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13:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

Say it! Damkerng it's really important for me that some people think I actually like those "humans". I must know what you think of me to be!
@MARamezani I think people in other regions don't really know what's really going on in that part of the world.
Ah, that's very true!
At first opposition could control Syria, but Iran did not want to lose its control in that section, then help asad and made opposition weaker. After that ISIS was born.
So-called Muslims are slaughtering Muslims, aren't they?
@Alex So you think ISIS is cooperating with Asad, or is it against him?
So, simply saying that Asad wasn't brought down and that lead to ISIS isn't enough reasoning.
but now they changed their way into Iraq,
Oh, @Alex their intention is to revive,
their intention is to revive Muaviee's governing.
@DamkerngT. This is of interesting historical value. You might wanna listen.
nods -- I switched my role to listener already. :-)
Muaviee (I really don't know the spelling in English) is the guy that governed the Islamic territory almost 1400 years ago.
maybe, but the end ISIS will hurt Iran and Syria
Hah, @Alex they certainly will have trouble getting to Iran! It's more secure than you think in here!
It's highly incomparable with Iraq and Syria.
As I was saying, ISIS had the intention to get Syria and Iraq, because it had it from the beginning to revive Muaviee's government.
About security, (I don't know if US lets this news out of Iran), you should know that Tabriz is considered one of the safest cities in the world.
sometime in summer or later ISIS was near the border of iran when Kobani was in blockade, Iran's forces were in the border of Iraq.
Oh, that wasn't in summer.
It was recent.
I still don't get how that means that they entered Iran's borders.
Iran's security forces are forceless (literally) out of Iran.
I was not say they enter Iran's borders, the was near it.
they was near it
So we couldn't have done anything about that, but to show off our border security, and we did.
When ISIS want to send its forces to Europ then maybe it can do it for Iran also!
That was random.
Those people were French.
No Iranian is in ISIS, I'm pretty sure.
Btw, recently Tabriz isn't that safe.
I said its plan to send forces to
There are no proofs of such plan, and
yes not proof but for Iran maybe because hw.infowars.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/brokenupiraq.jpg
That was why they could pass the security in the airports.
Oh, that's a really old concept.
The lunatics that believed in it
were either killed or fled from Iran after the Iran-Iraq war.
And they aren't related to ISIS at all.
maybe it was lunatics, but you're not inside of ISIS and you donot know its plan for Iran!
What plan can they have? Kill, slaughter, *&$# etc. :)
what you think abou it?
The point is, getting into Iran is never that easy.
It's like getting to Thailand for example. (@DamkerngT. ;)
the world could not do any important action opposite of ISIS until now, but you think Iran is more stronger than the world?
We aren't as secure as for example US, I agree, but for a group of terrorists it isn't that easy to get to Iran as is it about Iraq, and such.
If so, you're winner
The world doesn't want action against ISIS.
but I think Iran can do it by its people taxes and its oil!
Oil's price is reduced recently, by these Arabs that don't like Iran.
It's not related only iran and arab issues
@Alex an interesting fact is that no country in the world is as experienced as us about dealing with terrorists.
@Alex it is!
Because America said so!
Saudi Arabia is giving away free (almost) oil.
That's not beneficial for them at all,
Iran also help different terrorists group in different sections,
they'll gain America's trust.
@Alex Example?
Q: which led to police issue an Amber Alert

whitecap Budd, 43, is wanted in connection with the death of Justin Bird, 17, and the abduction of his ex-spouse's 17-year-old daughter, which led to police issue an Amber Alert for the girl yesterday. (Jonas Budd, suspect in abduction and fatal shooting, located in Saskatchewan - CBC news Feb.19 2...

I love typos!
reducing oil price is not useful for US, because extraction oil will be non-economic for US companies.
They'll be able to benefit from numerous other sources.
example: Bahrain-Yemen-Argentina
But oil is Iran's main source of gaining money.
It could be not main source
Iran itself wants it
It is.
does no like to join WTO
You might wanna go and check some sources.
Dose not like Copyrights
Give me a minute.
likes boycott like North Korea,
likes nuclear bomb
We didn't choose to have sanctions, you know!
I don't know if we have nuclear bomb or not.
But when Israel has, why not us?
When Pakistan has, why not us?
Then it's good reason for having nu booms?
When India has, why not us? (No offence MFI)
That's how we can protect ourselves.
Israel is our enemy.
Which law declares that our enemy must have a weapon, but not us?
I'm tired of these governmental fights.
Why can't everyone live at peace?
why you do not want to be in economy in first place because US or China is.
Who says we don't?!
why you only want un boombs
really? you are at first place?
But China or US don't have a world to encounter.
I said "we don't" as we "want", not "we are."
I know you and I aren't sheep.
I said "we don't" as we "want", not "we are."
Iran has a world in front of it to access un bombs and economy in first place. then it will gain both of them in the future, I hope
@DamkerngT. say something!
@MARamezani Peace!
Of mind, or what?
I don't know why but peace sounds like a nice thing to say. :-)
Though I loved the debate with Alex.
Peace...peace...peace...peace...peace...peace...peace...peace...peace...peace...‌​peace...peace...peace...peace...peace...peace.... Yeah you're right!
I'm here for the first time
Do you see any "notable" questions on ELL today?
and don't know here rules
There are no rules!
Am I right Damkerng?
It was so challenging to debate with you
Thank you!
There's nothing much about our rules here. Just be nice, and our room topic is: A room to talk about English, linguistics, or anything you want!
So, anything you want is qualified. :D
my language is not well then I can not say my sentences well
@Alex You seem to be able to get meaning across quite well.
@Alex You know, common media tells you one thing, while the truth is else. I'm not saying we have a clean common media here too!
I want to say something but it is too hard to say correctly.
That's the most important thing about language, if you asked me.
Don't worry much about that for now!
Btw, where are you from, Alex?
Thanks both of you
The point is, I got what you meant.
I'm from Finland
I'm a little bit busy. Please forgive me if I'm not as talkative as I normally am. :-)
thanks again form both of you
I'd say, that chat is a room we get to know each other.
@Alex You're welcome! And don't worry, anyway. :-)
@DamkerngT. You usually say lol, at least to my posts. :)
Maybe you aren't in a good mood today.
Not that. I'm just busy. Really.
it was really a Rally
I enjoy it
You are here every night?
Yeah. Tomorrow you guys are gonna see my account suspended for "stupid talking".
Hi @Mohammad!
I'm usually here whenever I'm available.
@Alex when we feel like it, really.
ok, I have to go to watching Breaking Bad :)
Ah, that's a nice series! Enjoy the show!
Fun fact guys: Fridays are the "off" days in Iran.
Tomorrow is something like a saturday to me.
The world bless both of you:)
@MARamezani Oh, that's new!
@Alex Thanks!
@DamkerngT. So you're off on Saturdays, too?
@Alex thanks!
Isn't it typical? I mean, Saturday and Sunday as our weekend.
Not here!
I miss @snailboat!
And her cute snail!
And her cute snail!
Where is she to teach us some grammar and not let us go off-topic?
Wait, it's a she, right?
Yes, she's female. :-)
What is Alex doing?!
I figured.
Watching TV, I think.
You know, I first thought Colleen was a male!
@DamkerngT. No! I meant his coming and going!
Colleen sounds like a female name to me.
That wasn't true about me!
@MARamezani Trying out our chat room, perhaps.
Making sure Jeff (Atwood) knows what he's doing!
I wonder, what will happen if I give you "contact info".
@DamkerngT. Are you still there?
I had one final question before I go to sleep.
@MARamezani Hi
Hi @Mohammad!
@MARamezani how do you do ?
A bit sleepy, but I'm fine, thanks.
I'm back!
So that robot sound was you!
As you were in ELL in early times,
can you tell me that
why have the references moved to meta?
Language blah blah studying site recommendations.
Oh, you mean those resources, I think.
It had been on the meta site before I joined ELL, iirc.
Q: A couple of questions about the tags we use and questions we ask

MARamezani This is a recent question asked, and though there's no talk about references in it, we can agree on the fact that new questions like it can rise, that are requesting for reliable English sources. My questions are, Should the reference-request kind of question be allowed in ELL? I'm talking ab...

I think the main reason is that we aren't supposed to ask for learning resources on ELL.
I had no idea such thing would be in meta.
Not many will.
@MARamezani where are you from ?
The way I understand SE, it strives for answerable questions.
(Where good answers are supposed to be definitive or something close.)
It's a catch-22.
I am lebanees
If you put it on the main site, it's SE rules violating, and if you leave it in the meta, not many will go for it, literally.
@Mohammad Good!
I have someone for, in the debates from now on!
I guess.
Guys I need your help, I do not know what the exact meaning for "disclaimer" and how to use it ?
You've come to the right place!
> Disclaimer: [whatever]
= I will not take any responsibilities for that [whatever].
is it mean "whatever"
Disclaimer is something that tells you what you can do, legally.
Copyright and stuff.
Ah, Damkerng I remember Hellion's profile's about me.
It was "things and stuff".
It's not what you can do. It's more like it's about what you don't want to be responsible for.
could you give me an example please ?
I stand corrected.
Who do you mean by you, then? The writer or the reader?
No, writer!
I'm too sleepy!
From the reader's point of view, any disclaimer doesn't limit what you can do.
From the writer's point of view, any disclaimer doesn't limit what you can do, either.
An example could lighten @Mohammad up.
Find me one. It shouldn't be too difficult to find one. I'm too lazy to find one at the moment.
(See, that's why I refrained myself to talk anything much when I was busy.)
>The data displayed in the public data search feature of Google Search is provided by the third party indicated as the data source. Google does not create this data, vouch for its accuracy, or guarantee that it is the most recent data available from the data provider. For many or all of the data, the data is by its nature approximate and will contain some inaccuracies. The data may contain errors introduced by the data provider(s) or by Google. Google uses names of countries and other territories that may differ from those in the original data.
That's Google's.
Where is the word "disclaimer" supposed to be?
Preceding the whole section, I presume.
See, @Mohammad in it Google says "I'm not responsible for the crap site you're finding in the Net!"
@MARamezani great, thanks a lot
Which is not about what anyone can or cannot do, legally.
Damkerng that was a side effect of sleepiness.
I see. :-)
I mixed the thing with copyright.
Normal for an Iranian, though.
The problem is when your understanding is close but not quite, it could be harmful.
I can tell you that we have no definitions of both.
(Maybe not that harmful. Harmful is perhaps too strong a word.)
To years of language-learning rep.
Apparently, chemists are much less talkative.
I'm an exception.
Oh! -- Oh! :-)
Periodic table (chemistry.SE's chat) is now like a desert.
I've asked a question,
and that has remained for a day in there!
You're too talkative for a robot too!
I think I'm going to sleep. Bye @DamkerngT.!
13:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

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