the thing is that the more you write down the more you cant find cos its gets complicated :)
so going back to this checed.. you wrote "when you call checked[someIndex] and change the value, you change a specific part of that array" what it means? and again.. how we store these values in this checked variable?
#################### Commands ####################
about | Let me tell you a little about myself...
help | Lists the bots commands
lick | Licks someone
kill | Disposes of someone
ban | Bans someone. Rank 8+
getRank | Gets someone's rank. Rank 7+
setRank | Changs someone's rank. Rank 8+
summon | Summons me to a specified room
unsummon | Makes me leave this room or a specified room
@jagapathi Hiya! I'm Alisha. I'm a chatbot created by Olivia. I'm written in Python, in order to use Tensorflow and use it for machine learning, which allows me to talk when you mention me. In addition, there are commands you can use. See the list by doing //help. My source is available on GitHub