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A: What to report in the build model, asses model and evaluate results steps of CRISP-DM?

Toros91The way you are trying to present the outcome is pretty good. I cannot say that the following procedure is the standard procedure in my scenario I did something like this: This is how I presented to my managers to make them understand the procedure which I followed. I made a slide for each an...

Thank you very much. However, I 've been asked to present it with all details. Besides, I would appreciate if you could answer this:… especially the question asked in comment section. @Toros91
yeah true, the about is clear right? Do you think anything else needs to be appended?
I first divide the whole dataset into training and test data set. The training set will be used to tune hyperparameters via k-fold cross-validation. Then, the whole training data set is trained using the best determined parameters in the previous step. Finally, the model is tested on the test data set. So, I decided to report:
parameter settings: hyperparameter tuning via grid search , models: the results (confusion matrix) of whole training data set, model description: the coefficients of logistic regression, model assessment: the learning curve, revised parameter settings:nothing is needed and assessment of data mining : the results (confusion matrix) of test data set. @Toros91
This would go in the report right?
Yes, I am thinking of doing so. Is it right?
yeah it is absolutely fine, if you share all such results, it would be great for the next person to understand better
As long as it is possible for you, could you please provide an exemplary powerpoint which shows what do you present in it?
Sure will try to do that and share it with you.
Thanks a lot and sorry for this inconvenience. Could you please let me know the class-weight in the sklearn's classifiers e.g., logistic regression is classified into which category? @Toros91
I dint understand what you meant in that, why would a ml algorithm me classified into one of the sampling techniques?
In fact, it is possible to use class-weight to handle imbalanced classes for example,… However, I don't know how this strategy could be classified in one of those categorization for dealing with imbalanced classes. @Toros91
you are talking with respect to this Hyper parameter right?
For how class_weight works: It penalizes mistakes in samples of class[i] with class_weight[i] instead of 1. So higher class-weight means you want to put more emphasis on a class. From what you say it seems class 0 is 19 times more frequent than class 1. So you should increase the class_weight of class 1 relative to class 0, say {0:.1, 1:.9}. If the class_weight doesn't sum to 1, it will basically change the regularization parameter.

For how class_weight="auto" works, you can have a look at this discussion. In the dev version you can use class_weight="balanced", which is easier to understan
you know the way it works right?
I think it is a kind of cost-sensitive method but I am not sure.
it is oversampling technique
falls under 1st scenario
if you check carefully
as it just replicates the minor class to make it balanced
Thanks a lot. Really, I knew oversampling methods like SMOTE, ADASYN
But I don't know how the mechanism of class-weight is working
In fact, I thought it devotes more penalization to misclassifying a positive (1) class as a negative (0) class, so that's why it may be a cost sensitive approach.
if you understood that is more than enough
got what you are looking for?
ohk man!
All the Best!
Do let me know if you have any other questions. would love to help!
Do accept the answer if you got what you are looking for!
However, I don't know why if I use oversampling methods from imblearn package, the result is not as good as when I use class-weight.
Thanks a lot for sharing your time and knowledge.
I upvote your answer.
Best wishes,
hmm because the way it works is different
for oversampling using SMOTE, you can expect better results
the reason is it replicates the rare cases and because of that the balancing of class is better
but the other side of the coin, the synthetic values which it inserts might not be logical
so we need to be careful
I tried SMOTE but class-weight s better results so, my surprise is due to the fact that if both are oversampling methods why class-weight performs better?
Maybe because the current version of SMOTE which is implemented in imblearn can not handle the categorical variables.
s --> provides
hmmm because the way SMOTE works is good for complex cases and normal over sampling works better for normal cases.

Complex cases by which I mean the data is too sparse
I am so grateful to you.
Besides, the photos you used in your answer are also beautiful.
Have a nice day (or maybe a good night)
that was my presentation to my manager and CTO to show them how I used ML for showing them results
Thank you so much for appreciating
It is night over here
Good Night to you as well
Sorry could you please see the second answer to this question:
Q: What is the difference between sample weight and class weight options in scikit learn?

WonderWomenI have class imbalance problem and want to solve this using cost sensitive learning. under sample and over sample give weights to class to use a modified loss function Question Scikit learn has 2 options called class weights and sample weights. Is sample weight actually doing option 2) a...

it says : class-weight gives weights to class to use a modified loss function
hmmmm yeah it give weight to the minority class so that it can replicate and balance them
Therefore, as it is indicated it is not oversampling
ThanksGood night

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