Also: Pete's World is roughly aligned with ours (date-wise) when they first encounter it, but less than a year later our time Pete's World has advanced three years.
We can't really tell how much time has passed between those events for the Doctor and Rose, but it took the show two months to air the intervening episodes.
So let's say 1 month of Prime time = 1 year of Pete time.
I'm not sure how important that'll be, but it's worth noting.
Hmm. Pete's World is a post-LGTW universe, meaning that the TARDIS will not be able to draw ambient energy from Pete's World. Because--reasons.
(Basically, the Time Lords were keeping channels open between realities, but during the LGTW they shut everything down and put up barricades.)
In Rise, the Doctor finds a tiny bit of Prime reality power lingering in the TARDIS and uses his life energy to reinforce it so the TARDIS can escape.
I'm taking Old Who PCs and dumping them into a side plot extrapolated from a New Who concept.
In the Tenth Doctor's last season finale, regeneration cheating created a half-human copy of him which he shuffled off into an alternate reality with one of his companions who had fallen in love with him.
My conceit is that this half-human version of the Doctor (explicitly stated to lack regenerations and have a normal human lifespan) will become the Valeyard.
My group (which is composed of slightly modified Classic companions and a sort of generic Doctor for them to personalise, so I'm calling it an alternate dimension version of Classic Who) is going to get lured into the half-human Doctor's universe, where he'll try to steal the PC Doctor's regenerations (the way the Master did to Eight in The Movie) and the TARDIS.
Oh, he turns evil because Rose rejects him as too not-Doctor-y.
He's half Doctor and half Donna Noble (one of Ten's last companions), and Rose decides there's just too much Donna in him; he's not the Doctor she fell in love with.
See, after the half-human thing, the real Tenth Doctor went mad.
It was probably largely down to post-regeneration wackiness, but it got seriously out of hand: "I am the Lonely God, the Time Lord Triumphant, I make the rules" megalomania, etc.
@BESW Sorry, I didn't mean that it wouldn't make for a good story. I just meant that I dislike the idea of the Doctor (or version of) undergoing major changes in character because of Rose freaking Tyler.
Oh, agreed. I'm doing this partly to spoof that whole Doctor/Rose thing.
He used the TARDIS to try saving people who "shouldn't be saved" and altering the course of history. One of the people he saved committed suicide in order to preserve the timeline, and that snapped Ten out of his mania.
But the half-human Doctor (hereafter I shall call him "Blue," because that's the colour of his suit) doesn't have a TARDIS, and nobody to talk him down. He doesn't get the moment of sobering clarity.
@Miniman Actually, he just beheaded the leader and sent the rest scurrying. Torchwood killed the aliens, at the order of the Prime Minister, who Ten then vowed to destroy.
I have this theory that Ten sees humanity as an opportunity to redeem himself: he had to kill his own people for their moral failings, but if he can mould humanity into a reflection of his own morals that'll be an act of redemption.
Which is why he goes postal whenever humanity says "Screw you, we're going to do things our way."
@BESW Yeah, I haven't watched all (or even most) of New Who, but I've seen enough to have a vague clue about most things. I don't like to really dislike something without giving it a solid try at converting me so I can justify it.
@BESW Nice theory, based on what I've seen I can totally see that.
@BESW Oh, absolutely. But Classic Who always came across to me as erratic, zany creativity splashed all over the place. Whereas most of the things I object to in New Who seem entirely deliberate.
@BESW I love Christopher Eccleston as an actor, but not as a Doctor. I think the role I've seen him in for which he was best suited was the Invisible Man in Heroes.
It's only a psychic battering ram, though, so he mind-controls a being of psychic energy: the Nestene Consciousness. Forces it to enact a bizarre and attention-attracting scheme in the middle of 1980s London, hoping to get the attention of a pre-Time-War Doctor.
Then he leaves a trail of clues leading back to Pete's World, knowing any Doctor he manages to catch won't be able to resist figuring out the puzzle and tracking him down.
@BESW Sorry, he mind-controls it in the present to carry out a scheme in the past, or he, in the present, mind-controls it in the past to carry out a scheme?
@Miniman He, in the present, mind controls it in the past. Time flows differently in Pete's World, and he takes advantage of that to make the psychic battering ram punch through to a pre-Time-War spot on the timeline.
Because he needs a Doctor who doesn't know that it's impossible to travel between universes anymore.
Fair enough. (I'm not going to touch the whole question of why a scheme in 1980s London wouldn't attract the attention of every Doctor, that would be attacking one of the basic premises of the series.)
Well, that's the thing--Blue has accidentally punched through to the wrong universe.
He's got our RPG group's alternate dimension where Adric, Leela, and Sarah Jane are travelling together with a totally different regeneration of the Doctor.
When they arrive, the TARDIS goes dark (because Pete's World's time vortex is incompatible with TARDISes from other universes) and Blue greets them as the Tenth Doctor. He blames the Cybermen for the scheme, and offers a team-up!
He's got a way to stop them, he claims, but it needs a TARDIS and they've taken his. How lucky there's a second one now! He just has to plug this doohickey into the console while they fight off the Cybermen...
@Miniman Oh, [rolls fast talk] he was getting parts for the thing when they found and stole the TARDIS. He came back with the doohickey and the TARDIS was gone.
Well, Blue has all of Ten's memories, so he knows Sarah Jane and K-9 and all the rest of the companions--but these are parallel versions of them, subtlety different.
@Miniman I'm flexible if some other method presents itself, but Blue will remember the Master using that method.
(Naturally, his doohickey will go ding at some point. Blue is still very much Ten, however twisted.)
New Who introduced Cybermen as an attempt at enforced immortality by a dying tycoon in Pete's World, and he started by mind-controlling people with bluetooth implants.
The Nestene's plot which got the PC Doctor's attention in my game was using Auton-plastic versions of Earpods to control humans via portable radios.
Actually, 'upgrading' the Doctor into a Cyberman, forcibly replacing the Doctor's mind with his own using weird Cyberman technology and becoming an independent super-Time-Lord-Cyberman would be a very Master sort of plan.
Cybus Cybermen bug me immensely, largely because they're total Dalek ripoffs, right down to their creator being a rough-voiced guy in a teched-up wheelchair who gets his comeuppance because he underestimates the power of the motives he himself instilled in his creations.