Note to self for next volume: Since Amaterasu's old HQ is now ground zero for A Nameless Colour Which Drives Men Mad, and we've merged with Brother James's Black Raven Cult (the one that's a hivemind connected by Vril energy channelled through the Crystal Skull)...
...we need a new joint HQ location.
It should be some ridiculous-yet-evocative place that was abandoned during the chaos and the Black Ravens just moved in and took it over.
Preferably an actual landmark.
Jame's BRAC will be known as the Black Raven Accord.
(Every schism of the Black Raven Cult appends a different "A" word to the name: Black Raven Ascendency, Black Raven Apocalypse, Black Raven Association, etc. We refer to them collectively as the BRAC.)