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Morning gents. How do we encourage people over here? I think it is a good opportunity to mix the usefulness of the Tridion Stack Exchange with *some* fun, banter and life.

First question - What happened to the Tridion Talk Podcasts (http://www.tridiontalk.com/)? Have these been replaced / overtaken by the Webinars?
(I'm looking forward to the day when there is more than just one person (me) in here!) :)
1 hour later…
Hi Jonathon,
I don't think the podcasts have been replaced.
podcasts and webinars were always two different things
but Robert's the one to ask about the podcasts. I'll see if i can get him to come here
@Jonathan - no, the TridionTalk podcasts have not been taken over...just been on hiatus for a while. I have 3 podcasts queued up on my hard drive about SmartTarget and Ambient Framework - hope to get them out early this week! :)
what else would you like to hear about? I am thinking to do a talk on MediaManager soon (next 2 weeks)
Oh wow - look at all those peeepuhl
Thanks @robertc - That's great news about the upcoming Podcasts.

There are lots of open source projects going on at the moment (PowerTools, Behavior Field Framework, T-Cubed, Practice project, etc.). It may be good to do a Podcast about them (either collectively or individually) - encourage some more participation.
Great idea about focussing on the open source initiatives - I can definitely have one on the FBI framework
and also other new frameworks created int he mvp retreat, such as the ct4t
And Dom agreed to have a chat, so we can go into Tridion practice and also his new testing framework (is that t cubed?)
T-Cubed is the testing framework started at the MvP retreat.
For TBBs.
aha - ok, cool, I recalled it by the original name, Tridion integration Testing System.... or something like that...
4 hours later…
um yeah - t-cubed was a kind of "er no - can't check it in like that" moment
2 hours later…
@robrtc, consider a Tridion Talk on "regions," maybe as a side topic. I <3 regions, but can't convince my colleagues to implement them... yet.
I have built a really really good implementation of Regions together with Puntero. More than willing to give away the code, just can't spend time documenting/evangelizing it. If there's takers...
Cool, I'll "voluntell" Angel or claim midas rule.
I need to look at the implementation again, but we couldn't find any use case that didn't fit. we also included a @@RenderRegion("RegionName")@@ function source that would render every CP in a page that mapped to that region. I think CTs would be tagged with a keyword specifying which region(s) they could be rendered in, etc. It was really good
existing Documentation sent to your sdl.com email
4 hours later…
can we chat... and draw?
@robrtc Looking forward to more podcasts!

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