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In this how could I take this large input
@AjayMishra @Mayur @Mann
which input? @cattt (I am in the situation in which I can't pay attention)
@AjayMishra In the constraints section, the value of k constraint
@cattt exponents?
I am pretty sure that the input beyond ~unsigned long long int~ won’t be checked. That was mindless.
So, I think there would be some other logic
you can use modulo and stuff, if you want.
or you can use python.
variable in python can hand that large number
@cattt Isn't that was your problem?
Yes it was
you are finding the variable that could handle with such large numbers?
why not use python?
I dont know python can hold such large numbers too
@cattt I computed that number with python, by the way.
So, if I have computed(in less that fraction of second) then you can too.
Or you can use class which can handle with simple division.
like storing the iteration quotients and modulo.
If you still want to use c++ for that, then there are libraries.
I will check that
and bunch of related questions on SO
9 hours later…
@Mayur This time's problems are hard
How many have you done?
2 hours later…
@cattt yes, I agree. Problems are hard. I have not started yet. In my free time i am thinking about CIRMERGE

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