I'd love to hear it and I'd love it to show up on the thread. Funny thing, if no one is around, say "funnier than hell" out loud. It's hard to do with a straight face! :)
I grew up in a big family. Accidentally walking in on others in embarrassing states of undress was a fairly common thing. My dad would brush it off and say, "If you've seen it before it doesn't matter; if you haven't seen it before you won't know what it is." That fits with swearing too, just replaced "seen" with "heard". :)
Hindi! Wow...I just had a conversation with someone (totally elsewhere) about translating a musical into Hindi. The idea made him laugh. I'll have to go back to "like" it, but I will :)
I know nothing about it except that it is very different from English. Hence the conversation that led to the Hindi's speaker's laughter about translating Les Miserables into Hindi.
I'd love to ask you to read the novel, but that's asking a lot. The damn thing is 3000 pages long and Hugo likes his tangents. Did you know that authors of his day (Dickens included) were paid by the word?
Are you speaking of the musical? Javert's last scene was fine but for a silly thing that fans of the stage musical would point out. He was true to the book.
Ah, that can explain why I think Javert's last scene is grand. He's a man who was true to his heart. And the conflict in his mind appeared to be too much to bear.
Yes. Another funny thing skipped in the musical (cause it would take too long to explain) is that Gavroche is also a child of the Thernardiers. He's Eponine's brother.
I'm not sure about this child, but I remember that there is a child during the battle scene that is really "stand out". He steals the scene. Perhaps, you mean this child.
Here's a little factoid. I had a mother that couldn't really take care of me. My father adopted me and we are very close to this day. I even had a wicked stepmother. I am Cosette.
Since she is a girl, she blends right in. I can't remember exactly, but she stays in the convent. ZHiding Valjean in a coffin is actually to get him out, so he can get in properly.
I bet you will have no problem. Just be sure to find an unabridged translation, then make sure that it's the Signet Classic. I'm pretty sure it would be the most common one to find (except for freebies, which are always the Hapgood)
Yeah. The original french is totally public domain.
That's a great place to say g'night! Have a good one and I'll cya later!