I don't know what happened around that SHA-1 collision thing to get so many people to visit it, but I'm sure sad that it's this mostly down-to-earth answer that got the most votes out of all of my previous answers T.T I mean, please, my Garbled Circuit one took certainly ten times more time to write.
@Lery I know that feel. My highest voted answers on Sec.SE are simple things about DDoS, the definition of certain hacker jargon, why wiping encryption keys is faster than wiping an entire disk, whether or not physical access to a sensitive system is dangerous... But then ones where I actually spend hours figuring out the answer for a fascinating question only gets a few upvotes.
Meh, my highest votes go to explain CER / DER and such and of course explaining that PKCS#5 based padding is essentially the same as PKCS#7 based padding for 8 byte block sizes.
My XMas special answer (32 bit calculations on Java Card) took some days to figure out. I could find examples in C but those were for unsigned variables, and I had to figure out which algorithm was most efficient (hint: Knuth knows).
I'm not a fan of SO. Although it has some good answers, most of the really good ones are pre-2013. The average quality of questions and answers there is far lower than on many of the other sites (excluding certain specific sites which I shall not name which I believe are almost 100% full of it).
I also had some rep on Expert Sexchange. But that's kind of history now. It got flooded with payed subscribers mainly from India who thought their company had payed for the privilege and you had to deliver.
The server may now the file size as the protocol tells it to. But the receiving file system certainly doesn't know if all of the file has been received.
So they used a timeout, and if nothing was received for some time then the file must be complete, right?
I am against using any kind of scripting for these kind of things. I also explained that using separate utilities for generating XML and then signing it was a bad idea. Then later they received more data and they found out that the IO speed sucked. Well yes, duh.
Consider an elliptic curve $E$ defined over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_{\!q}$ with a fixed non-zero $\mathbb{F}_{\!q}$-point $P$. For simplicity, let the order of the $\mathbb{F}_{\!q}$-point group $E(\mathbb{F}_{\!q})$ be prime and hence the group is generated by $P$. For the sake of security, i...