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[throws hands up in the air] New Who Cybermen are everything and nothing and whatever.
Tenth Doctor Cybermen are brains in robot suits. The Eleventh Doctor's Cybermen are weird Cybus/Mondas hybrids (though that's never said on screen, it's the most reasonable explanation for their behaviour) who are basically robots that like to have human brains but don't need them.
And now the Twelfth Doctor's got them as fleshless skeletons in robot suits with digitalised human brains? Or something?
Dear Doctor Who: I don't expect consistency, not at all. And I know continuity is something you use when convenient and forget about otherwise. But this is bad.
....a thought, super-spoilery for the current season finale.
It's been established in Old Who that Time Lords can recognise each other pretty easily regardless of their regenerated forms.
In New Who, this has been subverted at least three times.
Incidentally, this chat room is literally called Spoil-Lair.
@Miniman Snape kills Trinity with Rosebud!
@BESW Rosebud?
So, this is the second time in New Who that the Doctor has failed to recognise a regenerated Master.
@BESW Not that I clicked the link, but I'm sure that's a spoiler of some kind. Ah well, I knew what I was getting in for.
@BESW You mean the Missy thing? So much fan rage about this.
@Miniman The film Citizen Kane is all about finding out why a famous man's last word was "Rosebud."
@Miniman Yeeeah. I'm okay with the concept, but the execution was lacking--partly because the skeleton reveal is stupid and more because Missy isn't just the Master as a woman: Missy is the Master as the only woman Moffat ever writes.
Arch, dark-haired, high cheekbones, strict black clothing, aggressively sexual toward the main character (often despite him obviously not returning the desire), represents some dangerous secret...
Not that I'm not happy to hang around criticizing New Who, (because believe me, I'm always happy to criticize New Who,) but I gotta head home.
As Twitter and Tumblr occasionally point out, it feels that I know more about Moffat's fetishes than I ever wanted to.
@Magician [wave]
Just... passing by

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