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Quran and Islam recognizes Christ as the mighty prophet and revere him in the six articles of faith of Islam. How can one group have monopoly in using his name
No muslim is a muslim if he does not believe in christ
@Ali This is an entirely different discussion that would be best suited to a specific room. There have been entire books written on the topic of that sentence.
And we also believe him as the messaih
Infact we are also waiting for his second coming
@Ali This has never, afaik, been a real concern.
Most folks know that the Islam faith reveres Christ as a mighty prophet
It also confuses the discussion in the other room. Thats' why I moved it here.
5 messages deleted
o i was so engrossed i ignored this sorry
@Ali no worries
now the discussion is no more about belifs
but authenticity of Quran viz Bible
I am not there to proseletyze
but to claim my right over jesus
and all things relatd to him
how can the catholic church have the right to become authoritative on who jesus was?
or even protestant
The only solution can be is to allow both sides to use their scriptures to narrate "his" jesus
@Ali the question of "Authority of the Quran on the site since the Bible is allowed" is why I asked you to post it on meta. That is correct that that is a question to be solved.
@Ali as for "How can the Christians/Catholics/Protestants claim Christ and nobody else may?" that is another question.
The answer is "They aren't trying to, they are trying to restrict the subset of questions to be answered on this site"
@jcolebrand Is int that an over simplification
@Ali not in my view.
This site is not "the entire most-accurately-depicted life of Christ website" or "neener neener boo boo we claimed him and you can't website"
This is "I am having troubles interpreting what I should do as a Christian to live my life, how should I interpret scripture to help me do better with it"
Your question then becomes "which scripture are valid" which is a very good question, that I don't think anyone has here defined.
1 hour later…
@Ali Whether or not Muslims can claim Jesus vis a vis against the Nicene Churches is less relevant than the fact that this is a site about Christianity, not Islam. I have no problem bringing Muslim perspectives in - but when I bring Christian perspectives into Islam.SE, I am am exceedingly careful to label them as such...

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