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Ah well it looks like there will be no need
Good to see
If I'm seeing what you are seeing, we'll probably be back down to two shortly
@HeebyJeebyMan Nevermind, it's Neil back with a troll nomination
Y'all know that chat flags are for network-wide mods, right? If you have an issue with someone on your site... flag it on the site.
@Catija Oh, I thought if I flagged it in a PPCG room it would show up for PPCG mods
And we can't flag election nominations directly
@Pavel It does... if they're in chat... but it also shows up to every other mod on the network.
Please don't use flags for anything other than exactly what the flag says
Again, if it's a site issue, use site flags.
Sorry, I'll remember that from now on.
Thanks! :D Happy election.
@GraceNote The trolling nomination is back...
@DJMcMayhem I think it was handled by our own mods (Dennis) the first time, not Grace Note.
Oh, I didn't know PPCG mods could handle it.
@DJMcMayhem They can't. Mods can't remove nominations, only the user or a CM.
@DJMcMayhem Oh, there was a screenshot the Neil attached that says it came from the PPCG mods
The Patreon link makes it spam, so suspension time IMO
It'd be a conflict of interest. If it had been deleted, I'm guessing Neil deleted it himself the first time... pretty sure that a CM deletion would have been irreversible... but I'm not certain.
@Mego The patreon link makes it sick and I feel like Patreon needs to be made aware of it.
15,000 for a fax of a handshake
Seems legit
Well, I guess patreon actually has no interest in being made aware of such things. They make contacting them technically impossible.
I mean, technically nothing he's doing on patreon is wrong
It just means that the entire "nomination" is a joke (shocker, I know)
He's not "Creating" anything... so the entire campaign is a violation of their terms.
\o/ Niel's nomination is down again.
@Pavel But for how long? lol
@Pavel The screenshot of the moderator message came from a community manager, not a PPCG site moderator.
@AlexA. Aaaaaand it's back
I am in fact back, to announce my candidacy.
Haven't written my post though.
@PhiNotPi Yay!
TBH, I don't think I have the "name recognition" among non-chat users required to win anything. But whatever, worth a shot.
@Mego Regarding your answer to question #6, would you delete without first notifying the OP?
@ConorO'Brien No. The policy I linked specifically mentions notifying the user and giving them time to fix it before deletion.
@Mego Ah, I see, somehow I missed the link, haha
why star that
it doesn't matter
can we get the starboard cleared
nice to see both of you mentioned Charcoal
Could some star my questionnaire?
Y'all should link to charcoal-se.org instead though
@quartata I donate my time and flags to Charcoal - I'd better be able to use it to bolster my nomination :P
I starred mego's but it isn't visible lol
since that explains more
That's an entirely valid tactic ;)
@quartata Done
also saves bytes
hint hint
@quartata That saves bytes too! :)
ninja'd lol
Also Charcoal HQ says diamonds are made there, so I hope to perpetuate that :P
2 hours ago, by Mego
Done with my questionnaire answers: https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/14770/45941
star this^
welp ...
! metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com/… mego you don't have core
that seems wrong
@quartata That's odd. I'm listed on /people, and I'm getting stickers
hm? no core? I'm not seeing that
Ha Ha
@Mego depends which stickers you mean :P
@Mego I think we pretty much crammed everyone on for that
SE stickers not Charcoal stickers, I assume
@ArtOfCode The ones from SO :P I'll probably buy some Charcoal stickers soon
oh yeeesh ...
@DJMcMayhem Your response to question 6 cuts off midsentence: "As a mod, my actions would not be that different. I would comment, let them know the post is invalid, and give them some"
@Pavel no actually it's perfect
@quartata But there should at least be punctuation, no?
@Mego buyable stickers may not be a permanent thing... current run is basically a test
anyway, y'all want me to clean up those stars or do we like drama on the walls?
no please do
\o/ thanks much!
@ArtOfCode passes a sponge and a bucket of soapy water
@quartata Changed the link. For some reason, my computer was flipping out on me, so I had to reboot before I could copy it ._.
cool cool
really it's just so that people can read the about us section
rather than go into the room and see a small brown dog, neo-cubist painting and black and white pichu and wonder what the deal is
Golfing skillllz
If it were golfed, you would have plenty of space left ;)
Unless I'm optimizing for information conveyed, rather than byte count
the problem with golfing natural language lies within the missing standard interpreter..
solution: lojban
or as @AlexA. prefers, logjam
a pretty information-dense artificial language
IIRC it's heavily agglutinative
at least it isn't french
french isn't really information dense, for one
that's my point :)
entirely ungolfy
@Vogel612 if you like that kind of thing Klingon is absolutely bonkers
I'm somewhat tied up in procrastinating learning japanese, so I'd prefer to not start another language..
Posted my nomination.
> I know first-hand that the mod hammer is a finesse weapon (high dexterity needed).
The best part.
> largest community projects
love too not name drop quest for tetris??
what you doing
I'll edit that in, fine
nah I'm just joking
Should I though?
I think keeping it vague is actually good though
because you don't just mean answers
But I'm also thinking of stuff like Fortnightly Challenges, Blue vs Red, etc.
yeah exactly
those are more community oriented
which I think are more important for this
Also AvocadOS
so I think leaving it as is is better, keeps it open
@PhiNotPi no we don't talk about that one
Did AvacadOS ever go beyond the planning stage?
It did!
@DJMcMayhem @Mego I noticed both of you answered question 8 similarly, do you think there is a way it can be changed at all to make the question elicit more expressive responses? The only current difference seems to be that the community isn't upset about it, do you think we could make it something like "another mod acted based on a small community consensus, which you think was premature, what would you do?
We got it to boot and take keyboard input.
More than slightly buggy though.
We had a cool website and logo though
@FryAmTheEggman The issue is that it's a duplicate of another, better (IMO) question.
Right, I was wondering if there would be a way to turn it into less of a duplicate
Probably not
@FryAmTheEggman the problem is that while the questions are quite different, the answer still is the same... Though that is something of a spoiler :/
It is probably too late, it's a shame no-one caught it on meta earlier
It seems we failed to golf the questions :P
meh. just because the answer is the same, that doesn't mean the question is the same...
On the same subject, I really disliked 9). I would have rather not included it
They pretty much are in this situation, one more or less just has more words
That one also does seem odd, I think it would have been alright if the bolded part were left out
@quartata I reckon I should also not mention anything to do with my invention of stealth pinging? RIP, that meme died so that our chat room did not have to.
Also I'm working on my questionnaire responses right now.
@PhiNotPi hey, this is new. IIRC, you were pretty adamant in past years about not being a mod, right?
@NathanMerrill TBH I don't think I remember that.
hmmm. Maybe I'm thinking of Peter Taylor
(Both of you are the mathy people of PPCG to me) :P
I think that's who you're thinking about.
I ran for mod back in 2016.
hm, must be then
Also, I was busy when school started back in August 2016 and missed the room owner election, which I'm still sad about. That was like, the longest single period I had ever gone without visiting and I happened to miss an election because of it.
@DJMcMayhem To me, #1, #4, and #9 are the most important questions
so I'm glad it's there
the rest of the issues are mostly "how do you deal with people" questions, which all basically have the same answers :P
@PhiNotPi on your candidacy page, you should definitely add projects that you've contributed to
@NathanMerrill Out of character count, I'll have to reword some stuff.
Definitely don't have room to include links.
ah, forgot about those limits
you know, they do it to limit the post size, but as we all know here: the characters (or bytes) of a post has nothing to do with the size of the post
I'm tempted to post a candidacy with 1 character per new line.
(in case that wasn't clear, I'm being sarcastic)
Or one with only non-breaking spaces to have text off to the side of the screen.
@quartata I had completely forgotten about that
@AlexA. You planning to run again?
Moderation is for life, son
I was expecting all the current mods to get a jump on the nomination process.
Once you're elected, you're a moderator until you resign or die.
you'd actually be a moderator for a while if you died
resignation is really the only practical way out
Oh, I didn't know that. Thought it was a redo each time. But that raises the question, how many slots are people even competing for?
JK I'm blind. Literally written right there on the page.
@PhiNotPi I thought so too, but I was remembering our transition from beta
because you have to re-elect pro-term mods
Me too.
I wonder how many candidates we'll get.
I don't really understand why we don't have reelections
I mean we would pretty much reelect our current mods if they ran
well, the advantage is you'd get rid of the less-active moderators. The disadvantage is that you'd end up with more of a swing site.
moderators' opinions have a huge influence on people.
If you're rotating the entire cast, that could have large potential ramifications
@HeebyJeebyMan Down with the establishment!
takes to the streets
@NathanMerrill Shouldn't that be a bad thing? Shouldn't the moderators represent the community?
regardless if its a bad or good thing, its true, and I don't see a way around it
We could have re-elections with a significantly lower bar for current mods. Like, you'd have to be actively hated to be kicked from modship.
@PhiNotPi they've already got a process to remove the "hated" mods.
I mean, its not about whether or not they are hated, its whether or not they are being a good moderator
2 hours later…
@WheatWizard Would we? I'd vote for Dennis and M. Ender for sure, but IDK about the rest. Hell, I'd vote for you over them.
@WheatWizard @NathanMerrill there's been talk of letting mods opt into moderation annually. Also, elections are a bit "expensive" in terms of the work involved from what I hear.
Practically - as a mod (elsewhere), typically its older mods who teach newer mods the ropes so a total rotation would be ... kinda tricky. Even in a beta site, you'd often at least have one mod who's been a mod elsewhere.
I guess that's a good idea. I would prefer if there were some term limit. Even if they are not up every election cycle
@Pavel I kindof forgot that we had mods other than Dennis and Martin
My point exactly
Like, has anyone even seen Alex this year?
He was literally just here an hour ago
I would also note that most of mod activity is not public. Regular users have no idea who is handling their flags
@quartata Oh, must have missed him.
last answer was from a month ago
Dont conflate not being in chat with not being active is all I'm saying
Doorknob posted three answers last month also
beep boop
Someone should start some room feeds.
And... good night.
@PhiNotPi I like your answers :)
Overall, I think you wrote what I wanted to but better worded lol
@Christopher I think you want patience, not patients
1 hour later…
@H.PWiz ...unless he's a doctor.
6 hours later…
Go Phi and Mego!
Neal got deleted?
I think one got deleted because it was spam or something, but non-current mods can't see deleted nominations regardless of rep
Christopher also seems to have removed his nomination
@Fatalize I think this was due to a comment by @EriktheOutgolfer, about how you can't nominate yourself if you've been suspended in the last year?
I couldn't find rules on that, only a Meta discussion meta.stackexchange.com/questions/274114/…
most likely a mod deleted their nomination
I see
Not sure why there is no mechanism checking that you haven't been suspended before you can nominate yourself
You can nominate yourself, even if you were suspended in the past year, but that only happens under extraordinary conditions, and if you contact the SE team before and let them know about your situation and why you want to nominate yourself as a candidate, even if you had were suspended. Otherwise, your nomination can be removed at any time without prior notice.
@Fatalize There is one.
@Fatalize you get a warning (as I included in my comment)
You are prompted with something like this.
There isn't an automatic system in place to block nominations from people who have had a suspension in the past year. The CM team has to manually review nominations, and remove them if the user has a recent suspension. Of course, that means that they can also choose to overlook the suspension, if they decide that it's not a good reason to block the user from participating in the election (like if the user requested the suspension "for science" or "for exams").
@Mr.Xcoder Thanks for the screenshot
Naturally, currently-suspended users can't run regardless, as they're effectively in read-only mode on the site.
@Fatalize Heh, np. Seems like that suspension really helped me with 1) changing my perspective upon rep and moderation and 2) made me more familiar with what suspended users experience :)
@Mr.Xcoder I don't even remember you being suspended, or why you were suspended. I guess that means the system worked. :P
We should bring back ostracism: suspension via popular vote.
ostra... what? noooooo
@PhiNotPi Oh please no
And require one suspension each week to keep things lively.
@Hosch250 So The Hunger Games meets PPCG
I'll gladly offer myself, I really should be working on other things right now.
PPCG, meet The Hunger Games. The Hunger Games, meet PPCG. May the best man win.
@Mego Well I was suspended in ~September (?) for voting irregularities, but (during that period when I was extremely active) I would have won more rep during that week than what I earned – and then lost – because of the wrong things I've done. I was a completely different person back then, though... Things changed :)
@Hosch250 May the best man win. May the odds be ever in your favor.
one would normally say that to a candidate, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Mr.Xcoder Voting irregularities was my guess, since that seems to be a common suspension reason. And given that I didn't remember the suspension or the reason, voting irregularities makes sense - it's often not noticed by the general public. I'm glad to know that you've improved yourself.
Me too :)
uh, are we drifting a bit off-topic or is it just me?
A bit, yeah. We should probably try to bring it back to the election
I've never been suspended from main, but I have been suspended from chat for a day on numerous occasions before it got through to me that the level of politeness acceptable in your average discord server is not acceptble at stack exchange.
It's strange - the conversation happening in TNB is more on-topic for this room than this room's conversation is :P
Perhaps we should move the messages from there to this room and the other way around (:p).
Actually, 1 byte: @
oh Mr. Xcoder ninja'd me
@EriktheOutgolfer Hmmm, what?
like, "swap [the conversations]"
well, Mego can easily do one part of the swap, but Grace Note (or some other blue) has to do the other
1 hour later…
@Pavel I don't think chat suspensions have any affect on candidacy
Is it really right of people (e.g. Dennis, DJMcHayhem, Mego, Alex A., Erik the Outgolfer) to "pre-vote" in the form of nomination comments?
@Adám I don't think there's anything wrong with expressing public support for a candidate
@Adám Yep. And it doesn't have to be limited to support. If someone is concerned about a user who has stepped forward, you can note that, too... It's not voting, it's support. I've written supporting messages for people and not voted for them in the end.
Really as long as everyone is Being Nice and not trying to subvert the election process, it's all good
> DJMcHayhem
I feel kinda nervous about running for mod.
@PhiNotPi Why exactly?
Low confidence in ability to win.
@PhiNotPi I think you have a decent shot
I've lost two elections... someone's always got to lose. It's ok. :D
unless candidates == positions
No. Then they don;t have the election. There has to be one extra candidate to run the voting :/
They don't run elections in that case. They require slots +1
@EriktheOutgolfer That's never the case. In order for an election to proceed, there has to be at least one more candidate than positions available
uh, any evidence or has it always happened like that?
Plus, it's better for the site to have more choices...
@EriktheOutgolfer They've cancelled a few elections in that case, yes.
I have the lowest candidate score, which i anticipate will be the deciding factor for maybe half of all voters. I would've won in 2016 if we had more slots originally, but that time has passed.
Candidate score is a major indicator, but not always. :)
20 hours ago, by Grace Note
The minimum required number of nominees is 1 higher than the number of seats to be filled (so in this case, 3)
for me candidate score is ~50% of the voting factor
For me, it's about ~5%.
@Catija oh so that a community doesn't just put up anybody up there?
I need to work on my nomination some more. Any feedback?
@EriktheOutgolfer The community doesn't put anyone up... users have to self nominate.
I meant, if two users with questionable history nominate and there are two positions, well
If two users nominate and there are two positions... then the election doesn't move forward... regardless of the history of those users...
But remember, users who have be suspended within the last year anywhere on the network are (generally) prevented from nominating... they can do it physically... but they will likely be removed from their candidacy.
can they be removed after the nomination period ends? I'd assume so
also can mods see deleted posts in the election? even with high rep, I can't seem to be able to see deleted nominations
@EriktheOutgolfer Yes. There have been elections where users were removed during the primaries.
@DJMcMayhem Your answer to question 6 of the questionaire still cuts off midsentence.
in The Nineteenth Byte, 2 mins ago, by PhiNotPi
Edited my nomination post: https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/election/2#post-154976 let me know what you think. Main edits include drawing more attention to account age and name-dropping some community projects. Because that's what I have to sell myself with.
> (more than all other candidates combined)
There's like a 95% chance I'll have to retract this as soon as anybody else gets nominated.
@PhiNotPi You'll have to retract what?
Your nomination?
@Pavel Thanks! I'll fix it
@DJMcMayhem No, the statement that my account is older than the other candidates' combined.
Oh, lol
Almost tempted to nominate myself for this reason.
I like how all 3 questionnaire answers have the same score lol
Although @PhiNotPi doesn't have a downvote yet
The questionnaire answers should all have the same score.
the questionnaire isn't the primary! score doesn't count
Right. Leave the voting to the primary; the questionnaire answers should be the same score so that they're sorted randomly.
@EriktheOutgolfer I know it doesn't count, I just like how it worked out that way
and that's why the questionnaire answers should actually be a feature of the election itself instead of a separate meta post
How many people even read the questionnaire responses?
@PhiNotPi Me.
@PhiNotPi o/
@PhiNotPi Me
I feel like checking the views on the pages is more efficient that us all saying we did individually :P
viewread ;-)
That's true, but we could all be lying as well!
@DJMcMayhem Not anymore, mine got downvoted.
Does anybody have any thoughts on my responses?
@FryAmTheEggman the views can lie the same way ;-P
@PhiNotPi I think your answer to the fourth question brings up a good point about deciding when something becomes policy/consensus. This happened most prominently I think with the MathJax thing a while ago. Because of the time constraint the mod team acted quickly, but the consensus changed shortly afterwards. Do you think it could have been handled better with a system like what you suggest?
@phi you should edit your nomination to include a link to your answers
@FryAmTheEggman I'll weigh in on this too: one of SE's serious deficiencies is that it doesn't have a way to define community consensus. It's kind of a "I'll know it when I see it" situation. I don't know that any individual moderator team can really fix that.
It definitely feels like there isn't a way for mods to fix it, but I do think they can mitigate it, so I look forward to reading what you have to say!
btw the votes on the answers to the questionnaire should actually represent if one likes the answers or not, not the vote they intend to put on the primary phase
@FryAmTheEggman I don't really have a good answer to this, it's not really something a mod can change, but might require larger changes which might not be possible on the SE platform.
Maybe something else to talk about is the best way for users to propose changes to standing policy. Like, when to post a new meta answer vs a new meta question. For example, if I have a new answer for X meta thread, but that meta thread is a month old, then it's unlikely to garner the necessary votes to be enacted regardless of what it is.
There are a lot of smaller issues caught in the overly large question I asked, I think you found a good one to talk about
The more you say the more we can differentiate the candidates, although I think most people will probably focus on what they think of the candidates from before hopefully it at least helps you have thought through some situations before they happen
There are a few things which indicate that a meta consensus has become "broadly accepted", such as having an accepted answer / an faq tag. Obviously this raises the question of when to accept an answer, but I think that could be a good sign of when a particular meta thread is "closed for submissions" and you should start a new thread if you want to make amendments.
Once upon a time I suggested making a compendium of all rules for answers, I don't even know to what extent that would even be possible to maintain (see: the sandbox directory). But I feel like our current system could be considered a mess if you don't already know what meta thread you're looking for.
@EriktheOutgolfer done
4 hours later…
Open ended question to mod candidates: What's your favorite thing about PPCG?
@Downgoat The community. Hands down
@DJMcMayhem Nice cop-out answer that I was going to use :P
@Downgoat To be a bit more specific: the fact that the community is so supportive of new users who want to learn about golfing and esolangs

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