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A: Evaluation metrics for Decision Tree regressor and KNN regressor

Toros91Generally when ever we are trying to compare between models and to choose the best one, we go for other metrics like AIC, BIC, AUC(this is not applicable as it is used for classification algorithm) etc along with $R^2$. Now why are they important criteria because AIC tries to select the model th...

Thank you so much for the detailed explanation. I got some real useful insights now. I will try to derive the AIC and BIC, will update you soon.
sure, I've appended the links with respect to formulas on how to derive etc.
Thank you one more time. AIC and BIC should be calculated only on Test data set right ?
yes, in this Link you can see how can you derive them
I have derived the AIC and BIC values and just updated the question with the output. Could you please have a look. I have calculated all the values for Test data, so n = number of samples in test data
Yes you did it well and it is right. So you can choose the model: Decision Trees, as it has the least AIC and BIC values along with $R^2$.
But if the model is over fitting then I would suggest you to use, Cross Validation, K-folds. So, you can use all such techniques to generalize the model better or to make a robust model
Thank you again. You are right. It does seem like decision tree model is over fitting very badly R square 99 %.!. I will try to implement Cross Validation, K-folds and update the output.
Once you update the question, then you can ping here. I will check and update you.
my interpretation
Hi Toros91
How are you doing?
I am doing good. How about you?
I am kind of new to this site.
I'm good too. Thanks for asking
In case of decision tree, i think i need to prune the tree to avoid over fitting
hmmmm no problem, you are being active and doing well.
So there is nothing to worry about.
yeah you need to prune tree, you need to add some miscellaneous cases(noise) to see how the model hadles
oh k. I will try that out. and update if I end up in confusion.
sure sure
I really appreciate your help and thank you for the guidelines
will try to help you as much as I can.
Thank you again.
No problem, you need not say thanks those many times. :)
Just one doubt, in case of classification problem how the AIC, BIC and AUC is calculated ? If you have any link it would be really helpful
sure would share in sometime
I think AIC and BIC are not used in Classification as they work based on the error values but I'm not sure. Will check and update you.
AUC is used used for classification to explain how much area is covered in the graph
oh k. got it. The area under the ROC curve correct ?

Explains you very well about the AUC and explains with an example
I've see couple of sites where AIC and BIC values for Logistic Regression, so give me sometime will do research and update you back
yea. ok. I will have a look. :-)
I am preparing a document for better understanding of the ML algorithms. Getting to know new terminologies and metrics now .
AIC and BIC are used in model selection, For Example: you have 4 features then you can build a model with 3 features, 2 features and 1 feature and classify. Based on the AIC and BIC values would suggest you to choose the best one

you can go through this PDF for better understandin g
Do let me know if I'm confusing you or something, would try to explain you better
AIC and BIC are used in model selection -- only for classification ? or this applies for regression as well ?
they are applicable for both
oh k. Irrespective of the model we are using correct ?
yeah most of the cases.
in the link which I've share with PDF, in the you can see how the prof explained.
The links I provided in the answer explains you about how it is applicable to the regression models
yep. ok. I will go through that thoroughly.
you can understand clearly
In DS nothing is certain, you might have seen this. A Model might do for well with your data but the model might not be performing well to other similar data. So, you need to perform all the basic checks and choose the correct algorithm
So, you need to be patient and take it slowly by understanding the things which you come across like materials and knowledge bases etc.
yea. You are exactly right. Appreciate your suggestions :-)
All the best and let me know if you have any questions
yea Sure.
How about this chat ? this will be active always ?
nope, It is inactive for 10-15 days it would be archived and deleted.
*if it
oh k. that is sufficient .. anyways i ll be in constant touch with you. asking more and more doubts.
sure, I'm here to help you by sharing my knowledge
If you don't mind me asking, why din't you accept the answer for this question?

you din't like either of our answers?
sorry ... i missed it ..
the reason why I brought it up is, wanted to complete the answer if you need any additional information.
i apologise .. It helped me a lot .. with the help of those answers i implemented some of the models ..
oh is it, then it is fine.
you don't need to apologize man
it is fine
Can you please have a look at that ..
I am confused whether he is doing binary classification or 3 class .!
ohk will update you
He is classifying into 3 classes
SVM for Classification Problems
The iris dataset is a simple dataset of contains 3 classes of 50 instances each, where each class refers to a type of iris plant.
this explains it
oh k
But by default SVM kernel will separate the samples based on the number of kernels ?
The scores are computed on the full evaluation set.

precision recall f1-score support

0 1.00 1.00 1.00 12
1 0.73 0.92 0.81 12
2 0.91 0.71 0.80 14
this output explains how it is performing and from that we can derive the accuracy of the model
oh k
but in the same article he mentioned if we have to go for multi-class then we need to do one vs all .!
(1+.73+.91) / 3 = 0.88
and so on
@KK2491 where is it?
SVM by definition is well suited for binary classification. In order to perform multi-class classification, the problem needs to be transformed into a set of binary classification problems.
but he implemented this for classifying them into 3 classes
so this is multi-class classification
if you see in the graph you have 3 color dots
1. Red
2. Orange
3. Grey
each color represents a specific class
yea.. exactly .. that's what confused me ..
In the script where it is mentioned .? do we need to mention it explicitly ? or will be taken care by the SVM ? As I understand SVM does binary classification
yeah you need just say what you are using SVM for, like for classification or prediction
rest it takes care
oh k.. I wll try to implement a problem and update you ..
hi Toros91
what's up!
1 hour later…
I have just implemented one binary classification using Logistic, KNN, NB, SVM and Decision tree.. but none of them giving good accuracy..
Can you give me some tips to improve accuracy .
Logistic Regression - could not find a function to change the threshold to classify in python
tried normalizing the values .. but no improvement
Room for a little one
Hi Sam.
@KK2491 Hey how's it going

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