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I finally found the clip I used for practicing my listening back then. :)
I sleep up-side down suspended in a special bat-like harness.
4 hours later…
@Balamurugan Hello
4 hours later…
@balamurugan I added you to the access list for this room, so you can chat without 20 reputation :-)
Hi @snailboat
Hello! :-)
I found it! I found that Tom Cruise's sentence!
@DamkerngT. Hello :)
@snailboat Thank you very much for adding me in the chat room
@Balamurugan Hehe, no problem! :-)
I am Balamurugan from India. Currently working as a software developer.
@snailboat Where are you from ?
@Balamurugan I live in the US!
Oh That's great.
While watching English movies I can watch with or without subtitle ?
Oh, I just have finished answering another question.
Sorry, guys.
I didn't know that StoneyB was answering it too.
Oh, No problem @DamkerngT. You are welcome back.
My Firefox crashed again.
@Balamurugan That's up to you.
Would you find it difficult if you watched them without subtitles?
Yes some words I cannot able to understand meaning as well slang.
They are two separate problems.
Yes you are correct.
1. Not understand the meaning of certain words.
2. Not understand the slang of American English.
More often than not, when ESL learners say that he or she don't understand the movie because they don't know the words...
It usually turned out that...
they can't quite really catch what they heard.
I'm not sure if you understand what I mean.
But let's say, it's easy to find a video on YouTube, I think.
Or better, I think we can try NPR news... (I posted a few links earlier today.)
@Balamurugan Are you still there?
Yes I am searching for the older NPR news
Ah, that's good.
A: good talkshows for download

Damkerng T.You didn't give much background on your skill level and your specific needs (for example, do you need the transcript, do you prefer having native speakers pronounce words clearly, do you want any specific accents, do you need only sound or you prefer video clips, is online streaming enough or dow...

I have one more doubt I facing difficulty on reading your previous statement.
More often than not means what exactly?
= usually
One thing that's helped me with recognizing words in speech is having subtitles in the language I'm learning.
Oh, Thanks. Got it
Being able to read along and see what the words are, then watching again without the subtitles and testing how well I can hear them
Being willing to watch the same things a lot of times helps :-)
NPR is a great resource because they provide MP3, summary, and the transcript.
Oh, yes, or a transcript rather than subtitles
Transcript for a radio program is equivalent to subtitles for movies.
Along those lines, you can also read along with an audiobook
@snailboat Watching the movie with and without subtitle I think it will very helpful.
@Balamurugan One paper I read suggested the following study plan:
1. Watch once with subtitles in your own language.
2. Watch with subtitles in the language you're learning.
3. Watch without any subtitles.
I agree.
Oh In my mother tongue subtitle I think it's very difficult.
But 2 and Options I also agree.
* Sorry 2 and 3 options I also agree.
@Balamurugan You can edit your messages, if you want to.
Move the mouse to the place just before the first character of that line.
Oh, Just now I saw the option.
Of course, you can skip step 1. :-)
@snailboat Yes because it is very difficult to get subtitle in my own language.
@Balamurugan Ahh, I see
Yes :(
It's fortunate, though, that English is a language with a lot of subtitles (and transcripts and audiobooks) available
Yes I agree with you @snailboat.
@snailboat In my office If some one sent mail , I am not able to understand certain set of words. How can I correct it ?
You can ask that as a question in ELL.
@DamkerngT. Yes sure.
Another way is... buy a good dictionary.
Actually, if your office have Internet access, you can look up most words using Google.
@DamkerngT. For word I can either Google it or see in dictionary. But chain of words like "More often than not" == usually. What I can do it for this kind of situation ?
Dictionaries have entries for lexical items, which may consist of multiple words. If you can't understand the words by looking at them individually, try looking them up.
Learner's dictionaries especially tend to have common phrases, even when they can be understood from their constituent words
@snailboat That's great first time I am seeing we can see meaning for multiple words.
Many dictionaries list phrases like these under entries for individual words.
It's up to the people making the dictionary what exactly they should include, so different dictionaries include different things.
For that reason, a website that searches multiple dictionaries can be very useful.
Another good trick is: quote your search words
For example, instead of typing more often than not, you type "more often than not" in the search box, with quotes.
Google will lead you to many dictionaries.
@DamkerngT. I tried it was working like a charm. Thanks for your info.
@DamkerngT. I am happy today I learnt two new things.
np (no problem) --I guess you might already know it, but anyway...
@DamkerngT. You are available in chat room everyday ? If yes what are timings kindly let me know ?
Yes I know. :)
Office hours are posted on the door
Lately, I've been around here very often. (Perhaps, too often. :-)
Mostly, looking for hats. :)
@DamkerngT. We're tied again!
@snailboat Where is that One Hat Club link?
I think @Balamurugan can help us.
Q: "Oh The Horror" Hat Club

Ste41 people join in. Each person upvotes every answer, other than theirs, to this question. Once we have 41 answers and votes, I will systematically accept each answer in turn. 41 people get the "Oh the Horror" and "Marauder" hats. Easy. Note: as @Gilles has noted, we can't get the Marauder hat...

@snailboat Yeah!
I am searching but @snailboat pinged the link.
@Balamurugan You can help us (we're hunting for hats) by visiting that "Oh The Horror" link above, post an answer (anything would be fine), and click upvote to all the answers there.
I think we need about 10 more people. :)
Ok I will do that
@DamkerngT. Sorry I am not able to up vote because it need atleast 20 reputation as well as I am not able to answer the question it needs 5 reputation.
@Balamurugan Oh, don't worry! Hat Club is just a silly little thing :-)
Oh I forget that. That's fine. Don't worry. :)
@snailboat Are you still interested in where construct was from?
@DamkerngT. Sure, why not?
May I know what the "Hat Club" exactly means ?
I checked most of the PowerPoint I downloaded (I think most of them are Koehn's), and he always use construction, not construct.
@Balamurugan It's about Winter Bash.
@Balamurugan You have one hat already! The "Hello, World!" hat.
Just check your profile, and click on the "snowflake" icon.
But as @snailboat said, it's kinda silly. :)
But I love them, anyway.
Yes checked I got " Hello, World! " hat :)
@snailboat Here is one lecture slide I found that uses the term "Sentence Constructs" rather than "Sentence Constructions": cs.umanitoba.ca/~ckemke/4060-NLP/Notes/Sentence-Constructs.pdf
@snailboat Sentence Constructs it is a grammar ?
I think it is, but yesterday I learned that Sentence Construction(s) is the correct usage.
@Balamurugan It's not a common term, but in this context it means "ways that sentences are put together"
@Balamurugan Well then, welcome to Hat Club! :-)
@snailboat You can give Balamuruga a chatty hat, I think.
@DamkerngT. Well, I don't mean to say that construct is incorrect. Use of the term construct doesn't imply anything contrary to fact
And you'll find in linguistics that people use a lot of different terms to describe the same things.
(Not just in linguistics!)
Thanks @snailboat. :-)
@Balamurugan Slang is difficult.
Earlier today, I reviewed some theses and papers I've downloaded, and I was surprised that all of them use the word construction not construct.
Remember that native speakers don't always understand slang either. A lot of the time the meaning conveyed by slang is understood by context, because new slangs words and phrases are created all the time, while old ones are forgotten
So I believe that I must read it (construct) from somewhere else, and maybe I should better use construction, just as in those theses.
@DamkerngT. Yes, that's been my experience as well
I always use construction, I think
But the paper in the link I posted above explicitly uses the word construct. I don't know how widespread it is.
@DamkerngT. I would call those slides rather than a paper
Subcategorization may be a hint. That term implies a certain approach to linguistics
I have all kinds of them, theses, papers, and slides.
I have no problem referring to a thesis as a paper, because it's a thesis paper.
@snailboat So instead of trying to understand the slang first I am trying to understand the words. It is fine ?
I usually use papers when I want to refer to those published in IEEE or JASA or some journals. Usually most of them are about 10-20 pages. Most theses will be much longer. But I think I can call a thesis a paper too.
@Balamurugan I think what you might want to learn are idioms.
@DamkerngT. I use the term paper without regard to whether or not it's been published
Ah, okay.
Many papers are published in some capacity without passing peer review, for example on arxiv
@DamkerngT. I started to studying idioms.
@Balamurugan Okay, you have a "chatty, chatty" hat now! :-)
Oh is it I am checking now....
If you look at the hats on your profile, you can "wear" them, and they'll show up on your avatar (which is currently a green square).
When the system catches up, they should appear in chat, too.
@Balamurugan It's up to you what you want to learn first. Many people recommend that learners focus on standard English
I weared it.
@snailboat Yes, I've read some nice papers there too. (Usually I called them articles. Maybe I misused the term.)
clap clap clap!
@DamkerngT. I suppose you could ask a question about the difference between papers and articles.
In the case of papers on arxiv, you could probably refer to them as preprints.
Great idea! I will keep that for tomorrow.
Although I usually don't say preprint unless I have some expectation that a paper will eventually be published in a formal capacity
Because I think it has that implication, and many "preprints" are never "printed"
These papers (and articles, theses, slides, and some e-books) make me think that I should have bought iPad 64 GB instead of 32 GB.
I have to delete too many things I would like to carry around in my iPad.
I have a 64GB iPhone.
A surprisingly large portion of it is taken up by pictures of my pet snails.
How many of them?
Just three!
I'm not sure how big they are.
This snail is about the length of my pinky finger.
Oh! iPhone has macro lens too?
@snailboat What are the food you given to this snails ?
She looks quite healthy. :)
@Balamurugan Oh, they like veggies! (That's an informal form of "vegetables".) Especially lettuce and carrots
I also give them something called cuttlebone, which gives them calcium for their shells.
Oh, That's good.
I have a baby snail, too! :-)
How many babies are there ?
A cute little thing! :)
Oh, I only have one baby snail.
It start's showing up my avatar with "Weared cat" :)
I've never thought that we can have snails as a pet.
Me too
@Balamurugan I especially like this chatty cat hat.
Some people think it's weird, but I think they're cute :-) I like watching snails.
But today is an exception.
I think pet snails are popular in the UK lately. I live in the US, though.
@DamkerngT. You are from which place ?
Lucky snails.
@Balamurugan I live in Bangkok.
I'm Thai.
Oh, That's great. Nice tourist place.
Yup, I believe we're voted as one in the top-three from tourists around the world.
I'm not sure if Thailand is #1 on the chart.
I can't remember which chart.
But there are a lot of places I'm sure you can enjoy your visit in Thailand.
@snailboat How fast do they grow?
Say, from a baby one to a big one.
I know some places there but not yet visited. In future I will visit.
@DamkerngT. The baby is about a month old now.
I have one cat.
I'm not a photo guy, so no photo, sorry.
But he was so cute when he was little. Now he is a fat cat.
What it's name ?
A silly fat cat. :)
Hagu means any meaning beyond that ?
It just something sound Japanese I invented up the minute a vet asked for his name.
Hehe, in Japanese it can mean "hug"! :-)
Perhaps that's the reason!
I think he think he is the owner of my house. LOL
I like taking photos since I got my phone. I don't have a real camera
It doesn't have a macro lens, so I do my best! :-)
It's a surprisingly good camera for a phone.
I'm sure that iPhone's camera must be way better than iPad's.
I can't practically take any photo with my iPad.
It will be so blurry.
Very blurrry...
I've gotten a few cameras over the years...
Perhaps because I can't keep my hands still enough.
My first digital camera was a relatively cheap Olympus camera I bought around 2001 or so (I think)
@DamkerngT. Now the Thailand time morning 1'o Clock right ?
It sadly died.
Later I got a video camera that uses Mini-DV cassettes, which I still have, but I sadly broke one of the pins on it so I can't hook it up to my computer anymore :-(
@Balamurugan I usually go to bed around 4 or 5 am.
@DamkerngT. Then morning you wake up at which time ?
In theory I could fix it, but the iPhone does take much higher resolution videos.
@snailboat iPhone is great indeed. I couldn't believe it when one of my friends showed his videos to me.
@Balamurugan Depends. But usually around 11 to 12.
@DamkerngT. Then work ?
I have a couple of guys doing some maintenance work for me. :)
Good thing when you're a boss.
But the contract will end next year.
So, actually I'm looking for a new direction for my small business.
I expect it to be language related.
Oh, I thought you are working in some office. That's why I asked the question.
Advance congrats for your new small business.
Thanks. :)
@DamkerngT. Being fluent in English is a pretty useful skill where you are, isn't it?
Of course.
Language related means English or your own language.
Even with my not very fluent English, I still got many good opportunities through all these years.
@Balamurugan I'm actually thinking about having some website or some app for English learning.
@DamkerngT. Ah, well, from chatting with you one would get the idea that you're already fluent :-)
(Don't tell anyone ;)
Yes I agree with @snailboat.
@snailboat You remember what I told you about my (miracle) three weeks.
@snailboat You are working for a company or business ?
@Balamurugan Nope! Not at the moment :-)
I was for most of the last decade.
Right now I have a bunch of time to work on my own projects :-)
@snailboat Own project means related to computer science ?
Oh, do I seem like the technical type?
Not sure may be.
Christmas celebration is started over there @DamkerngT. ?
@Balamurugan You should know, we Thai people enjoy every holiday!
Even Boxing Day?
Really ?
New Year we celebrate. Thai New Year we celebrate. Chinese New Year we celebrate. Christmas we celebrate. I'm sure some of us will enjoy Christmas so much that they will celebrate Boxing Day too. :)
I'm quite sure that we are in the top rank on the number of official holidays per year.
We have 20 holidays in 2014.
(I just checked with some authoritative source.)
What is Magha puja and Asalha Puja related to ?
Oh! The spellings are a little unusual. We are usually used to Makha Bucha and Asanha Bucha.
But they're Buddhism related.
Perhaps you might already know them.
Oh, I thought in India we called some of our festival ending with puja ex: ayuda puja. That's why I asked.
Makha Bucha is on the 3rd full moon, and Asalha Puja is on the 8th full moon.
I'm sure I know many Indian words.
@snailboat, @DamkerngT. It is already 12'o clock time to bed. I am very happy with chatting with you . Thanks for your help. See you tomorrow.
@Balamurugan Rest well!
Thai borrowed a huge set of words from Bali and Sanskrit.
Sleep tight!
Japanese has a subset of words derived from Sanskrit as well.
They are quite far from each other.
Well, Buddhism made its way to Japan
Perhaps through Buddhism.
Yes :-)
Ah, I bet you know this story about the monkey king.
You reminded me of the Japanese maka, which is from Sanskrit maha
maha = great
Yes, Sun Wukong (孫悟空)
I'm not sure about the root of Makha here. Thai Wikipedia transliterates the word to Magha Puja.
I think it's unrelated, but I was reminded of it because it was so close
So I wondered for a moment
relieve our thirst with multicolored. means?
@IceGirl Nothing
why nothing?
relieve our thirst = well... (I can't think of simpler words)
We do have a few words in English derived from Sanskrit, though only a few directly
Like karma, for example
@IceGirl Because with multicolored is nonsense
In Thai, it's kam.
On the other hand, relieve our thirst with multicolored, flavored soft drinks has meaning.
@DamkerngT. i don't ask you
Why is that? I just tried to help.
Here, it's relieve our thirst with [ soft drinks ]. And soft drinks is a noun meaning "non-alcoholic beverages", in particular soda. And here the coordination of adjectives multicolored, flavored modifies that noun.
@IceGirl when you are thirsty, you drink stuff that are not natural
Was there anything I did that offend you?
But no, relieve our thirst with multicolored is nonsense.
@DamkerngT. because you are really proud.
History is repeating itself :-)
Hmm... Okay
@IceGirl I am here, you can ask me
@Charlie i just ask Charlie
@DamkerngT. A few days ago Ice Girl told badass that was "proud"
I don't really know what it meant in either case.
@snailboat Badass, proud?
Why is that?
Certainly you don't seem overproud to me.
badass not proud actually
@snailboat Thanks
@IceGirl If I did something offend you, then I'm sorry.
I really have no idea.
@DamkerngT. We do have that maha in English, too, in Maharaja "great king"
@DamkerngT. no problem my friend
@snailboat We have maharacha too, with the same meaning.
And everyone is familiar with Mahatma because of Mahatma Gandhi
@Charlie being aware of it means?
@IceGirl If you'd like to ask properly, you can say: What does "being aware of it" mean?
@IceGirl what?
we associate these foods,often without being aware of it,with the highly pleasurable experiences depicted in the advertisements used to promote their sale.
@IceGirl ah, we eat those food because we feel good eating it, even if we know it's not good to our body
2 days ago, by Damkerng T.
But you understand it, right? Try to say it in your own words.
@IceGirl Was it because of this line?
Maybe it's a case of "lost in translation".
I type this first: But you understand it, right?
Then you typed: little
Then I typed: Try to say it in your own words.
Then you typed: ok
And then I waited for, I'm not sure, maybe 5-10 minutes
And you're gone.
I'm thinking that line "Try to say it in your own words." can be easily misinterpreted.
What I meant was "Try to say it in your own words, first" to check your understanding.
dear, if i know that i didn't ask ok?
Ah, so this is it.
@IceGirl Incidentally, calling people dear in these contexts might be inappropriate.
@Charlie your answers are really helpful for me and it's clearly
@snailboat I'm really sorry
@IceGirl good good
@IceGirl Don't worry. I wasn't offended. You don't need to apologize for anything to me.
@Charlie people turn from grumpiness to euphoria after crunching a corn chip.
@snailboat but sounds seems censure
@IceGirl if people are feeling not very good, they eat those food and feel much better
@IceGirl Well, you weren't calling me dear, so I have no reason to make a judgment one way or the other. I'm just trying to be helpful by giving you an English language tip.
@snailboat ok. thank you so much
@Charlie Others water ski into the sunset with their loved ones while drinking a popular soft drink.
These are amusing mental images
@IceGirl is "water" right?
People entertain on the patio with friends, cook over campfires without mosquitoes, or go to carnivals with granddad munching away at the latest candy or snack food.
@Charlie yes
@IceGirl ah okay sorry
can you paraphrase it
@IceGirl they have fun with water games with people they love, drinking
People entertain on the patio with friends, cook over campfires without mosquitoes, or go to carnivals with granddad munching away at the latest candy or snack food.
@IceGirl people go out, wiith friends, eating those foods
The people portrayed in these scenarios are all healthy, vigorous, and good looking.
@IceGirl the people who do all those stuff you wrote so far are healthy
but if they eat those not good food
they should be fat
one wonders how popular the food they convince us to eat would be if they would crunch or drink away while complaining about low back pain or clogged sinuses.
@IceGirl that food would not be so popular if people who eat it saw the problems it causes in reality
@Charlie clogged sinuses means?
@Charlie Charlie????????????
@Charlie thank you so much goodbye

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