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Hi @user62015!
You're here already. Is it okay if I will leave the other chat room?
I am here.
I appreciate your help.
So should I send you some text so you can judge me?
You can paste your text here. (Given that it's not very long.)
Sure. I understand.
Please give me a moment.
Thanks for waiting.
Do you find anything wrong in the paragraph. I am not asking for the answer as I already got. I want you to check my writing skills and grammar.
Here we go:
Please take your time.
Umm... I can't see the paragraph. Have you pasted it already?
Pasting it again
I have been learning English for a few months. I have never seen "on" preposition before the night during my English journey till the morning, but when I was reading a novel and the writer of the novel used "on" before the night, I got confused and came up here to get some help on it. I understand when we use "at" and "in" prepositions before the night. Let me tell (with the help of examples) you what I understand by "at" and "in".
Perhaps, the preposition "on"
And "how I understand at and in"
And "Let me tell you (with the help of examples)"
I am not asking about preposition.
Please check my writing skills and grammar.
You said that already.
I understood now.
You are providing me feedback.
We are on the same page.
I think "before the night during my English journey till the morning" sounds odd.
I don't understand "the night during my English journey till the morning"
Since I don't understand it, I can't offer a correction
Me neither.
@DamkerngT. You neithered!
@snailboat Indeed!
I feel betrayed.
Oh, I see.
I use both, remember? :-)
I'm on team either. :-)
You're ambipolar!
I can't predict myself when I use which. -- Oh, no!
I always use me neither (when I do, that is)
How British!
I think the more formality I feel, the better chance I will use neither.
So, rest are fine?
Actually, using the prescribed me neither seems rather typical of ELLs.
@DamkerngT. I would never say me neither in a formal situation.
I would more likely use a complete sentence
"Nor do I" is also a fancy formal option, though it's mostly abandoned these days.
@snailboat I mean, semi-formal. :-)
@DamkerngT. Semi-formal: "Neither would I." etc.
@user62015 Ahh, I think I finally can guess what you meant.
But "me neither" just isn't part of my idiolect.
I do know Americans who say it, though.
> I have never seen the preposition "on" being used before the word "night" during my English journey till this morning, ...
I think till is fine too, though I usually use until.
Oh! I get it. "My English journey" is a metaphor for the time you've spent learning English so far
@snailboat Yes, You made the point here.
@DamkerngT. Yes.
@snailboat Yes, you made the point here*.
> ..., I got confused and came up here to get some help on it.
I personally would say this,
> ..., I got confused and came here to get some help about it.
came up here?
"I've been learning English for a few months now. While reading a novel this morning, I came across the preposition on used before the night. I had never seen this before, and it confused me, so I came here to ask for help.
"I understand at the night and in the night, but not on the night. Let me give you a couple examples to illustrate how I understand at and in right now."
I'd probably use come instead.
I keep forgetting how to do strikethrough text -_-" Yay
Something like that?
@DamkerngT. Don't say some helps.
True. Thanks.
@DamkerngT. So, does it (I got confused and came up here to get some help on it.) sound incorrect?
@snailboat Can I upvote your version? :-)
I wouldn't use came up here. (Came up means something else.)
@user62015 Your paragraph was confusing because you put quotes around the prepositions, but you didn't put quotes around "the night". So I didn't understand when you wrote before the night
In my version, I used italics to indicate words and phrases I mentioned. Quotes would be okay, too.
This is called the Use-Mention Distinction.
It helps us understand which words are used, and which words are mentioned.
Got to go out for a while. (@user62015 You are in good hands now. Don't worry.) BBL
@snailboat A good point. So, I should have written this (I have never seen the preposition "on before the night" during my English journey till the morning.)?
@DamkerngT. I appreciate a lot.
@DamkerngT. You are completely right. I am completely in safe hands.
@user62015 No:
> I have never seen the preposition "on" before "the night" ...
@snailboat Oh!
@snailboat You are right.
I understood the point.
@snailboat Do you also see grammar mistakes in sentences?
Or they are making sense?
I think I've commented on everything I wanted to comment on already.
You did that!
I appreciate and very thankful to you.
@snailboat I have been working hard to improve my English.
@user62015 Oh! Hooray! :-)
Welcome to ELL chat!
@snailboat Could I ask you something?
I appreciate your help.
I have to leave now.
Thank you so much.
Take care.
See ya!
I participated in ELL a bunch today!
@ParthKohli Hi!
@snailboat Yay! It's good to see a bunch of your answers again.
@DamkerngT. Hello! Is everything fine over there?
Yep. It seems so, according to their ticker.
Q: Is it "a big guy for you" or "extremely painful for you"?

Zhanlong Zheng BANE: No one cared who I was until I put on the mask. CIA: If I pull that off would you die. BANE: It would be extremely painful…. CIA: You’re a big guy! BANE: For you! --The Dark Knight Rises I wonder what Bane tries to mean here. Is it "a big guy for you" or "extr...

I can't recall this scene.
I haven't even watched the movie.
I think it's "It would be extremely painful... for you!" The latter part is meant to be a twist.
nods -- I guess that is how the script works.
Yeah, I answered that question. And another.
Last-minute answerings. :-)
@Fantasier I think "room for improvement" sounds better than "rooms for improvement".
@DamkerngT. Oh right.
Rooms for improvement are the rooms in a house that you use for improvement.
Edited. Thanks :-)
I think, "I went there happy." is possible, though not very common.
"I went there happy. I came back sad."
Progress report is coming up...
I hope it's okay!
It looks like all the popsicle stands were blown, peacefully. :-)
The old government made like a tree, and left peacefully?
Yup. ;-)
Along with all other gatherings.
What do you guys do for a living?
Just trying to get ideas...
I used to be a programmer.
@DamkerngT. What are you now?
@snailboat For the future. I'm just a student at the moment.
A small business owner.
I'm going to be a freshman in a university this August. :)
@ParthKohli I started work as a web dev out of high school around the time of the dot com boom.
@Fantasier I hope you're not talking about high school freshmen. lol
@ParthKohli I edited. >_>
Nah, I know you're talking about your uni. Just a little joke.
Linguistics is sort of a hobby. :-)
It's fun!
@snailboat What do you work on now?
Ah, I want to keep that compartmentalized :-)
I like talking to people about language 'round these parts.
Oh, sorry for that then.
If I tell everyone who I am, then people will follow me around from place to place!
@snailboat I wouldn't do that, but yes: it's a good idea to be safe.
Oh, no, not you. And not most people. I'm just a snailboat, after all.
But I've learned that there are just a few people out there who make worlds colliding regrettable. So, compartmentalization.
I'm still really excited to have my own copy of the Martin 1975 Reference Grammar of Japanese. I'm going to go spend some more quality time with my nose in that particular book now :-)
@snailboat Haha, couldn't agree with that more.
After all, I'm s'posed to be specializing in Japanese, not English! ;-)
(Although I have a minor specialization in adding smileys to over 50% of my messages online.)
I think you're supposed to be both. :D
@snailboat I'm not familiar with that expression!
@snailboat Oh, it's the other way round for me! (Web dev as a hobby. Linguistics, well, is gonna be a serious thingy soon)
@DamkerngT. Just assume that every other phrase I use, I misuse.
still trying to imagine 'spending time with one's nose in a book'...
Oh, I just found out that Macmillan doesn't include rowel in their dict.
@DamkerngT. What's this I hear about a coup and martial law in your neck of the woods?
Martial law was yesterday. Now it's a coup.
Up to now, it's looked peacefully enough.
Btw, I'm glad to see you again!
How are you?
Martial law is lifted? That's good. Thanks, the Seasoned Advice board has been enough lately to keep me out of trouble.
Who are they trying to depose?
I think martial law is unnecessary anymore, because what we have is a coup d'etat.
...which includes Martial Law.
I'm not sure which laws we're having.
I think the 3rd announcement said Martial Law is in effect. (Not sure about which one)
According to one announcement, I think Part 2 of the Constitution is still in effect.
I see a mention on the starred comment list that implies that this isn't a big scary deal?
It wasn't.
The last two announcements made me a little worry.
Wait and see.
Coups in Thailand haven't been so scary for ages, I think.
Actually, they could be. :-)
Well, ages may be too exaggerated.
We don't have them here, so it sounds scary to me.
The last one wasn't very scary, iirc.
The last one was in 2006, I believe?
It is an unfortunate cycle.
This is the fifth of mine.
Oh it's the second announcement that is about Martial Law.
It's the second of mine.
I see.
I felt a little uncomfortable when they started to list names, but I think deep down I knew that it'd happen any way.
There were signs...
Maybe it is for the best?
The country is so polarised—or at least its politics.
I don't know if it will really turn out the best, but I can still hope, I think.
@Cerberus That's true.
Well, we've tried this method before....
The situation was not looking good before the coup, was it?
@Cerberus Not at all.
I mean, it's kinda like a stalemate.
It still looks rather good, so far.
Hi guys :D
What does filthy casual mean?
Yay. There are a lot of people! Hello!
filthy as an intensifier?
@DamkerngT. Its PK's status.
@skullpatrol Can you make a sentence for ( incorporated)? please simple
@Fantasier Hmm..maybe.
@Sawarnik Aren't you him?
Nah :D
Oh! You both look the same. :-)
(What's happened with the stylesheet of Urban Dict?)
(I should be a little more careful with my writing in here. :-)
@DamkerngT. I have been stealing his avatars :D
@skullpatrol What prompted him to buy that suit? right or wrong?
@Sawarnik Oh, nice!
@IceGirl The engineers were incorporated into the company.
This is confusing lol.
@IceGirl right
@DamkerngT. Are you a robot?
Yes. To be specific, my specialty is mopping.
mopping the floor, da dih dah...
@skullpatrol a sentence for (as a consequence)
@Sawarnik You can call me Robomop.
@DamkerngT. A talking robot can be much more useful! How much do you cost?
@skullpatrol and (owing to)
@IceGirl Think about the consequence of that action.
@skullpatrol (as a consequence)
@Sawarnik Last time I checked, 10m dollars.
Could I get a little discount?
@IceGirl As a consequence of your behavior you will not be allowed to go.
@DamkerngT. Hmm..that's very cheap for such an intelligent robot. You must have some manufacturing defects .. hmm.
@skullpatrol :(
@Fantasier Of course, I can give you a one-dollar discount. @Sawarnik Hehe.
@IceGirl ?
@skullpatrol nothing. just kidding
@DamkerngT. Are you allowed to fix your own price?
@skullpatrol (owing to)
@Sawarnik One is capable of self-maintenance, Sir.
@IceGirl I couldn't attend, owing to illness.
@IceGirl use google-fu :-)
@DamkerngT. And if you are so cheap why hasn't the NSA and blahs bought you already .. this seems very fishy.
@skullpatrol np :)
@skullpatrol technicality
@Sawarnik I'm a secret product. This is a beta test, sir.
@Sawarnik He was actually born in the NSA lab. Later the NSA couldn't control him and he betrayed them. Now he's living in disguise :-)
I could write a novel. LOL
@DamkerngT. If you are a secret product, what are you doing on the internet. The NSA is watching you!
@Fantasier Your conjecture is quite close to the truth. :-)
@IceGirl he has great expertise in the technicalities of the game
@skullpatrol expertise? what does it mean?
@IceGirl someone who is an expert has expertise
their convictions were overturned on a technicality
@Fantasier Hmm...this seems faulty. If he's living in disguise, he just revealed his identity! The NSA won't leave him now.
@Sawarnik The least expected place is in the public, sir.
@Sawarnik Oh my. This is all because of my big mouth!
This is not good; now my secret is out.
@skullpatrol (pragmatic)
It might be better to turn into WALL-E instead.
@DamkerngT. Are you from Thailand?
dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations.
"a pragmatic approach to politics"
synonyms: practical, matter-of-fact, sensible, down-to-earth, commonsensical, businesslike, having both/one's feet on the ground, hardheaded, no-nonsense.
@Sawarnik Yes, sir.
And @Fantasier too?
Something's happening in your country now.
And we planned to conquer this site :)
Oh I see.^
Let me read a detailed news report now.
That's actually my forth directive.
It's 2 am here. Since I'm not a robot like Damkerng, I'd better go to bed.
See you later everybody :-)
@Fantasier Ah, sleep well!
Bye :)
Tomorrow may give some unexpected developments!
That's quite possible.
Well, we're secretly developing Autobots here in Thailand. Expect the unexpected.
OK, I really need to go before I go fantasiest.
Hmm, the key coup conditions seems quite dangerous.
I take it that you're reading BBC News.
@DamkerngT. Yeup!
In that case, what you see on the TVs in that news is exactly what I can see on my TV at the moment. :-)
@DamkerngT. I thought they had shut off the TVs (but left the internet? very odd).
Yeah. That's quite true.
I'm glad that internet connections can still work.
I think the Internet is too important to us nowadays.
National Peace and Order Maintaining Council. Such a peaceful name means obviously the opposite.
It's peaceful enough, up until now.
What is it like to be in a curfew? Are you allowed to go to hospitals in emergency?
They allow such exceptions.
So, things still quite make sense.
Even sometimes at the shoot at sight orders?
I'm sure they wouldn't want to do that, unless it's really necessary.
@DamkerngT. I have seen that line in India sometimes recently. In times of communal violence, which comes fairly regularly.
According to my own experience, a coup can get downhill easily if they treat people badly.
Oh. That means the coups happen regularly there?
And, it seems like they do this for people, so I think what you suggested is unlikely.
I think on average, we have one every 8-10 years.
Oh! And yet the army doesn't rule? Odd.
Yeah. We are unique in a way. :-)
Do you think there is any chance that this time it will form a govt?
I can't say for certain, but yes that is possible too, though it's unlikely.
Oh nice. Rarely are the armies so sensible. Take the case of Pakistan for example.
Ah, I saw that on the news too.
(Of course, now my news channels are gone.)
chat will shortly be unavailable for maintenance reasons; this should only last a matter of minutes
Ah, looks like chat will not be available soon. I think this is an SE thing.
Anyway, have a nice day, everyone!
Thank god India has a stable democracy. Its better than coups every decade anyhow.
later pal
@DamkerngT. Bye :)
@DamkerngT. Hello.
It is me this time, not the impostor.
Ah, the chat is working again!
@ParthKohli You got cloned. :)

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