 hours later…
Woo Diablos and Barioth down in solo.
Not too much of an issue with either one.
Ceadeus is rough if you're going for any breaking besides the horn.
Can't use the ballistae very easy for anything but that.
At least he keeps all the damage you've done, even if you fail the mission.
@fbueckert If you completely fail the mission? Like if you die 3 times and have to start over, he still keeps the damage?
@StrixVaria That, I dunno.
You have half an hour to slay or repel him; if you don't do enough damage, you fail the mission.
Ceadeus is going to be tough, I'm sure.
But all the damage done is saved, and next time you take the mission, you keep all the damage already done.
That's a really strange mechanic, though.
@StrixVaria He does mostly water attacks. My Gobul armor has 29 Water Res. For the most part, he doesn't hit that hard.
@StrixVaria I suspect it's true of all the giant monsters you do solo, though.
Because you should see how large they are; you don't do that without larger weapons.
Anyways, I gotta run out. I'll continue killing him once I get back.
@StrixVaria That's how it's been for all of the Elder Dragon fights, if I recall correctly.
If you repel him, he still keeps that damage, making it easier to kill him the next time around.
Same thing applies to Jhen Mohran.
@Yawus That kind of makes sense.
The idea that you might just have to throw yourself into a mission, failing a few times, and eventually collectively win, though, is what's strange.
I don't think it applies to failing, but I could be wrong.
I haven't touched Ceadeus since I repelled him.
Monster Hunter Pet Peeve #1: Spawning in the secret area and realizing that you didn't bring any gathering tools.
Q: Brachydios' Element?

YawusBrachydios' punches leave pools of slime, which eventually explode. If he hits you, he debuffs you with slime, which will explode you don't remove it by rolling or with a Cleanser. Are explosions aligned to a specific element (namely, Fire) or do they just deal raw damage?

1 hour later…
I wonder if I should try using Bow against Rathalos or just do it with Dual Swords.
Do it.
I have 3 bows now: water, ice, and lightning.
It feels like cheating.
Oh man. All the variety.
Ever get some lagi plates?
Still just the one.
I haven't done any lagi runs solo.
I've been focusing on progressing instead.
@Yawus I double-checked. It does. I broke Ceadeus' horn, and failed the mission. Taking it again, his horn was still broken.
@StrixVaria Good idea.
I should hunt monsters in a bit.
2% chance to get a Deep Dragongem, and I get 2.
AND an ElderDragonBlood.
And now I have my full Ceadeus set.

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