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Q: Requirements for selling flower seeds online?

NutMegdirt Sorry if this Question is posted in the wrong site. i couldn't find the Gardening business site - Any Requirements i need to know for Selling leftover annual flower seeds from my Garden online? ( in Ebay, Amazon, etc ) I wont be selling seeds from hybrid plants and of course will test the ge...

I predict this question will be closed, even though it is IMHO about a significant part of gardening and landscaping life. Question on burning garden waste are on-topic on this site, but questions on useful use of various garden material are off-topic! Such an absurd!!
Your original seed vendor will be angry (and disgusted) with you. What do you expect? You certainly won't be loved for competing.
@VividD instead of ranting here, I suggest you take this to Gardening & Landscaping Meta.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is not about gardening as in our help center, but a question that needs legal knowledge instead and that will largely depend on the locale, both for the seller and the buyer. Plus the mentioned platforms will add their own rules and guidelines.
@Stephie Ok, now you imply even my comment should be closed/deleted. This site is driven by community, and I am a part of the community, and I want my voice to be heard!
@Giacomo Some users could actually write a book.
@Stephie Instead of writing so long explanation for closing, why don't you take the topic to Meta?
@VividD I’m afraid you might have misunderstood my comment. I actually encourage you to engage in discussions about the site, this is exactly what makes SE what it is. I merely wanted to point out that the appropriate place is Meta, not the question itself.
@VividD because I see no reason to change the site’s scope. I leave it to you or others to suggest that. And writing a „long explanation“ is also for the benefit of the OP: they are new and so I chose to elaborate instead of just saying „off topic“.
Re. Discussing a question: Meta is the precise place to discuss questions. It’s very common that a question is basically the starting point that helps sharpen the definition of the site’s scope - or occasionally change it.
Would you like me to show you a few examples?
And if you are afraid that the connection between the question on main and the Meta post gets lost, you can always cross-link them.
I think being a legal stuff is not a problem (we already had question about licenses of being landscaper in Canada, about neighbors policies about trunks, branches).
In this case is the topic that is slight at edge (selling seeds, not real gardening legal question).
> and it’s not about [...] the business of gardening.
yeah, so there were my comment: professional business, or just as similar to seed exchange. About how to do gardening business it is not interesting, but about seed (also because I'm a seed buyer) could interest me. For this reason I say "it is at edge, without saying inside or outside scope)
Note: I would not vote to close, but also not vote to keep it open.
Perfectly legitimate. And certainly a case where a meta post could be interesting. But I won’t start it.
3 hours later…
@Stephie You can also open a meta post on if calling a comment "rant" is appropriate for this site.
@Stephie But why didn't you put your comment on your reason for closing on Meta, and than just link it? Why don't you apply the same criteria on your own behavior, if you take the liberty to prescribe other what to do?
1 hour later…
I'm surprised by so many upvotes.
@VividD: I think @Stephie will not start a meta post because it is not worth (in her opinion) to start such discussion. OTOH I think she (and also myself) thank that the question would close.
3 hours later…
@VividD ok, so I’ll try to explain.
Preface: I think you might be confusing two very different things. One is voting to close a question and adding an explanation, the other is discussing or questioning the site’s scope.
Your first comment reads:
> [...] Question on burning garden waste are on-topic on this site, but questions on useful use of various garden material are off-topic! Such an absurd!!
This is about the site’s scope. And the site’s scope should be discussed on Meta.
Describing the site’s policy as “absurd”, especially for a new member, is something I think is not helpful and - in my very personal opinion - potentially destructive. And yes, that’s what I call a rant. You may of course disagree.
But of course nothing is written in stone, I am an advocate of empowering the community to shape the site. (And I think we agree on this point.) So I suggested you take this to meta. I read your comment as a form of “I think the current policy is wrong “.
My voting to close is completely different. I voted to close as off-topic, because the current definition says it is. As I don’t want to start a discussion on the site’s scope, I wouldn’t know what to ask or suggest on Meta. And as I said already, I chose to write a custom close text mainly for the asker’s benefit.
And finally, if after all those explanations you still think my actions are questionable or out of line, you may always flag either a specific comment or the whole conversation.

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