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Me is sooo happY!
It is my rest time right now :)
@Fantasier Oh, yes. I really missed that. What I meant was "They are grammatical." Somehow I skipped reading the part incorrect when I copied the OP's text. Thank you.
hey dt, whats up? Long time huh!
where were you all these years?
Oh, it was years already?
hey, lets play a little game, but I warn, I haven't ever lost this one...
I will give you a name, it is anagrammed... you have to find the real name out of it. ok?
I'm afraid it's not the best time for me to play such game. :)
How do we compete fairly then?
I mean, you are the one who gives the anagrammed, so you know what the original name is.
You can post any angram except my name...
@Fantasier you can give anagrammed names to me to solve
one by one
@DamkerngT. ok, you are temporarily suspended from this game :)
That's fair.
First, I will give an anagrammed word.
@Fantasier Hmm... Perhaps I didn't write it convincing enough.
> Nitin Chand Arya
^ decode it
I will provde a hint as well:
> - --n- c-- i- h--d
Actually, the heart of the whole answer was just this:
- *could* suggests the possibility to do the action, but **they probably did not do it**, while
- *was/were able to* suggests that they *could* do it, and **they did it successfully**.
^ it will fit inside it. When I posted with stars, the markdown devastated it. Please consider hyphens as stars...
Is it someone well known?
it is just a normal sentence anagrammed into a name
Wait, so is the original a name, or a sentence?
@Fantasier its a sentence :P
c'mon, you can make it. I will tell you how to play.
take the letters in the anagrammed version and place them in the hyphens until you get a nice sentence
> Nitin Chand Arya <-> . ..n. c.. i. h..d
@Fantasier ??
@DamkerngT. I know, but I'm still not convinced :)
I give up \\o//
hmm. time up. FA ... YOU LOSE
It goes like this - A tiny car in hand!!!
Um... ok
We are ending this game as it is very difficult for people other than Awal Garg. If withing the next 100 years, humans other than Awal Garg grow up intelligent enough to play it, we will launch it again.
I actually wonder what intelligent and great @snailboat would have done!
bye guys, break is over :P
@Fantasier sad :)
I checked it out in a few grammar books, and I think most of them are misleading.
Not that what they say is wrong, but they could lead the learners to think in a strange way.
Like, oh, this is a one time thing in the past, I mustn't use could.
Really, I thought I nailed this one. Looks like it's not good enough.
I think could with sense verbs usage doesn't explain the second example the OP gave, among other examples that might be on COCA.
I think say is not a sense verb.
Oh, well, yes.
I think in the second example it really refers to one occasion.
I try to avoid explaining could vs. was/were able to the way PEU did.
I thought it's ambiguous.
Every grammar book and coursebook I've seen explains it the same way PEU does.
I don't think it's ambiguous. It's good enough, but obviously not enough for this case.
The writer might be thinking about the possibility (to get the family back), or what was really done.
I think could and was/were able to are almost interchangeable.
But they hint different things.
To be more definite, managed to is much better, imo.
(Perhaps definite is non-gradable.)
The way I learnt them, they are not interchangeable (when talking about ability in the past)
I think we could substitute one with another. It's just that the meaning would change.
> The fire spread through the building very quickly, but everyone was able to escape.
> *The fire spread through the building very quickly, but everyone could escape.
@Fantasier Eh, only in the "a specific occasion" case, maybe?
> The fire spread through the building very quickly. Everyone could escape, but they didn't.
That's possibility (not ability), I think. And what I'd say is:
> The fire spread through the building very quickly. Everyone could have escaped, but they didn't.
That's better. I agree.
> With a hammer in his hand, he could break the glass and escape. He decided not to.
> With a hammer in his hand, he was able to break the glass and escape.
> With a hammer in his hand, he managed to break the glass and escape.
I think the second one is a little ambiguous.
He definitely escaped in the last one.
Using could have works too, but it hints something else.
I think the first one still talks about general ability.
I thought of it as the past tense of can.
The rest say that he really did it.
@DamkerngT. Yeah, but that's where the problem lies, I think.
I think the was able to suggests that he did it. But I guess that some literal readers could read it as "probably did it".
@Fantasier nods -- Which is why I noted "it could sound strange or misleading enough that some grammar books make it a rule that you must not use it."
@DamkerngT. Well the grammar books state it clearly enough when you mustn't use it. I don't think it's misleading.
Being a non-native speaker trying to guess what happened in native speakers' minds is hard.
@Fantasier Umm... I meant "the meaning of the sentence" when I wrote "it could sound strange and misleading ...".
@DamkerngT. Hmm...
Because such usage could sound so strange and might mean what the learners don't want to, I think it's fair to make it a rule (you must not use it).
However, the rule could also mislead the learners to think of it... umm... incorrectly?... maybe.
Let me see if I can find more information.
Anyway, which do you personally prefer?
In what?
I think you have to decide that for yourself. :)
Well I actually have decided, but I think it may be a good idea to ask for another opinion.
Looks like you have one too many choices. :D
The profiles of linguistics professors at CU seem very impressive to me.
And what about TU?
I like the teachers' attitudes, questions they ask me during the interview.
Also I get to start learning English right away.
I'm not sure about "start learning English right away". What do you mean?
I mean, I'll be in the English major immediately.
Oh, I see.
But it's not like that at CU?
You see, if I go to Arts I have to study the basics for one year, then I have to compete a bit (or more) to get into the English major.
Ahh... Perhaps it's the same in all faculties (there, at CU).
And at TU I don't really have to study as much literature as at CU.
I don't dislike literature, but I'm not particularly fond of it either.
I usually trust my gut feelings.
Listen to your gut. (adapted from Listen to your heart :-)
Also, keep your eyes on what you aim for.
Well, anyway, to CU I go :P
(Though I'm not very sure about what you're aiming for.)
Hmm, I aim to be a university professor :)
That sounds nice!
Before that, studying abroad, before that maybe Hons from CU, if possible, before that I already achieved :)
Just don't do the same mistake I made.
To get any Hons, you must have no F.
To get the Gold Medal Hons, you must have no D and no F.
I got all of them. :) So, my teachers were trying to find a way to bend the rules for me, and I had to firmly state that it's fine with me without any Hons.)
May I guess that you made the mistake in Year 1?
I got one F in Lab Chem. Yes.
And a couple of D in something I already forgot. :)
@Fantasier I was too busy playing my guitar those days. :)
My Mom said it's easy to make this kind of mistake (or similar) during Year 1. She got 2.8 in Year 1. Then she tried to get Gold Medal Hons, but can get only ordinary Hons.
Ahh... She was in a better situation and I was. I got 2.0, sharp, in my first semester.
She said kids usually think they already succeeded in life when they managed to get into a prestigious university!
Oh, I didn't think of anything like.
I just had too much fun with my life. :D
Well, I don't. My dad even said to me, "are you even happy with the result?" LOL
It was also the first time since ever for me to really meet girls, so I guess you could imagine what happened. :-)
Of course I am happy, but I dream so high, maybe too high :) To be as overly happy as any of my new friends who succeeded in getting in Arts, I've gotta be a lot more than this. Sometimes I think I expect too much of myself.
I think you're gonna do just fine.
Ah, thank you.
You don't have to; I really think so.
Oh, and have you got any advice about university life?
Hmm... Have fun with it, but not too much. :-)
Also, I've heard that some rules was changed, but if it's possible, study your bulletin carefully right from the start.
In my faculty, they called our course planning book "bulletin".
Ah, I see.
I don't know what it's called here.
It's important to know which courses are required by which.
And, if you have enough time, join a club. It's a good way to get a good experience in life.
(Just don't let it keep your out of your goals.)
I think in Japan, they call these "clubs", circles.
I may join CU Pen Club. Seems interesting enough. I like writing :)
Good, good!
I joined the Hill Tribe Club.
Oh, interesting!
It is!
I learned a lot of things during the time I spent with the club.
I know how to light up ตะเกียงเจ้าพายุ too. Even repair it a bit. :D
Oh, Google Translate says ตะเกียงเจ้าพายุ ~ Hurricane Lamp. I think I shouldn't trust it this time. :-)
Maybe if I joined your club, I would have a chance to learn interesting languages. I just finished ใต้ฟ้าสีคราม (Under The Blue Sky) by สีฟ้า ('Blue') lately. Hmong's language seems interesting enough :o
Ahh... It led me to Kerosene Lamp page on Wikipedia.
@Fantasier Oh, yes, I learned a bit of Hmong, and Ahka.
Hmong is a beautiful language, imo.
You must find a chance to listen to the music of the hill.
It's really beautiful, under the night sky.
How romantic :)
It really was!
Oh, what a precious memory of mine!
Precious. My precious!
That's what poor Gollum used to say.
I talk Gollumses sometimeses.
I neither watch nor read Lord of the Rings.
Oh, you didn't!
Go find the DVDs. :-)
Oh, no, actually I did watch them, but I forgot them all.
When I was younger, I once tried to read the three books in Thai, but I don't like the language style. I almost fell asleep lol.
Same goes for Harry Potter. :o
:D its movie is better than the book
I still haven't watched the 2nd Hobbits movie yet. -- keep waiting, patiently...
I am not fan of Harry potter too.
I think it's possible to enjoy both the books and the movies.
I like short stories better. I cant read 2 books for only one story :)
whos talking harry potter?
Hmm, I'm not.
hi, dt, gt, fa ...
Hi :D
Harry Potter could be a good way to learn English.
@GATA you are missing a great deal :P
@DamkerngT. I guess so. My brother first English novel is HP The Order of Phoenix!
Hey, what are VCs?
After the book he rapidly got faster and faster at reading English
@AwalGarg Eh?
@AwalGarg In what context?
I guess VCs might be of help <-- In here, what is meant by VCs?
@Fantasier Good for him!
@AwalGarg Still no idea without expanded context :o
Google says it is verified carbon standard... there is nothing like that in my project
One tiny question. Would someone please tell me if it's OK to say: Both "who"s in this sentence are...
@AwalGarg Venture capital?
@DamkerngT. the context is my project :P
@GATA You mean the "who"s part? Then yes, I think.
@GATA I perhaps say things like that myself. :-)
@DamkerngT. u make sense, but I wonder why they would be of help
Thanks :)
ag, more VCs = more capital = more money to spend
No problem. :D
dt, I am not inventing a million dollar company, it is just a small project to help me earn a bit more pocket money :P
no need to even spend money, (yeah, the domain cost is there.. still)
Hope you're not doing SEO service. I hate those.
@DamkerngT. can it be something else?
@Fantasier haha, me too :P
I don't know the context, so this is my best guess.
Let's assume that they don't mean CVs.
For all I know, don't deal with people who talk of money more than the ongoing topic. You will never be happy!
Actually, I think it's the best to ask them what they mean.
They have a different timezone, they shall be in bed now.
@AwalGarg It will come down to money, sooner or later.
(I mean, for the startups.)
dt, are you employed or self employed or student?
@DamkerngT. only one of the above ^ three can say that thing :)
I was all of the above. I'm now a small business owner.
you manufacture English sentences?
lol -- It would be easier if I could make money just doing that. :D
You can, I will buy each of them for negative $10 :P
That's really kind of you. :P
ok, I buy this one, now you are in negative $10 balance. You owe me $10, it means. Give me my $10 NOW
I just bought three of your sentences. What should I do?
AG, don't use this method in your project :D
dt, My price is positive $10. Well, give me $40 then :P
GT, I swear, its NOT about money...
See, it's easy when it's virtual. :D
I am sure :)
Hmm, why is this room's id 7227?
why not 2772?
'Cause it's the 7227th room, I think.
Why is it the 7227th room, then?
dt, you are the room owner, you must know :D
Btw, people really use Harry Potter.
May 29 at 21:49, by Damkerng T.
user image
(Sorry about a wrong message.)
Twilight never dies!
I don't agree that teachers are normal people.
Oh, I like that A Thousand Years song.
I like the song.
And that's probably all I like about the film.
They are just a buggy version of Apple's Siri Voice assistant :P
@AwalGarg You confused me.
@DamkerngT. why?
its in the last part of the vampire movie series, I think
a part of it
It sounds like you suggested that teachers are lesser than Siri.
yep, I did...
Oh, that's harsh.
Well, what can Siri do that a teacher does?
@DamkerngT. My onion is no longer an inch from the ground. It's righted itself!
When you ask Siri - "Would you marry me?", she says "Its not in my license agreement." See, plain and clean answer. To the point. A teacher would rather give a big unwanted lecture to this...
Oh, it looks beautiful!
sb, please, grow another one for me and post it :)
@snailboat It's almost three feet tall, maybe!?
@AwalGarg Hmm, that doesn't answer my question. I asked, "can Siri do anything that a teacher does as a job?"
@DamkerngT. Onions turn out to be surprisingly tall.
Hmm... Why is everything in the US so big?
@AwalGarg Oh, what is strange about teachers?
I remember I've seen a giant pumpkin in one of my old books.
@DamkerngT. You forgot to invert
Really WOW. What kind of onion is it?
@Fantasier yep, I ask siri - "What is 2+2?" She says "4". I ask the same to my teacher, she sends me out of the class!
@snailboat ^
@snailboat I did! TYftC!
@GATA It is a white round onion bulb plant onion. I don't know anything about onions :-) But one started to sprout, so I put it in the ground and started to water it
sb, is the onion edible?
It was edible before I planted it.
@snailboat I guess it still is. :P
dt, ^ bad grammar edited to good grammar :P
Yeah, my fingers typed that on their own will.
2 mins ago, by Awal Garg
@Fantasier yep, I ask siri - "What is 2+2?" She says "4". I ask the same to my teacher, she sends me out of the class!
@snailboat It is beautiful I didn't expect it from the stinky onion. :D
@AwalGarg Hmm, I think Siri can't send you out of the class, so she can't do the job of a teacher.
^ am I not making sense?
I am not joking
@Fantasier why does anyone need to send me out of the class?
I am good inside it, FA
@AwalGarg Well, that's not the point. The point is the ability of Siri to do something a teacher can. And sending you out of the class is one of them; Siri can't do that.
@Fantasier you are right, siri can't (doesn't) do unnecessary things which waste time :P
@AwalGarg Well it's not wasting time, because sending you out of the class is the right choice to make if you don't know what 2+2 is. It'd take a long time to explain that to you, and that would definitely waste time (of the others in the class).
@Fantasier 2+2 was just an example. There are other real things :!
ok, let me justify
@AwalGarg Well, come up with the real things!
I asked my chemistry teacher, Why can't more than two electrons share an electron.
She replied, don't ask questions which won't help you earn marks!
I asked this to Siri, she Googled it, I got a nice Wiki link which cleared it for me.
Q: Do you use the phrase "that which" for the apposition?

243 The insect propagates best near "disturbed land," that which is being cultivated by humans. I saw this type of sentence. Do you use this kind of syntax. Would it be possible that it is colloquial? Some explain that "that" following "disturbed land," is the apposition and also the antecedent...

For further confirmation, I used another voice system to write the question on Chem.SE, I got a very nicely built answer!
I am happy now :)
What did the teacher do for me? - Nothing
Oh, it looks like reading it as an appositive is okay.
They teach :)
@DamkerngT. Yeah, to me.
It sounds rather like Thai than English to me. :P
That doesn't mean all teachers are like that.
@DamkerngT. more like Thai than English, you mean?
That doesn't mean all voice assistants are like that. I meant, in a more general form, tech is better (and not as well) than teachers in a lot of ways...
I'm not sure. I think what I feel is, it doesn't sound like English.
dt is trying to divert the topic, aren't you, dt?
@AwalGarg Have you used all techs in the world? Or have you met all teachers in the world? (Or at least, a lot of them)
(We have a similar construction in Thai. Instead of just plain which, we usually use two words that which, ที่ซึ่ง)
I have used techs accessible to ME. Similarly for teachers. Reality
I've had good and bad teachers.

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