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Q: How can you disbelieve in god?

Nik FarisHow can you lack belief in the existence of god. God here I defined as prime cause. As the world is a sum of collections of events, causally linked to the past through time, then there must be a prime cause. As of now big bang singularity has been discovered. But to say this big bang to occur in ...

If "there must be causes to the causes" while not an endless regression of causes, without end ?
Endless regression of causes is logical?
Is as logical as the existence of gods.
Endless regression is at least consistent as opposed to saying "No, I will just say that there is one loop, and then it stops".
And God said "Let there be endless regression of causes", and it was good.
So, you equate prime cause and God. But there is no evidence that prime cause interacts with universe now. Also, you for some reason believe something appered from nothing. But that also is disputable whether nothing was former.
I think Aristotle would say there is never a time without time which means never a time without motion. What has been translated into English as "unmoved mover" seems to be almost a "logical necessary" , and never "in time". Anyway I am sure there are tons of papers and studies on this. I am just putting down my impressions of a quick internet search.
[The OP did not mention Aristotle, he mentioned prime cause, so I plead guilty to bringing Aristotle into this. :)]
"God here I defined as prime cause." Why? If all you're doing is talking about prime causes, couldn't you simply call it a prime cause?
@Gordon Argh, it seems you can't have one conversation on the internet without someone bringing Aristotle into it. /s
@rus9384 Quoting you: "So, you equate prime cause and God. But there is no evidence that prime cause interacts with universe now." Just want to note it seems you're refuting something the OP never mentioned. There are conceptions of God who don't interact in our affairs, that's deism I think.
We have no reason to believe time has an end. What reason then do we have to believe that time had a beginning?
What comes before God then?
Easy - think "There can't be a God, nothing would make sense if there was".
Okay, there's a prime cause. So what?
If "God" is defined as the prime cause before which there are no meaningful causes, then how does your definition of "God" differ from the definition of the "Big Bang" (nowadays more aptly described as the "Big Expansion") itself? If I believed in a "prime cause" cause and referred to that as believing in "God", would most people accurately/correctly understand my meaning?
Adding to the comment from @H Walters. Just for sake of argument, let's assume there is a prime cause. The problem with calling it "god," is that there's extra baggage carried along with that term. Namely, sentience, omniscience, beneficence, omipresence, omniscience, interest in humanity, answered prayer, etc. None of those things are logical necessities of the "prime cause" argument. To define "god" as the prime cause feels intellectually dishonest to me. If you mean prime cause, then say prime cause, not "god," so the essence of your argument isn't clouded by extra connotation.
If you could establish the existence of your god by reason, why would you need faith? Believe what you want. You don't have to justify it. Just don't force your beliefs on others. And don't let your faith cloud your reason.
Do you define God as an intelligent being (if so why) or just whatever occurred first (so "God" could be a mindless property outside our universe which simply creates universes at random with no plan or moral authority)
How can you lack belief in the existence of god. God here I defined as hydrogen. (or 'sun' or 'time' or 'water' or...) This sounds more like a quirky meme.
7 hours later…
I'm interested in hearing the opinions of people who use the cosmological argument as one for a personal god: Does the mental state of God change, and if so, do those changes have cause?
2 hours later…
I think the most powerful argument for a "prime cause" is that there's a general consensus (although this is from memory and I may be wrong) that entropy increases, matter becomes energy, energy becomes "less usable", and primarily that matter could not have always existed. As in, at some point in time there was absolutely no matter in the universe, and then there was. An event must have taken place in which matter just "became" from nothing.
Why do I need a prime cause? Why do I need to explain the universe? The older I get the more comfortable I become with the mystery. Anyone got some weed?

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