So, I'm still figuring out how Fate works with supers, using the advice from Venture City Stories.
Here's a mid-level super villain I've made:
*Bouncer* Mover, Not Shaker +4 Physique +3 Athletics +2 Fight +1 Notice Can use physique as defense against kinetic attacks, +2 to Physique for kinetic applications, ??? Drawback: No Sense of Touch
...apparently mark-up doesn't work with copy-pasting
@JonathanHobbs I don't anticipate needing to do this often, and BESW is kind enough to let others in :)
This guy's idea is that he can manipulate momentum and the way his body responds to it. He lives in the world of simplified physics you use when you're learning about movement. If he hits you, he transfers everything to you. If he gets hit, he can just... bounce.
I anticipate his MO would be to start by jumping off a roof to Create Advantage of Momentum, using Physique, and spend that on Athletics or Fight, as appropriate.
Normally, you use it to withstand, I dunno, being run over by a car. He can withstand bullets or punches.
And, hopefully, succeed with style due to his massive +6 and get a boost.
There's a Physique stunt in Core: "Take the Blow. You can use Physique to defend against Fight attacks made with fists or blunt instruments, though you always take 1 shift of stress on a tie."
How about a stunt for shunting kinetic energy? When he defends against a kinetic attack with style, he can (must?) automatically inflict 2 stress on a nearby character.
Another potential scenario I see is a henchman shooting him with a gun, as an excuse for Bouncer to again use Physique to Create the Momentum advantage.
@BESW Ah, so instead of a generic boost it's a 2-shift hit? I think that works.
@BESW As a variety on this: whenever he defends against a direct melee attack, he gets an automatic attack on whoever attacked him. This being: all the force they tried to dish out on him just bounced back on them.
Oh, yeah. Him jumping around and stuff ought to cause a lot of damage to his surroundings, it sounds like.
He doesn't absorb any impact, so whereas if I jump off onto concrete, I absorb most of the damage, in his case, the concrete would go "OH NO WHAT IS AAAAUUGH"
I'm not yet sure just how much detail NPCs require. There's also the weird thing that's somewhat inherent to superheroes, I think, where someone's power level is a very important thing, but doesn't necessarily make them important to the story.
When he takes a consequence, he can immediately make a physical attack using that consequence's shift value instead of his normal skill modifier.
@Magician Yeah, NPC detail levle is... probably just gonna take some trial and error to get used to, in the end. But I suggest you use numbers rather than fancier stunts to give low-plot high-power supers the right feel.
So if you've got a guy who you want to be powerful but not important, you use all his stunt slots to just give flat bonuses to certain rolls.
I guess since I'm having fun making up Bouncer's power and how it'd work, we can put spotlight on him for a session, without him being integral to the Plot. Or, rather, his powers become a side-plot, effectively.
@BESW Interesting. Not sure it works for him, though, as his general idea is that kinetic stuff doesn't hurt him (thus no consequences), whereas other stuff he wouldn't be able to bounce at the attacker.
Well now. Brian has requested they fight these guys:
Seeing as I have to go meet with them in 2 minutes, here's the ultra-quick statblock: Thunder Robot Conquering Robot of the 50s. Ancient Tech +5 Shoot +4 Physique +3 Fight +2 Notice +1 Athletics Grabbing hands: +2 to grabbing things
It's missing something, though, to make them stand out. Or does it? Do "monsters" need much mechanical variety, or are aspects taking care of that?
I've also noticed I'm putting a lot of points into Physique of robots. Which, I guess, is justifiable.
@Magician Vulnerable to Zee-Rust: Thunder Robots have Armor:2 against all physical attacks that aren't made by weapons which wouldn't be out of place in Lost in Space or Flash Gordon.