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Yay! Exciting
in The Nineteenth Byte, 22 mins ago, by Mr. Xcoder
:-) Nominations begin in less than an hour. Good luck to everyone that wants to participate and may the best two candidates win!
wonder why the chatroom is created before the nomination itself
Hmm. So I wonder when the optimal time to nominate yourself is. Because newest is shown first, so waiting could be advantageous for visibility
@totallyhuman Because the process is 100% manually performed and if I make the room early, I can include links to it where appropriate
@DJMcMayhem Now you think about strategies to avoid being disadvantaged by the bad voting culture :p
Welcome all! This room is intended as a place to converse with candidates, discuss moderator traits, etc. For general discussion related to programming puzzles and code golf, go here:
If you have questions about the election process itself, please ask your question on the PPCG Meta Site. Remember, folks stepping up to lead this community are committing a significant amount of their time, please keep all discourse civil and constructive.
Also usually I get a chance to post those two messages before people file into the room, since I won't have posted links yet, haha
I guess I've ninja'd you this year lol, sorry!
also, since you seem to be active, can i ask a slightly off-topic question? :P
If it's election-related you can ask me here, otherwise ask me in the Nineteenth Byte, I s'pose
@GraceNote Welcome to PPCG. We're a very (inter)active SE community.
1) Will any of the current moderators be resigned (hopefully not :P)? 2) When will the next election take place? Next year or when one of our mods wants to step out? Or sometime else?
@Mr.Xcoder Elections happen every year unless the mod team requests otherwise
We didn't have one in 2017 because they had it covered
Ok, that was what I thought too, but wanted a confirmation
@DJ I'd vote for you
He will participate as far as I am aware :)
@DJMcMayhem Not.... yet...?
ಠ_ಠ lol yeah, we're not yet fully graduated...
Oh? I'm not sure then
@tfbninja Cool :)
@GraceNote Is that just after graduation then?
It's more like, the current system is to poke mods every year and they tell us if they want an election
Or, the mods just tell us at some point that "Hey we could use some hands". Or someone already stepped down / ended up absentee that led us to ask if an election was needed or if the coast is clear.
And it doesn't always work like that. One of the CR mods "resigned" a while back (at least a year ago) due to personal issues, but then he agreed to temporarily take a less active mod role, and is still a mod. I don't know if his issues have more/less resolved themselves, but it seems to be going fine, and no election since we graduated.
Are current mods staying? Or do they have to be re-elected?
they go through the same process
@LuisMendo They stay.
wait, really? I swear I've voted on them again
It would be great fun if they weren't though. Especially on SO.
maybe I'm remembering our beta transition
Sometimes mods have resigned, then came back. And yes, they have to be voted in again when a site graduates.
Anyway, #work.
@NathanMerrill You voted on them again for graduation
After graduation, current mods stay
So how many new mod positions are there?
Do we know that someone is running for them?
Mego maybe? DJ?
@GraceNote What happens if not enough (suitable) mods can be found?
The minimum required number of nominees is 1 higher than the number of seats to be filled (so in this case, 3)
What if nobody nominates themselves?
If the number is insufficient after one week, we'll extend the nomination phase by a week and I'll write words on your meta
The election just falls through?
If the number remains insufficient after the extended week, we cancel the election and I write more words on your meta
So will we have 6 mods (current 4 plus 2 new)?
And there's work to figure out why there's insufficient interest in community moderation
@LuisMendo There are 2 new positions. Who runs depends purely on who nominates themselves.
I don't actually know if any mods will be stepping down after this election concludes, but independent of that, a failure to have enough candidates, independent of the number of active mods prior to the point of time, is a problem anyway as far as the community's displayed interest in moderation
@LuisMendo I'm definitely going to run, and mego is planning on it too from what I've heard
nice, the first SE election I can participate in where I actually know the (majority of the) candidates \o/
Just nominated myself!
I've wanted to do that for years :)
What is a candidate score?
@Adám look at the right side of his badge on that post
Q: How is candidate score calculated?

jakekimds ΨI know there is probably a duplicate floating around the web somewhere, but all my searches couldn't turn up how exactly candidate score is calculated. Is it based on badges? Reputation? Both?

Just for curiosity: Is there an easy way to calculate the candidate score of a user?
@Adám there's this
@dzaima Cool.
@DJMcMayhem Neat, you've got higher CS than Dennis.
@Adám That's at least partially because mods have less reason to flag things lol
@DJMcMayhem We'll ME has more than you.
If I recall correctly, the top 3 goes Martin, Mego, me
@DJMcMayhem Looks right.
It was an easy change to fork, so I found the top 10, if anyone is curious:
wow I was not expecting the goat in there
but the rest make sense
Goat is one the ones I would have guessed. The more active you are the more likely you are to be in there.
he's not that active recently tho
last answer last august
used ot be pretty active though yeah
I would nominate myself but I've been fairly inactive recently
which is a shame
feel free to, you'd provide some decent choices that aren't DJ and likely mego
(I'm unclear who else is running, not counting neil)
Something might be wrong with that query
I just remember 2015 where I believe I quote "everyone and their dog" was going in
Dennis should absolutely be on there
Dennis has a score of 34
number 12 apparently
Oh right rep is capped at 20
he's tied with like 10 other people
so he's not shown
@Riker He's a clown. I'd vote for him.
@Blue Same thing happened on CR the first election.
I wrote up a nomination but I removed it a day or so before the deadline as I remember
I should nominate Jon Skeet.
You can't nominate anyone besides yourself. Self-nominations only.
I know :(
Oh hi @Mith o/
I smelled an election, so popped over
Apparently in the earliest SO elections, you could nominate anyone, and JS (what horrible initials!) did get nominated.
@Hosch250 JavaScript got nominated? Lol
> @NoOneIsHere The fake New York Times would lead you to believe that I am not an adequate candidate, but remember crooked DJMcMayhem is going to steal from the people of codegolf. I demand the release of the emails. – Neil 51 secs ago
What the hell...
LOL, a troll!
At first it was just slightly annoying, but now it's very irksome
@Blue SE fact: Dogs are the species most likely to win moderator elections.
Luckily Blue's a wolf?
@Blue I thought you were a mudpuppy.
See you tomorrow. I'm awaiting the results of this election with interest.
Definitely been a wolf for the last while, though been pretending to be a fish for part of it :P
@GraceNote How do we flag/downvote/vote-to-delete nominations?
Why is research assistant not counted towards candidate score?
If I had to guess, I'd say it's newer than the election process by quite a bit?
Oh I guess that would make sense.
The score is pretty arbitrary, it mostly just measures how active a user is, if you think it is important (I'd agree) then asking candidates about it/posting it in your nomination seems like a good idea
Well only two users have the badge and I don't think either of them are running so there is not much of a point
Fair enough, but I suppose we could grill all the candidates on their neglect of tag wikis :P
how do we link to comments on nominations? :(
@totallyhuman Doesn't look like you can
@totallyhuman Idk, but I found the ID in the source code: 378069
Craft the URL
@GraceNote How do we upvote nomination comments?
I don't think we can
doesn't work
Oh wait
It does work, but the answer is deleted
You definitely can't upvote the comments on nominations, also Grace is very busy, try not to ask her too much, if you could ask the room instead
@mbomb007 Thank goodness
And I, mbomb007, promise more stars for everyone!!!
but this is a mod election, shouldn't you promise upvotes?
I meant to post this in TNB
@mbomb007 ninja'd
oh well
in The Nineteenth Byte, 2 mins ago, by mbomb007
It has been deleted
are you only able to nominate yourself, or can you nominate others?
Only yourself
But you can encourage another to nominate themselves?
so at this stage I don't have to do anything, right? :P
@trichoplax sure, I guess so, just don't be annoying about it.
We just need a third nominee so the election doesn't fall through, and then we elect Dj and Mego.
@trichoplax Remember DrMcMoylex?
I couldn't have spelt it, but now I see I remember...
I remember DrHamJam
I'd love to see lots more self nominations.
From anyone who has time spare and cares about the community
@trichoplax You could nominate yourself
If you don't feel you have enough time spare, it's worth asking existing mods how much time is required
@Pavel This is true. One quiet site is enough for me for now though :)
If need be I'd nominate myself. I would like to be a moderator but I feel both Mego and DJMcMayhem would be better moderators
@HeebyJeebyMan We need a third nominee just so the election isn't cancelled.
Done with my questionnaire answers:
@Pavel Yeah that's what I was talking about

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