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did everyone go on vacation at the same time?
3 hours later…
@bdegnan I'm still here
maybe there's just nothing to talk about?
It used to be like that all the time some time ago in here...
Greetings from China...
Someone who is qualified needs to write an engaging and comprehensive book on cryptography that can take the place of Mr. Schneier's venerable tome.
His book had several shortcomings.
Cryptography has moved out of the shadows since his book first came out.
Someone whose life's work has been cryptography needs to step up and demystify cryptography for the layman and educate the current generation of systems engineers and info science people as to what is what.
Someone needs to bridge the ugly ditch between classical cryptography and the computer-driven fiasco of modern cryptography.
@Patriot well, we have Katz-Lindell's Introduction to modern Cryptography (probabyly too academic), Aumasson's Serious Cryptography and Wong's Real World Cryptography (soon)
I see.
And something else is missing: clear explanations about how to make cryptography work.
The other route is for one of you to make a series of well-constructed YouTube videos.
It should still be possible to write a book for the beginner that would interest the expert.
I don't like the fact that cryptography so often fails in actual use.
@SEJPM I will look at the first two books you mentioned.

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