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@Hosch250 I hope you’re joking, because I couldn’t possibly do that as a mod, and I have no desire to. We’re designing PPCG v2 to have a degree of backwards-compatibility with PPCG (cross-posting challenges and answers between sites, for example). I don’t want to replace PPCG - I just want to make a nicer place on the internet for competitive programming.
@DJMcMayhem This is an excellent answer and echoes my opinions perfectly. I have nothing to add to it.
@NathanMerrill Legally, anybody can post anything on v2 from PPCG.SE (and vice-versa) because all content is licensed under CC-BY-SA. All they need to do is provide attribution. (Note to self: write content policy for v2).
I ultimately just want the nicest possible place for competitive programming. I don’t care if it’s here or on v2. v2 is just a project to try to do better in the areas where SE has shortcomings. A big reason why I chose to license the project under MIT and only use open-source tools and libraries is to allow SE to use our code to improve PPCG if they do wish, with minimum legal barriers. I started v2 for the community, not for myself.
And, if the community decides it’s too much of a conflict of interest, I’d be willing to transfer ownership to Downgoat, and just be a contributor.
@Mego There's a reason I crossed it out :)
I call dibs on PPCG v3.
@PhiNotPi You could always help out with v2 so there's never a reason for a v3.
Or sneak in the middle with PPCG v1.618
If you can get it done before the Programming Penguin and Code Goat, go ahead.
@PhiNotPi hehe
@cairdcoinheringaahing To summarize, none of the candidates disagree with each other on this.
Challenge idea: Mod Election KOTH
@PhiNotPi How would that even..?
There's a couple ways... maybe the winner is the person who writes the first bot to be elected mod.
@PhiNotPi Well, Mego is a robot penguin.
Or maybe the bots both run and vote in a fake mod election, but then they also have to mod an actual fake website.
In other words, Charcoal++?
Or just regular Coal
14 hours later…
@PhiNotPi PPCG v1.618~3.1416
2 hours later…
@Dennis I tried to take the Controlled NOT of those, but nothing will let me apply it to floats.

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