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Here's another more specific entry for occasionalism: plato.stanford.edu/entries/occasionalism
2 hours later…
@FrankHubeny OK, how does Occasionalism address your concern about God's omniscience and free will?
2 hours later…
@Chelonian It is another way of looking at this issue from the perspective of causation rather than free will. If I focus on free will, then it is an omniscience issue. If I focus on causation, then it is an omnipotence issue. A strict occasionalism assumes only God causes things to happen. So we do not have free will because we can't cause anything to happen. God is the only agent. However, there is a "concurrentist" version where other agents exist and God concurs with their wills.
@FrankHubeny Thanks for the explanation. Is your feeling that the "concurrentist" version is the one you find correct? And does that clear up your initial concerns?
1 hour later…
@Chelonian The concurrentist position is how I think free will works. I am looking for reasons why that might not work.
@FrankHubeny So, if I understand you, people have free will, and God concurs with it. But does God still know about it from the beginning of time, and is that still a problem for you?
6 hours later…
@Chelonian Since God is the only real agent if He knows in advance then He doesn't have free will either. But I don't understand the details of this.

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