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@DavidVogel Was there a scenario where you saw that the lack of a specific programming skill caused a problem? For example not knowing that four spaces make a proper indent in python, and accidentally readjusting then in code examples can quite happily ruin an engineer day
@LeftyGBalogh Yes, that is a good example. Certainly if you don't have a basic understanding of the language you could completely screw something up (such as mangling the indentation of a indentation-dependent language like Python)
Maybe you could approach the question from this angle...
I just upped the "cheap, easy tools for learning DITA" - I think it is not that terrible considering that cheap and easy for beginners DITA is not.
Has this beta been promoted to the usual suspects - tekom, tech-whirl, istc, ist, etc. etc.?
@Michael Yeah I voted to reopen too.
@Michael I'm not sure what you're asking
@Michael Ah, I see... For the private beta, I have posted to the WTD Slack channel and the LinkedIn STC page. Unfortunately, for private beta you need a person't email address to invite them. Any help in spreading the word and inviting people would be much appreciated! I think this site would be an invaluable resource to the tech comm field. But it will only succeed if there are a lot of people participating.
3 hours later…
@DavidVogel can the email invite be sent to a group, or is it somehow locked to one address? I'm happy to invite STC folks I know in my area, as well as my colleagues. If it has to be a direct email, I can try to find some point people who I think would spread the word in their orgs.
@Michael Thanks Michael :)
I'm not actually sure. I've only tried individual emails. I assume if you send to a distribution list it would work. You can see the email form at the right of the main page (techcomm.stackexchange.com)
And thanks for spreading the word!
I'll play around with it sending it to myself, and then see if I can get permission to send to the local STC distro :)
@topicref Thanks!
@DavidVogel You don't need that
You can just hand out the Area51 link
Anyone can join from there
Technical Communicationtechcomm.stackexchange.com

Beta Q&A site for technical writers, content developers, engineers, scientists, and other professionals involved in the process of creating assets for documentation, education, and presentations of technical subjects.

Currently in private beta.

Anyone can get into private beta via that detour
@Helmar OK, great!
@Helmar Aha! even easier. Thanks :)

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