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Q: Is this type of behaviour acceptable?

Joshua JonesA question appeared on the site this afternoon which is explicitly off-topic for the site as per the scope. All that question would do is cause opinionated answers and comments filled to the brim with discussion (Which I know we want to avoid as best we can) However, a user decided that he had...

@JᴀʏMᴇᴇ this really isn't a place for trolling, all that's going to happen is that you're likely to get negative attention from the mods.
It's all very emotional. There's apologies, there's 'bitterness', there's 'disappointment'. There's a time and place for all this. It's an adult community. He got pulled up on being overly-pedantic (which I, and many others, believe is crippling SE).
@JᴀʏMᴇᴇ And you (and many others) are entitled to that opinion, when you don't use it in order to belittle other users, insult them, imply things and then proceed to force your opinion down their throat and refuse to have a civil discussion with them.
Again, a very highly-emotional driven response. We may be talking about different threads here. You're quite literally crying over this, you need to relax a little bit. I didn't belittle anybody, nor did I force my opinion on anybody. I'm not sure where the insult came into it? This question is a complaint disguised as a question, and it's a very emotional one. Not the place my friend.
You implied I was ruining the site - how is that not insulting?
@JᴀʏMᴇᴇ you can have that opinion, of course, but I don't think you're expressing it in a constructive fashion. You would have been far better off demonstrating the possible positive actions (re-wording the original question) rather than taking this approach, I would suggest.
There's too much of this on SE, it's ruining the community was what I said.
@RоryMcCune - dealing with this case, specifically, misses the entire point of the bigger issue I was addressing. So I'm not on board with your suggestion I'm afraid.
@JᴀʏMᴇᴇ well so far it looks like you're just trolling then. Which is a shame, as you had an opportunity to be the change you were attempting to suggest should happen but instead chose a purely negative path.
well so far it looks like you're just trolling then - nope, incorrect. You'll see from my network profile I post regularly, and I post constructively. My opinion has hit a bit of a nerve so is being pigeon-holed as trolling, I see.
The only reason i'm mostly only on Security SE is because the moderations are moderate here. ;-) I agree with @JoshuaJones that the question was of low quality and worth a flag because of this, if he wouldn't have, I would've. And yes, my activity has been showing just this a lot too lately, but that's what happens if you get the "First Post review" privilege and a lot of bad questions are being asked. Flagging a question for moderation is asking for a moderator to look into it, I don't think users should criticize each other over flags, let mods decide. That's what they're here for.
The only reason i'm mostly only on Security SE is because the moderations are moderate here - precisely. I don't wish for it to turn to a community too heavily moderated. I don't think users should criticize each other over flags. You're absolutely entitled to think that.
@JᴀʏMᴇᴇ it's not that your opinion hit a nerve that makes you come off as a troll, it's the fact that you seem entirely unwilling to take any positive action in regards the issue and the fact you are using deliberately personal negative language in presenting your issue.
OK. This appears to be going nowhere. My point's not going to be a very popular one as long as I'm pointing the finger at the wider SE community, granted, but I do believe moderation has gone far beyond what is warranted in a place where people are simply asking for help. I'll allow anybody else to have the last word.
ooh go on then. The irony is that I've made points about over-zealous moderation to the mods (in person and over chat) on a number of occasions but somehow I manage to deliver that message without being nasty to people... odd that.
This isn't about who's right, this is about keeping the community active while also keeping quality of questions and answers at the top. The way @JayMee reacted does not increase quality of the post, but instead pushes people like JoshuaJones to silently -1'ing and flagging without commenting to create room for corrections out of fear for these ridiculous callouts that lead to nothing but hours of worthless discussion.
Thanks @Nomad - yes, I and the other mods here do our very best to be light touch
The single best thing (but high effort) to help the site grow is to edit bad posts into good posts if you can. Especially for new folks. But it is not easy
So anyone who'd rather poke at him rather than help gets very little time from me
So as I said to Joshua - if people get trollish, or try to start arguments, feel free to flag and step away, and at that point mods will have a look, clean up as needed, and if we have to, impose short suspensions
And you do a great job @RoryAlsop. I'll leave the rest to your broom of judgement :-)
@Nomad lol - thanks :-)

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