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Hah! Rhenoplos Armor looks like a giant pink teddy bear!
@fbueckert 30 hours.
@Wipqozn Online play time, turtle.
@fbueckert Yup. Tomorrow night, though.
I'm getting ready for bed. Classes in the morning.
I think I'd have time to hunt one Rathian.
If you're up for hunting a Rathian, that is.
@Wipqozn Oh, heck no.
Not yet.
I can't tomorrow night; dance class.
@fbueckert Okay.
I guess it's the weekend for us.
Do you want to do one peco hunt?
@Wipqozn That I can do.
@fbueckert Okay. Just need to use the bathroom, then I'm ready.
@Wipqozn Lemme figure out this friends thing...
free play 3 > lobby 4 > arqade / fran
@fbueckert You can access the fishery online
@fbueckert You can't hear this, but I'm laughing my ass off.
@Wipqozn While I'm trying to figure this crap out?
@fbueckert Yeah. I was all worried that my gamepad was broken... and then you just had your gamepad muted :P
Still gotta find the option to change the volume.
btw their is a volume button at the top of the gamepad. I assume there is an in-game voluem too or something.
Unless you completely missed the volume button.
...bloody hell.
I totally missed it.
@fbueckert hahaha, this is great
good times
@fbueckert Also, in case you were curious, the password is fran because I tried to make it frank, but has an upper limit of 4 characters.
@fbueckert I'll probably be busy a lot this weekend with homework, so you should have plenty of time to catch up.
@Wipqozn 30 hours, dude.
30 hours.
@fbueckert hahaha, yeah
Okay, I'm off for the night. Talk to you later. Happy hunting!
3 hours later…
Wroggi down, Royal Ludroth down.
Also, @Wipqozn: I figured out how to do Wyvern Fire. Damn, that's powerful.
7 hours later…
@fbueckert Good job.
2 hours later…
Depending on what it is I'm fighting, I can knock it down with the Wyvern Fire, and then combo it until I run out of ammo.
1 hour later…
@StrixVaria So, yes. Gunlance is awesome.
@fbueckert :(
@StrixVaria Especially the combo ending Wyvern Fire; it's a charged attack that throws you backwards at the end.
And the lance has to cool down before you can do it again.
Nice visual indicator for that on the lance itself.
How long before the Wii U comes down in price :'(
@StrixVaria That, I have no idea about.
3 hours later…
Next up: Make an ice-elemental gunlance. Use it on Barroth.
Hopefully farm him enough to get a full set of Barroth armor. I recall that being fairly decent against fire damage.
2 hours later…
@StrixVaria At the earliest I'd say around the time the PS4 comes out.
@fbueckert So I just realized that I got Razor Sharp mixed up with Sharpness +1, which is why I went with Wroggi armor.
RAzor Sharp just makes weapons lose sharpness slower, whereas Sharpness +1 increases your sharpness
Both are good, but Sharpness +1 is better.
Either way the Wroggi armour looks awesome, so it all works out.
@fbueckert Make sure you download DLC when you get home. The extras section gives you a gift of 5000 resources.
@Wipqozn Oh, that's where I got the extra resources from.
Sharpness+1 and Razor Sharp are where it's at.
@fbueckert Yes. The combination is fantastic.
If you can only get one, though, Sharpness+1 usually all the way.
Usuually since if it doesn't bump you to the never colour, sometimes razor sharp is better.
@Wipqozn Most will bump you to the next sharpness level, though. And that's usually a pretty large damage spike.
@fbueckert Most do, but there are a few exceptions.
In 90% of cases Sharpness +1 is better.
I need to get some more hunting horns.
@Wipqozn And for those, that's where Razor Sharp comes in extremely handy.
I only have one right now, and that's because it has the highest damage. Wasn't that concerned with buffs until we started playing online.
@Wipqozn I only learned how to use Wyvern Fire after we finished.
It's so awesome.
I'm waiting for the second printer to get back to me with a quote.
They wanted much more info than the first place.
I just realized I misunderstood what the metal bagpipes health boost did.
It actually boosts my health, doesn't heal it.
I never really noticed befor.
@Wipqozn Hard to tell, if you're not paying attention to the little gamepad screen.
I was thinking it was the small heal one. I never bothered using it, since the small heal doesn't do that much.
Also, it looks like the attack/defense up of my hunting horn adds to demon drugs.
This changes everything
TIL more stuff about how my weapon works
@Wipqozn Always fun!
I totally fluked figuring out how to get Wyvern Fire.
I figured the overhand smash and unloading all your ammo was it.
@fbueckert I think it eats sharpness like crazy, but the damage is supposedly equally crazy.
@Wipqozn Oh, that it does.
I regularly lose a whole level or more with it.
At least it only uses it up if it actually hits.
Because holy hell, that can fry things.
Well, as nice as that health boost is, I'd only use it when someone is downed. Cooking can boost you up too and all.
Unless they will stack..
in which case, heavens to betsy.
@Wipqozn I would suspect they would.
As long as they don't surpass the hard max.
@fbueckert I was already considering going to Best Buy today.
Yup. They stack.
I have I think a 32G SD card.
It's still not enough reason for me to use a weapon, though.
@StrixVaria It might be worth the extra cash to up it to the 32GB internal memory, if it's also on sale.
I'd rather give someone a defense boost, or just heal them with the health recovery.
@StrixVaria Doooo iiiiitttt
@fbueckert It's not.
Also apparently my local store is out of stock.
@StrixVaria Bleh.
So much for that idea.
I could buy it online but I don't want to buy it online.
I still haven't even seen gameplay footage.
I looked briefly on YT this morning and there was a surprising lack of anything useful.
I'm not sure if the Wii U can record video while playing.
Best I could do is set up my phone to record me playing for a bit.
I guess I usually do watch PC footage.
I forgot that consoles have all sorts of extra issues recording.
@StrixVaria Your best bet would be to find videos of previous games.
@Wipqozn Or look for Frontier videos.
It'll all be in Japanese, but the gameplay will be incredibly similar.
There are quite a few on youtube, although a lot of them are of really, really end game. Which is essentially trying to get the lowest kill time on the monster.
Would one of you be kind enough to find a representative video? I don't trust that what I find will not be completely misleading.
@StrixVaria @Wipqozn, I'm gonna send that your way; I won't have time until tomorrow to do so.
@fbueckert We I should find a Barioth fight.
@Wipqozn Yessssssss
Oh! I think someone uploaded one of him barely getting through him yesterday,
@Wipqozn It probably wouldn't be the best quality, but Barioth is awesome.
He's fantastic at training reflexes.
"Wait, why did I dodge? He's not moving." swipes where you were "Oh, yeah. He was going to do that."
@fbueckert: Oh, btw, one of the monsters in Ultimate is the same monster-type as Barioth. Fast as heck, lot's of jumping... it also has a subspecies which can go invisible.
@Wipqozn ...Invisible? That's going to be fun.
And by fun I mean, "Everybody attack the air!"
HE starts off by trapping the monster with a trap, in order to get some free hits. He also places down bombs since they deal solid damage.
These are items you can bring ot a fight, but you can only bring so many of them.
@Wipqozn With enough players doing it, though, you can get a crapton of damage in.
@fbueckert Yes. Sleep bombing with a full party is one of the best ways to farm monsters.
Although it can get boring. Fun to do every once in a while, though.
Is this game as punishing as Dark Souls?
@Wipqozn I meant just barrel bombs; if someone traps it and all the hunters co-ordinate by bringing along max barrel bombs, you can trap it, everyone drops all their bombs on the monster, and a ranged character sets them off.
@StrixVaria I've played Demon's Souls.
The only penalty you get for failing a quest is you lose the cash fronted, and items used.
MH seems like all the good things of Demon's Souls/Dark Souls minus all the bad things I hear of.
Armor doesn't have durability costs, and quest contract fees are fairly minimal.
Most of your cash is going to go into weapon and armor upgrades.
In combat, though, one fuck-up can cost you the entire match.
Some monsters can attack Really fast, and depending on the type of armor you went with it can do downhill very quickly.
@Wipqozn It rewards proper preparation.
@fbueckert Yeah, exactly.
You need to know your monster.
Since the penalty is so low, after you fail, you can go, "Ok, why did that not work?", and prepare based on that failure.
If you go rushing into a monster that deals a lot of fire damage, and your armor takes extra fire damage you're going to have a lot of trouble if you get hit.
@Wipqozn Like the reason I made Rhenoplos armor; Peco's mean with it's fire attacks.
There are also status effects. For example, Fire blight, which is this games version of burning. some fire monsters apply it with all fire-based attacks. You can bring items to remove the ailment, but if you don't it drains your health really fast.
You can also be paralyzed by certain monsters.
@Wipqozn Roll. In water, or just enough times, puts out fire.
@fbueckert ugh, yes. I'm fairly good at dodging them, but when you do get hit? Fuck everything.
@fbueckert You can roll it out?!? Damn!
I did not know that.
Those stupid Bhanabara always paralyze me when I'm carving a monster.
@Wipqozn Now you do!
I hate those stupid bugs.
Usually ~3 rolls does it.
Or one in water.
How do you think I was putting it out during our Peco fight?
I was fighting a Barroth, and just as I went to dodge his charge one of those damn bugs paralyzed me.
I cried.
@fbueckert Well, I spent half the fight against a bear, so I didn't notice :P
Also, I just assumed you would have carried nulberries.
I love nulberries.
@Wipqozn They're great for other ailments.
Fire's easy to get rid of.
@fbueckert So it seems.
I wonder if I knew that in Tri, and just forgot...
I think you put it best, though, @fbueckert. It's really punishing if you're not prepared.
@Wipqozn Which makes sense.
Which is why the cost of failure is so low. So you can learn from your mistakes.
The guild girl makes fun of it with her giant book.
@fbueckert I only recently started reading her comments.
I wish I read more. She's hilarious.
@Wipqozn Indeed.
Especially after you come back from beating Peco.
The boat guys gave her some snacks as payment for taking on the Royal Ludroth.
Except she ate them all.
Now, shoo. She has more snacks...to...eat. Shoo, no snacks here!
@StrixVaria Does that answer your question?
@fbueckert This is what I like. A low penalty for failure is perfect.
Sorry I got pulled away to do work after I asked that.
How many times have you died/failed so far?
@StrixVaria Mine has been zero, but that's because I've already played Tri. When I first played Tri I failed a lot by this point in the game.
okay, I need to farm a Gobul. I need to get it's Light Bowgun.
Actually, I should get the Peco armour first. I want me some peco armor.
Actually, what I really need is some gunner armour. Lagombi it is!
I could just get Monster Hunter Tri and pretend I'm as cool as you guys.
@StrixVaria but then you couldn't play online with us!
Good thing I brought along an extra trap to cap that. It left the area before going in my first.
Wow. I got another quote from the second company.
Black and white: $140. Full color: $447.
@fbueckert Heavens to betsy.
That's quite the leap.
@Wipqozn Yeah.
I can get a full color for less than that from the other place.
I let them know their prices were outrageous, and that I wouldn't be using them. I doubt it'll do any good, though.
@fbueckert Clearly you should overreact, and burn down their building.
@Wipqozn Indeed.
I wanted this one to provide a better quote, as it wasn't clear across the city.
@Wipqozn If you have that link to the imgur album of weapon trees, can you post it, please?
Throw it into a friendly link for future references?
Useful Links: Weapon Trees, Brady Guide
@fbueckert What time is your tango practice?
@Wipqozn Tonight, none.
Jumping into the shower for regular dance class shortly, though.
@fbueckert Oh, thought you had t- OH, okay.
I knew you had some dance practice tonight.
@Wipqozn I'm a busy nerd.
You're a dancing addict.
@Wipqozn You say that like it's a bad thing!
@fbueckert So long as it's awesome dances, it's am awesome thing.
For the record the Tango is an awesome dance.
@Wipqozn Indeed it is.
Tonight's the last class of the month, so we're ending the month's dances, which are Waltz and Samba.
Yeah, you do awesome dances.
That makes you awesome.
You should try it yourself sometime.
It's excellent exercise.
One nice hot shower later, I'm all ready to go.
@fbueckert Sounds...HOT! HAHAHAHAHAHA
@Wipqozn Turtle, your jokes are bad.
@fbueckert I'm a comedic genius, I know.

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