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In a few days time....
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9 hours later…
We should make a silver badge that when you are able to get the 3 candidates you voted really become mod
2 hours later…
@smartboyhw Maybe you're joking. But if not: This would be very bad, because (1) people should vote for the candidates they think are best, not that they think will wine, and (2) votes are counted so that votes for unpopular candidates are automatically reapplied partially to second/third choice candidates when those candidates don't get enough support. So such a badge would go against both the meaning of votes and the intent of the voting system used.
@EliahKagan Joking of course
@smartboyhw Yes, I figured. :)
@EliahKagan It feels difficult to play with Meek STV even with plain explaination from your link
@smartboyhw There may be a more detailed meta post. Let me see.
@smartboyhw Well I can't find one on Ask Ubuntu, but here's the big detailed explanation on MSO:
Q: How are moderator election votes counted, in plain English?

Popular DemandThe election page sidebar states that Stack Exchange elections use the Meek STV vote-counting method: After 4 days, the final voting results will be freely downloadable from this page forever, and we will calculate the 3 winners using OpenSTV with the Meek STV method. How does it work? I su...

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