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A: Why I can still access modem GUI when it is bridged?

Twisty ImpersonatorYour first graphic properly depicts the modem in bridged mode. The second graphic does not correctly depict bridged mode. It's actually not a valid network scenario since a device cannot have the same IP address assigned to multiple interfaces. When your ISP modem is not bridged it acts like a r...

Thank you this is really clear. Though I have to ask, when under bridged mode. I can still access the modem GUI via provided I statically configured my NIC on computer to be in the subnet. Can you explain how is this possible? It doesn't make sense this way. How can I reach the subnet when modem is bridged? I cant draw out the topology
You don't say which device's configuration page you reach when you connect to Sorry I am accessing the ISP modem/router/switch combo device
@Zanko see my edit...does that explain it? Please also edit your question to indicate which device you're accessing when you connect to
That's normal because even in bridged mode you need a way to access the modem to configure it.
Im glad it is this way. However, I am just trying to understand how is it possible in term of simple network topology diagram. Can we somehow draw it out using primitive component like modem, router and switch?
What IP address is assigned to your router's LAN interface?
Hi in this senario I have no router
It is just modem and computer
the ip on modem interface is
modem LAN interface*
i bridged to modem LAN port 1
and I use computer to connect to modem LAN port 4 with NIC configured as and is able to access the modem GUI on
Do you have internet access with this configuration?
if I connect my own rotuer to modem Port1 and configured as PPPoE with username and password then I am able to use internet
I understand bridge is turning the modem into "modem-only" device, but how does modem interact with a built-in switch to provide network to its management IP?
OK, so without the router connected, the reason you can still access the modem's configuration page is that because bridged mode doesn't disable that page. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to get back into the modem to turn bridged mode off!
Haha I understand why it is built this way and im glad it did! But I am just wonder HOW it is possible? Is it possible to decompose into network topology diagram?
So this ISP device is decomposed into Modem,Router and Switch right?
what does it look like in bridge mode, there should be a path to that is reachable from switch port right?
Not sure what you mean "decompose"? Are you wanting to see a picture of how it works?
Sorry, I mean just a simple diagram of how we are able to reach
internally its just another network right?
ISP modem is just a big box of router,switch and modem all in one
Yes, ISP device comprises all those roles. Hang on I'll draw a diagram, though I'm not sure you'll find anything surprising in it. :-)
Thank you so much! I just want to understand this small detail once and for all :)
I just tested the Bridge port(Port1) and somehow I can still access
This is how you have things configured now.
If I understand correctly?
This diagram represent bridging?
Yes, though not how you should use it.
This is how you would use bridging and have access to the Internet, if you didn't want to use a router.
yea we are on the same page:)
In this setup, you have Internet, but no access to the router's config page
but the interesting this is, all this is possible through the same LAN port on modem
thing is*
Why do you find that odd?
so LAN port on modem is a switch right?
there are 4 LAN ports
so must be a switch
Yes, it is a switch.
that switch have to be connected to something in the modem right?
somehow it has access to to IP and
two IPs*
Not odd at all.
A switch is merely a Layer 2 device. It doesn't care about IP addresses.
So internall it looks like this?
Hmm....I think I see where you're going.
Gimme a sec.....
thank you! Sorry for not making things clear
Not your fault...communication is hard especially when learning something unfamiliar
Appreciate your patience!
This is what your modem looks like inside, in bridged mode
Notice that its WAN interface has no IP address. That's key
Incoming traffic from the ISP is handled strictly at layer 2. It's passed directly to the modem's LAN interface.
Actually I need to adjust the graphic a bit now that I think about it...hang on.
there should be more cables? hah ok!
This is more accurate in bridged mode. There is no router.
Ignore the arrows on the connectors...Visio keeps adding them. They should just be lines.
hmm let me see thank you!
now i wonder what it looks like with non bridge mode
in non bridged mode the LAN interface is on router LAN interface?
I'm assuming this is what you were trying to learn by asking your original question? If so, I encourage you to post a new question. Your original question is too different and already has two answers, so editing it wouldn't be a good idea.
Yes! I can post a new question!
that is what i udnerstand conceptually too. I just dont know how it fits together, after all it is in the same modem
so LAN interface can appear on two places ? on config webserver or on router?
or the modem config webserver is the router?
Actually, it's probably not best to refer to the web server as having a LAN interface. It's really a service running on the modem that's reachable via "an IP address". It just happens to be the same IP address the modem uses for its LAN interface when in non-bridged mode.
Try this...
What's the dashed line?
The purple line is "Activated" if bridge is turned on
so it bypass the router straight to switch?
i am not sure haha, do you think it go through router too?
Yes, that would be an accurate way of understanding it. The router component gets "turned off" when you activate bridged mode.
This makes much more sense thank you
although the same IP as server and as interface is kinda odd
Your welcome. Ping me on your original question when you write a new one and I'll see if i can answer it.
ok I will try to make it clear this time!
The IP addresses are always assigned to the physical interfaces
Breaking down the modem's functions in a chart like this makes it hard to picture where those interfaces would actually be.
I will try to capture that part in an answer I post for you
i see one more thing, this is called management IP address
is it the same thing as loopback interface?
Ok thanks! Ill post the question soon!
Q: What does ISP modem internal network topology look like to be able to access its managment IP Address when bridged and not bridged?

ZankoI understand that ISP modem is a combo box made up of modem, router and switch. When it is in unbridged mode, the internal rotuer WAN simply recieve ISP ip address and its LAN interface is statically configured to be This way the HOST can access modem configuration through 192.168.1....

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