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Election starts today!
I have like two important exams in the next 20-something hours, so I'm not gonna be around for most of the action.
@PhiNotPi I have my first day at my new job, so I won't be around until T+3 hours or so
@GraceNote Our election page is giving a 404, would you know why that is?
Nominations should still be open for a few hours.
nb4 it turns out the election was a mistake
That is kinda weird though, probably needs to get fixed ASAP.
@Pavel not that anyone else was going to run :P
Also the page for our first election is down.
@Dennis I don't know if that makes me feel better or worse
I say that all three of us win by default.
I'd be OK with that
@PhiNotPi I was already planning on voting for all 3 of us soo... :P
I really like the way SE does STV. It makes votes a lot more honest
Although I guess with 3 candidates and 3 ordered votes, it doesn't really matter. It's just whoever isn't dropped will win
Unless one of us gets a majority right off the bat, but I think it'll be a lot closer than that
cough Still not a Condorcet method cough
Huh. TIL
@PhiNotPi What about the Condorcet paradox?
That's where the several condorcet methods disagree: what to do when there's no clear winner.
But as a disclaimer, Condorcet methods are for picking the single best winner from a group, not the best group of winners from a group.
So STV might be better for that, but I don't know.
I don't actually remember the way that SE does STV. Specifically how they calculate the threshold. Is the first one 50%?
And then what are the following thresholds?
it's called "Meek STV"
It's described on wikipedia, but I still can't figure out what the threshold is
If the first one is 50%, I highly doubt any of us will get it, so then someone will get dropped
Basically, whoever has the fewest 1st place votes loses.
Therefore, when voting, nobody's second or third choices matter.
Well, they will matter if one of use has a landslide and passes the threshold before anyone can be eliminated
@PhiNotPi the second choice will matter, the third won't if OpaVote is working well
think of an election like this:
I actually think the threshold is adjusted based on number of seats to fill.
| FOR THE  |
|  OTHERS  |
like, if E is an election with N candidates, then E_0 is first place and the results are E_0+e, where e is an election with all of E's candidates except E_0
if N = 1, then the results are just E_0
Also, once we're done with this, we can take the rankings and calculate the exact "political spectrum" of PPCG.
What do you mean?
If we assume that voter preferences follow some kind of gaussian distribution, then we can place the candidates on that map based on the assumption that each voter votes based on distance from themselves to each candidate.
hm, that error has been going on for too long, raising on mother meta
@PhiNotPi I feel like that would be really hard to do because it would imply we all fall somewhere on a policy spectrum. As in something like Mego would be more strict, Phi in the middle, and DJ more laissez faire (for example) or something like that
(as a purely hypothetical example)
@EriktheOutgolfer The devs have already been pinged.
I can't think of any examples of policy spectrums we all clearly fall on
@Dennis oh the /error page already notifies the devs? :/
No, I talked to a CM.
Or the mods did
@Dennis ...and I wanted the opportunity to raise something on mother meta
guess I won't now :P
How to speak "programmer" lesson 212: Bugs! "I'm building out a fix for that now!" .... secretly means .... "I wonder what my other foot tastes like!"
this is apparently @TimPost speak for working on it
what? it seems far from that
well it was posted 8 minutes ago
so the devs are actually tasting their other foot right now instead of fixing the error? >_<
hey, elections are back!
On PPCG, at least.
oh no they are still broken over Cryptography
@EriktheOutgolfer Putting your foot in your mouth is a figure of speech.
eh, looks like the point didn't get completely across then :P
Does voting start immediatly after nominations close?
Or do we wait for Grace Note to put words on our meta or something.
@Pavel Yes.
And everyone gets a notification reminding them to vote, in case they weren't paying attention
> Nominations close in 1 hour.
We should come up with a consolation prize for 3rd.
we already have one, and it's called respect for the choice to nominate oneself
Also virtual hugs.
"...little did they know that the real treasure was friendship all along."
@DJMcMayhem Droop quota
OK. So votes/3 + 1, or > 33%?
Actually, in that case, unless votes are split perfectly, one of us will get the first spot before anyone is dropped
floor(votes/(seats + 1)) + 1
So yeah, votes/3 + 1
Yeah, so >33% in this case
I wonder how quickly (after the election starts) that the election is "decided."
Maybe this is similar to finding the largest subset of votes such that an election based only on those votes doesn't come to the same results.
And the bug is back.
this is gonna tank participation in this election
This happened before?
Earlier today
> Please cast your vote!!! – Ooops, Error 500!
**panic intensifies**
Also plz see if they can re-ping people to participate.
Just make absolute sure it works before you re-ping or I'm gonna flip a table
(ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻
Man, I just saw the edit history for that deleted candidate, was he trolling?
That's a rhetorical question, right?
No, maybe he actually thought those were appropriate answers? It's not unlike the answers world politicians these days might give.
Their nomination was a lot more obvious than their questionnaire answers.
Included a link to a Patreon that offered adoption as a reward.
So the election page errors out for all of you as well?
This seems to be a network-wide problem
I don't see the link you were talking about @Dennis
(also applies to Crypto.SE)
tl;dr it's not network-wide, PPCG and crypto are just that special
@PatrickRoberts The nomination has since been deleted.
@PatrickRoberts I think it's about an on-going election?
I can see the deleted post but I don't see an external link in the edit history
so space and webmasters have no elections on-going, unlike ppcg and crypto
Yeah, I can't get there, either.
@PatrickRoberts The deleted questionnaire answers or the deleted nomination?
@Dennis Ohh.. I didn't realize there were two separate answers. All I see are the questionnaire answers
@PatrickRoberts The patreon link was in the deleted nomination
@Dennis Speaking of the troll nomination, I received a rude email from him after he was suspended. Do you think I should report it?
@DJMcMayhem based on my experience you would receive sympathy but little to no actual help if you reported it.
@PatrickRoberts The nominations are on the (currently broken) codegolf.stackexchange.com/election page.
BTW, am I reading your questionnaire right that you actually only had 3 self-nominations as well?
@DJMcMayhem I'll add an annotation to their profile.
@SEJPM Mod nominations are only self-nominations.
So yes, there were 3 self-nominations this year
We had more, but the others had to be removed.
So they were outright trolls?
No, just the one.
So presumably every nominee is gonna get a vote then and it comes down to order :)
Oh well, time to read the questionnaire, to make an informed vote when the election page is back up
@SEJPM hint hint vote Mego
@Pavel pls, I have three votes, what should I do with the other two :P
Also I'll vote for Mego in any case, dunno yet with which of my three votes though :p
@SEJPM Technically, you don't actually have to vote for any candidate.
@El'endiaStarman well sure, but then I wouldn't get no fancy badge :(
@Pavel better hint: vote Phi
I thought the badges were simply for visiting the election page?
@SEJPM I believe you only need to visit the page and have enough rep for the badge.
I mean this genuinely, I think all the candidates still running are respectable and qualified, and I look forward to seeing them make PPCG great again!
> Vote for a candidate in the final phase of an election
_"Visit an election during any phase of an active election and have enough reputation to cast a vote"_
Ah, I stand corrected. My point still stands, actually: you don't need to use all three votes.
I think technically you could use just your third vote for example
@DJMcMayhem I think you have to give them in order
No I don't think so.
But I may be wrong
How come the election pages be down right when the elections start...
@Mr.Xcoder I blame PPCG
I blame SE.
crypto's final election phase has been on-going for 7 days w/o issues before :P
and just when PPCG entered the final phase, things broke
@Mr.Xcoder Blaming SE is of course always the right reaction.
The bug has been posted on Meta.SE as well:
Q: Active election pages are broken network-wide

MachavityIt appears that all the election pages where an active election is supposed to be underway are broken network-wide Programming Code Golf (PCG Meta) Crypto Sites without an election are working fine Webmasters Space Cooking (In Nominations)

The election page is back!
Woohoo! Voted.
I’ve done my voting. Good luck to all candidates and may the best janitor moderator win!
@Mr.Xcoder Hopefully the best two janitors moderators win :P
Having had an actual janitorial job, I can attest that modship is better.
When @Mego and @DJMcMayhem said in their nominations that they participate in the Charcoal project, I was thinking of Charcoal
Squash some spam with that
DJ and Mego have such similar candidate scores and they're both in charcoal, I don't know which one to chose above the other...
@mbomb007 rewrites entire charcoal project in charcoal
@micsthepick Mego has, in my experience, been much more effective at moderating TNB as an RO.
Not that Dj does a bad job, I think Mego is just even better.
I voted for all the candidates (but I'm not saying which order). I took my duty seriously though, did my research, yada yada.
Just adding my two cents, I think it's beneficial to vote for someone who has a solid track record of coming online consistently for a long time.
I agree
and I did vote for all three
Hey @PhiNotPi
how often do you visit PPCG?
I am king of lurkers.
I mean, I don't have numbers. I did earn the 100-day consecutive badge at one point, although several people surpass that.
@micsthepick Ooh, I do have numbers: visited a total of 1683 days.
That is quite impressive

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