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That's crazy.
@FutureSecurity Well, and the fact that virtually everything Rivest creates ends up being badly broken some years later and Bernstein has to clean up the mess?
RC4? ChaCha. MD5? Blake2. RSA? Curve25519.
Also, I just had an evil idea for how to really boost practical cryptanalysis. Massively disseminate ransomware that uses heavily-weakened cryptography (e.g. Salsa20/6) and watch the practical cryptanalysis pour in.
15 hours later…
5:24 PM
@forest Blake2 wasn't Bernstein
Bernstein wasn't even involved with BLAKE
5:48 PM
He did CubeHash for SHA3
CubeHash is a cryptographic hash function submitted to the NIST hash function competition by Daniel J. Bernstein. CubeHash has a 128 byte state, uses wide pipe construction, and is ARX based. Message blocks are XORed into the initial bits of a 128-byte state, which then goes through an r-round bijective transformation between blocks. The initial NIST proposal ("Cubehash8/1") required about 200 cycles per byte. After clarifications from NIST, the author changed the proposal to Cubehash16/32, which "is approximately 16 times faster than CubeHash8/1, easily catching up to both SHA-256 and SHA-512...
6 hours later…
11:46 PM
@SEJPM Isn't Blake2 designed with Salsa20 at its core?

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